
Back at the City Lord’s Mansion, Yu Meng was the first to rush out.

When she saw Ji Yan, she suddenly froze on the spot.

Surprised and delighted, his eyes gradually turned red.

“Gong, Gongzi?”

When Ji Yan saw Yu Meng, he also rarely smiled and nodded.

“Gongzi, you, you’re finally back…” The

person who was thinking about it suddenly appeared, as if in a dream.

Yu Meng didn’t know for a while, and his hands didn’t know where to put them.

I don’t know what expression to use on my face, I don’t know if I laugh first or cry first.

Lu Shaoqing whispered to Ji Yan, “Do you want to give her a hug?” ”

People have been waiting for a long time.”


Wuqiu’s sword was unsheathed, and Ji Yan was murderous.

“Marde, can’t afford to play?” Lu Shaoqing scolded.

Then said to Yu Meng, “Little girl, what’s wrong?” Only him in the eyes, no me?

“Here, give him a hug.”

Yu Meng wanted to do so, but where would he dare under the public.

With a red face, she hurriedly lowered her head and saluted Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu!”

Lu Shaoqing looked at the two sisters Yu Ling and Yu Meng.

Yu Meng is half a head taller than Yu Ling.

However, in terms of temperament, anyone can tell at a glance that Yu Ling is the sister.

Seeing this, Kui Wei smiled slightly.

Everyone can see that the two sisters Yu Ling and Yu Meng are different from Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

He laughed, “I won’t disturb the gathering of a few people.”

“I’ll go back first, and I’ll come back in a few days.”

Kui bowed his hand and left here.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Old fox.”

Sycamore sighed, “Being able to be the leader of the anti-holy army will not be a fuel-saving lamp.”

“Over the years, the two little girls have had a hard time, right?”

Speaking of Kui, Yu Meng couldn’t care about immersing herself in the joy of meeting each other, she wrinkled her nose and snorted, “Obviously my sister is the city lord, sometimes it seems that he is the city lord.” ”

Kui Wei is the period of merging, and his strength is much stronger than Yu Ling and Yu Meng.

Strength determines the volume of speech.

Whoever is strong can control the right to speak.

Kui Wei made a request, and Yu Ling sometimes did not dare to refute it easily.

Everyone is an ally, and they can only endure being taken advantage of.

Xiao Yi huffed, “Abominable old man, it’s too bad. Xiao

Yi, who was already dissatisfied because Kui had persuaded Lu Shaoqing to go to the Holy Land to make trouble, was even more dissatisfied.

“Second Senior Brother, teach him a lesson!”

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “What lesson?”

“People are old-timers, what’s wrong with relying on the old to sell the old to take advantage of the old?”

Xiao Yi was scolded and pouted, wondering in his heart, is the second senior brother going to eat this loss?

No, I was obviously very good to Sister Yu Ling before.

Could it be?

Xiao Yi’s gaze roamed back and forth on Zhuge Xun and Yu Ling.

Guess in my heart.

The new person is better than the old, the second senior brother empathizes with other love, likes the new and dislikes the old?

Second senior brother of the scumbag!

When Xiao Yi despised this, Lu Shaoqing asked Yu Ling, “Can I go now?”

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Yu Ling and Yu Meng were stunned.

“Where to?”

“Take you on a tour, the Hidden Family, have you heard of it?”

“Do you want to meet the world?”

Zhuge Xun next to him was hesitant in his heart, this bastard really went towards the hidden family.

She gritted her teeth and shouted angrily, “You are not welcome in my house.” ”

Two merging periods, ah, and it’s still the kind of strong and terrifying, able to merge with the Mahayana wrench wristband.

Went to her house, is her home still safe?

Zhuge Xun kept greeting Luo Cang in his heart at this time.

Aren’t people as big as the Mahayana period also sensible?

Reveal other people’s addresses casually and leak other people’s privacy.

“Are you the head of the household?” Lu Shaoqing despised, “Children don’t make decisions for adults.

“You are not welcome, you know so that your adults are not welcome?”

“I went to your house, you were in a hurry, and I didn’t let you lead the way.”

Zhuge Xun is angry, that’s my home, can I not be in a hurry?

You bastard goes, the hidden family may be finished.


Lu Shaoqing said a few words to Zhuge Xun, then turned to Yu Lingdao, “Can’t you go?”

“If you go, leave now, if you can’t bear it, then forget it.”

“Go!” Yu Ling has no nonsense.

The position of city lord is not worth cherishing for her.

Before becoming a city lord, it was just to earn some resources for himself and his sister to improve their strength.

Now that it has reached the refining period, there is not much point in staying here.

If it weren’t for waiting for Lu Shaoqing, she wouldn’t want to be angry here.

Yu Ling is very decisive, just do what she says, the two sisters don’t have much luggage, and they can go on a trip at any time.

Yu Ling took out the city lord’s jade seal and wanted to remove the mark on it.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped, “Oh, what’s the hurry, do things well so that others don’t laugh.”

Yu Ling’s purple eyes flashed with doubtful gaze and looked at Lu Shaoqing.

“Spirit stone, take away all the resources, and stay here to cheapen others?”


Yu Ling once again felt the urge to vomit blood.

This bastard guy is still the same as always.

“Take it, take it all!”

“Don’t leave half a spirit stone.”

Everyone was speechless, who said it just now so as not to laugh at others?

However, there are not many families here in Yongning City, and there are only a million spirit stones, and other resources are not as many as Lu Shaoqing’s storage ring.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, he couldn’t look at a million spirit stones.

“Let’s go!”

Yu Ling erased the mark on the city lord’s jade seal, and then threw the jade seal here in the city lord’s mansion at will.

Just go, Lu Shaoqing and they didn’t even drink a cup of tea.

Lu Shaoqing and his group came to the teleportation array, and Yu Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile, “Which is the nearest city?” ”


When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he immediately clapped, “Just go to Zhennan City!”

Xiao Yi asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, what are you doing in Zhennan City?” ”

Any acquaintances?”

Yu Ling was also curious, but Lu Shaoqing did not speak.

After coming to Zhennan City with everyone, Lu Shaoqing rushed up into the sky and directly rushed to the City Lord’s Mansion.

The voice rolled like thunder, resounding in the south city of the town, “The anti-holy army of Yongning City is here, robbery, and the spirit stones are all handed over…”

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