The breath was full, and the loud voice clearly passed through the family’s Dharma Protector Array and reached the ears of every Zhuge clan.

Zhuge Yutang and the others were stunned.

“Damn, they came to the door?”

Some of the elders glared angrily at Zhuge Lu.

Zhuge Lu was dumbfounded, hoping that this was a dream.

Everyone looked at Zhuge Yutang.

Zhuge Yutang gritted his teeth, “Go and tell the Great Elder and the Second Elder!”

“We’ll go out and meet them.”

“The Zhuge family is not a place where they come to spread wilderness!”


Lu Shaoqing looked at the gate built by the stone pillar and couldn’t help but ask Zhuge Xun, “Are your Zhuge family giants?”

“With such a big doorway, the warehouse must be big, right?”

Zhuge Xun was panicked now.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing was able to follow behind and smoothly found the location of the hidden family.

The place where the hidden family is located is not so much an island as a piece of land.

Land floating on the sea.

For thousands of years, few outsiders could set foot in the place, and today Lu Shaoqing and his party came here.

And they came to their Zhuge doorstep with swagger.

Two powerful merging periods came, and Zhuge Xun panicked in his heart.

Although there is also a merging period in his own family, Zhuge Xun does not have the slightest confidence in them.

Zhuge Xun suppressed the panic in his heart, secretly grinding his teeth and asking Lu Shaoqing, “What do you want to do?”

“Send you home.” Lu Shaoqing replied casually, “How?” Homesickness?

“Don’t worry, no matter how long you are away from home, you will also be your father’s sweetheart.”

“Your dad will be happy to welcome you back.”

These words sounded like nonsense to Zhuge Xun.

Not a single word is true.

“You said before that you have a plan.” Thinking of what Lu Shaoqing had said, her heart became even more flustered, “What is your purpose?” ”

Nope.” Lu Shaoqing smiled, looking very bad in Zhuge Xun’s opinion.

“I’ll just send you back.”

Zhuge Xun’s face was expressionless, “Do you think I will believe it?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “If you don’t believe it, you can’t help it.”

However, the more Lu Shaoqing said that he was fine, the more panicked Zhuge Xun felt in his heart.

Looking at the streamers appearing in the distance, she finally couldn’t help it, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t deal with my family.” ”

No way, by this time, she had to relent.

Xun may not be able to understand it, but Zhuge Xun has seen the horror of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

The strength of the Zhuge family is terrifying in the eyes of others, but it is not enough in the eyes of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Moreover, Zhuge Xun believed that even if the four major families joined forces, they would not be opponents of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

Therefore, lowering your posture is undoubtedly the best way.

Zhuge Xun followed Lu Shaoqing, and it was not without gains along the way.

At least know something about Lu Shaoqing.

This bastard guy doesn’t get salt and oil, eats soft and doesn’t eat hard.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Where do I want to your family?”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Zhuge Xun wants to spray Lu Shaoqing, where do you bastards don’t look like you want to fuck my family?

“Hmph, who’s coming?” At this time, several figures descended from the sky.

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Zhuge Yutang brought people here, and at the same time, clan disciples appeared around, faintly surrounding Lu Shaoqing and his party.

Zhuge Xun’s heart clenched, and she hurriedly stepped forward, “Father! ”

Smoke, are you all right?” Zhuge Yutang saw his daughter and said excitedly, “You don’t have to worry, everything is a father.”

Zhuge Xun stood up, “Father, they are my friends. ”

Until now, I can only speak with my conscience.

It’s better to be friends than enemies.

“Friends?” Zhuge Yutang looked at Lu Shaoqing and his group, both old and tender, and did not look like any bad people.

He couldn’t help but ask, “So what is the ransom that Zhuge Lu said?” ”

Ten billion spirit stones, this number is easy to boil.

Damn it!

Zhuge Xun didn’t know how to answer.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and stood up, “You are the famous Zhuge family master, right? ”

I heard that the head of the Zhuge family is the smartest person in Hanxing, I have long admired it, and when I saw him today, it really deserved his name.”


Zhuge Yutang’s face is much better, and no one will hate.

Lu Shaoqing’s words made him feel good about Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

This kid looks pretty good.

He returned the salute and politely asked about the identity of Lu Shaoqing and his group and the purpose of coming here.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “It’s very simple, I’m here for only two things.” ”

Two things?

Zhuge Xun’s heart tugged.

What is this bastard going to do?

Zhuge Yutang and his subordinates looked at each other, and also asked with a smile, “Oh, I still want Gongzi to elaborate.”

“First thing, let’s send your maid back, it’s hard work and danger along the way, and the Zhuge family master has to be rewarded, right?”

Sounding as if there was no problem, Zhuge Yutang did not refuse, but still asked with a smile, “I don’t know what Gongzi wants?”

“Shouldn’t it be ten billion spirit stones?”

Lu Shaoqing gave a thumbs up and did not hesitate to appreciate, “Look, I know that the Zhuge family master is generous and smart. ”

I’ll go!

Zhuge Yutang immediately put away his smile and wanted to spray Lu Shaoqing’s face.

Don’t let this kind of.

Zhuge Yutang’s face was unkind, and his tone suppressed anger, “This is my daughter’s ransom?”

“You can also say this, but I think the ransom is too ugly, after all, it has a bad impact on a girl, so I am willing to call for a reward.”

“Ten billion spirit stones, cash spirit stones, no discount accepted, thank you!”

After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he politely bowed.

The head of the Zhuge family looks like a good talker, and he must be polite to such a good person.

Don’t be rude.


“Damn it!”

Zhuge Yutang did not speak, and the clansmen behind him couldn’t help but speak.

As soon as you open your mouth, you will be greeted with all kinds of greetings.

“I don’t know the bastard who is thick in the sky, are you looking for death?”

“Damn fellow, dare to humiliate my Zhuge family like this?”

“I see you’re tired of being alive.”

“Find death!”

“Patriarch, don’t talk nonsense with him, let’s make a move, let them know that our Zhuge family is not easy to mess with…” Zhuge

Yutang no longer had a smile and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “Then, what is the second thing?” ”

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