It was not Sister Lin who fell from the sky, but the Great Elder of the Zhuge Family, Zhuge Qu.

His clothes were stained red with blood, and multiple wounds on his body were gurgling and bleeding.

Baihuahua’s beard was crumpled and embarrassed.

His face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he passed out.

“Great Elder!”

“Great Elder!”

Zhuge Fu, Zhuge Yutang and others were frightened.

The Great Elder is the sea god needle of their family, and if there is an accident, the Zhuge family will be finished.

Lu Shaoqing slowly fell from the sky, his movements flowing.

After Lu Shaoqing landed, he cried out, “Oh, Great Elder, why are you lying on the ground?” ”

Damn it!

The people of the Zhuge tribe looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, and they couldn’t wait to crush Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces with their eyes.

But there was awe in everyone’s sight.

Only then did everyone believe that Zhuge Xun was not lying.

Even the Great Elder of the Seagod Needle was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

Although he was glaring angrily, no one dared to speak easily.

None of the Great Elders were opponents, in other words, none of the people here were his opponents.

Once you provoke him…

Many Zhuge people couldn’t help but shiver.

Lu Shaoqing stepped forward two steps and approached the Great Elder, even Zhuge Fu couldn’t help but tremble in his heart, and subconsciously took a step back.

Only Zhuge Xun was fearless and stopped in front of the Great Elder, “What are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “What are you going to do?”

“Don’t try to hurt the Great Elder!” Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth.

“What if I have to?” Lu Shaoqing laughed, and a mouthful of white teeth made everyone’s hearts chill.

Zhuge Xun was not afraid, perhaps used to Lu Shaoqing, and did not have the slightest fear of Lu Shaoqing, “If you want to kill the Great Elder, kill me first.” ”

Okay, I don’t kill the Great Elder, you get out of the way!” Lu Shaoqing said.

Zhuge Xun didn’t move, she didn’t believe Lu Shaoqing’s words, even if Lu Shaoqing swore an oath.

“Let or not?”

“Don’t let it!”

Lu Shaoqing grinned, “Don’t regret it.”

These words made Zhuge Xun’s heart chill.

Subconsciously get out of the way.

At this time, some Zhuge people in the distance were not happy.

“Can’t let it!”

“Why let?”

“He said if he doesn’t kill, he won’t kill? Why believe him?

“Just because you like him, you believe what he says?”

Lu Shaoqing was too strong, and the Zhuge people did not dare to provoke, so they targeted Zhuge Xun.

Compared to Lu Shaoqing, Zhuge Xun seemed to be a little easier to bully.

After all, it’s his own people.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, and turned to look at the group of clansmen of the Zhuge family.

A glance passed, and immediately several people passed out with blood spurting.

Others flabbergasted.

Zhuge Xun hurriedly stopped in front of Lu Shaoqing again.

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“What are you going to do?” Zhuge Xun was shocked by hatred.

Wouldn’t it be against the Great Elder, but also against the other clansmen, and kill the clansmen?

The more he thought about it, the more fear Zhuge Xun felt in his heart.

Following Lu Shaoqing all the way, he knew that Lu Shaoqing’s heart was cruel.

Usually it’s not good, but once you make up your mind, you don’t care if you are a human or a ghost, kill it.

“Kill them.” Lu Shaoqing’s tone was flat, but the words he said made Zhuge Xun frightened in his heart, “If you don’t kill them, how can you give in?”

In the face of the life and death of the clan, Zhuge Xun lost his cool and was afraid in his heart, “They didn’t offend you.

“Didn’t offend me? To say that you like me is a great insult to me and offends me hard. Lu Shaoqing cursed, “So, you have to kill them.”

“Damn it!” Zhuge Xun is angry, I am not angry yet, but you are angry?

To say I like you is to insult me, not to insult you.

She stood in front of Lu Shaoqing with a resolute attitude, “With me here, don’t try to move them.”

“Strange!” Lu Shaoqing was even more strange, “Your clan almost regarded you as a traitor, and they also spread rumors that you like me, and you still protect them?”

Zhuge Xun gritted his teeth, “They are my people.

“You’re not afraid I’ll kill you?”

“Don’t be afraid!” Zhuge Xun’s gaze was firm, “If you want to deal with my family, first step over my body.”

Zhuge Xun’s words fell in everyone’s ears, and many clansmen looked complicated.

A sense of guilt arose in my heart.

They suspected that Zhuge Xun was wrong.

Lu Shaoqing looked Zhuge Xun up and down, and muttered, “Even if you lie down, it is a plain, and you can’t stop my crossing.”

Zhuge Xun was stunned, not understanding the meaning of Lu Shaoqing’s words.

After the keen Xiao Yi heard it, he reminded, “Sister Zhuge , the second senior brother said that you are very peaceful. As

he spoke, he patted his chest with his hand.

As soon as these words came out, Yu Ling and Yu Meng next to them turned red, and they scolded Lu Shaoqing bastard fiercely in their hearts.

Zhuge Xun also understood what it meant, and suddenly became angry, and he couldn’t care about anything at the moment, and directly pounced on Lu Shaoqing.

“I’m going to kill you.”

Bastard, super big bastard.

Damn big bastards.

Womanizers, vile and shameless.

Zhuge Xun still subconsciously opened his mouth, eager to bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, his figure flashed, and came to Zhuge Qu’s side, “Old man, if you don’t get up again, don’t blame me for opening a big mouth when the time comes.”

Zhuge Qu opened his eyes, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

The figure flashed and stood up.

Zhuge Xun was stunned, and the other clansmen were also stunned.

The Great Elder is playing dead?

Zhuge Qu stood up, looked at Lu Shaoqing, and smiled bitterly, “Daoist, good means.” A

Daoist friend expressed the depression in Zhuge Qu’s heart.

Looking at the young Lu Shaoqing, he felt frustrated.

Too young, so young, not to mention, the strength is still so strong.

Although Zhuge Qu didn’t want to admit it, he had to admit that he was not as good as Lu Shaoqing.

Even if he played all the hole cards, he didn’t have the confidence to beat Lu Shaoqing.

So, he gave up.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing and sighed in his heart, the Zhuge family also needs to have a humiliating experience next.


His gaze fell on Zhuge Xun, and he suddenly laughed and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Daoist, what do you think of the junior of my clan?”

“If you want, it’s a good affair…”

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