With a flash of white light, Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan stepped out of the teleportation array.

After coming out of the building, we came to a street.

There are people coming and going.

If it was the first time someone else came here, they would have thought that this would be another city on the Cold Star.

Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan did not stay too much, and directly took off into the air and went straight to the distance.

Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan flew for half a day and came to their destination.

A gate made of tall stone pillars with two large characters written on it.

Zhuge !


Someone shouted loudly, and several young cultivators rushed out from both sides.

“It’s me!”

Zhuge Lu shouted, did not stop for a moment, and took Zichechuan directly through the gate and went inside.

Although Zhuge Lu is a side branch, his identity is much higher than that of these guarding disciples.

Many disciples did not dare to stop it, but got better one after another.

“Strange, didn’t it take long to go out?”

“yes, how did you come back so soon?”

“Did something big happen outside?”

“Forget it, these things can’t be mixed with our turn, and they are scattered…”

Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan came to the family, “Elder, clan member Zhuge Lu asks for a meeting.” ”

Zhuge Lu?”

An elder appeared and stared at him suspiciously, “Weren’t you sent to inquire about news?” Enough time to return?

“Do you know the punishment for returning early without permission?”

Zhuge Lu took a deep breath, “Elder, I met the eldest miss!” ”


The elder was a little confused for a while, but the next moment, he reacted and widened his eyes, “You mean Miss Kaoru?”

Zhuge Lu nodded, “That’s right, I met her in Extreme East City.

“Brother Chuan can prove it.”

Zichechuan next to him also nodded.

The elder was shocked, turned around and left, “You follow me to the council hall to make it clear to the family master and the other elders.” Zhuge

Lu stepped into the council hall and told him about encountering Zhuge Xun.

From Zhuge Xun’s father, Zhuge the current head of the family, Zhuge Yutang, down to the elders, they were surprised and delighted.

Especially Zhuge Yutang, the heart that has been hanging has finally let go of most of it.

Ancestral Star sent a message that if it weren’t for the fact that his daughter’s jade Jane hadn’t broken, Zhuge Yutang wanted to take someone to kill Zuxing directly to avenge his daughter.

A so-called small sect also dared to kidnap his daughter and nakedly humiliate his Zhuge family.

As one of the four major families in the hidden world, when did the Zhuge family suffer such a loss?

More than ten years without the slightest news came back, which made him worry.

Now hearing Zhuge Lu and Zichechuan’s report, his daughter is in good condition, and he is finally much relieved.

He thought for a moment and said to Zhuge Lu, “You did a good job.

Then his gaze became cold, “Since he dares to challenge, just right, I’ll go and meet him for a while.”

“Dare to take my daughter, even if it is a god, I will kill you.”

His daughter has loved him since she was a child, and her daughter has not been satisfied with his wishes, becoming the strongest existence in the younger generation of the clan.

Not much worse than the so-called Son.

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To offend his daughter is to offend the Zhuge family, and it is the Zhuge family who will kill.

“That’s right, kill him!”

“The Zhuge family cannot be offended.”

“Hmph, little human being, also dare to provoke the Zhuge family, soon he will regret it…”

“Master, will there be some conspiracy?”

“After all, the other party knows Miss Kaoru’s identity and dares to make a move against her.”

“Hmph, what are you afraid of?”

“In this world, apart from the Holy Land, who else is our Zhuge family afraid of?”

“Our hidden family unites, and the Holy Land has to retreat…” There

were not many people present who were worried, and more people dismissed it, thinking that in the face of the powerful strength of the Zhuge family, any conspiracy and trickery were false, and no matter how powerful the enemy was, it was in vain.

After listening to the words of the people below, Zhuge Yutang groaned slightly, and his eyes flashed with wisdom.

He asked Zhuge Lu, “How many people are on the other side?”

“How’s the strength?”

When he knew that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was suspected to be in the Convergence Period, Zhuge Yutang nodded, “Like the news that came back, the other party has a senior brother of the Convergence Period. The

people below disdained, “Hmph, do you dare to be rampant during the merging period?”

“Patriarch, do you want to invite the Great Elder to come out?”

Someone immediately objected, “No, the Great Elder only stepped into the late stage of merging two years ago. ”

What about the second elder?”

The Zhuge family has two merging periods, the Great Elder and the Second Elder.

One has just stepped into the late stage of the fit, and the other has just stepped into the middle stage of the combination.

Zhuge Yutang shook his head, “It is not appropriate to disturb the two elders to cultivate.

“Come, go and tell the Sima family and the Gongzhong family the news.”

Everyone was stunned at first, and then reacted.

“Patriarch, do you mean to want the Sima family and the Gongzhong family to make a move?”

“Yes, in terms of hatred, the Sima family and the Gongzhong family are greater.”

“Their family is also strong, so it’s better to let them strike first.”

“Wise family!”

“Hehe, we can sit in the back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.”

Many elders smiled.

Going directly to Lu Shaoqing and his group is easy to fall into passivity, after all, the other party has hostages in their hands.

Let the Sima family and the Gongzhongjia make a move, and they can turn the passive into the active if they follow behind.

Some of the elders who were in a good mood laughed proudly, “Hey, let the world see the strength of our hidden family then.” ”

Extreme East City, once again will be famous all over the world because of our hidden family.”

“It can also let the world know that Extreme East City is actually a place that belongs to our hidden family.”

Zhuge Yutang’s heart suddenly moved, and he asked Zhuge Lu, “Along the way, no one is following, right?” ”

The location of the hidden family has always been very mysterious, not mysterious and not called the hidden family.

It is absolutely impossible to let people know where they are.

Zhuge Lu hurriedly assured, “Don’t worry, the head of the family, we are very careful and will definitely not be discovered!”

Zhuge Yutang nodded, “Well, I don’t want them to come to the door.” ”

It’s a shame to bring my daughter as a hostage.

“Don’t worry, the head of the family,” an elder said with a smile, “We have to make repeated detours when we go out and come back, there are no less than thirty teleportation arrays alone, back and forth, and no one knows our specific location…”

However, as soon as his words fell, a voice suddenly sounded outside, “Hey, is there anyone in the Zhuge family?” ”

Your eldest lady is back…”

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