As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

Xiao Yi perked up, “Will it be done?” ”

Hmph, this old man is still a little discerning, and he knows the extraordinary nature of the second senior brother.

Then she found that Yu Ling next to her seemed to be nervous.

Immediately laughed badly, “Sister Yuling, are you going to stop it?”

Yu Ling immediately blushed and snorted, “What does it matter to me?”

Yu Meng said to Ji Yan, “Gongzi, are you going to stop it?” Yu

Meng knew her sister’s thoughts, if it did, her sister would be very sad.

So this affair, both sisters are against it.

Ji Yan shook his head slightly, “Don’t worry.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came as soon as the words fell, “Old man, you’re not sick, are you?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Zhuge Qu, who turned into a moon elder, and was very worried, “I shouldn’t have broken your head just now, right?” ”

If you break your head, do you want to compensate at that time?”

Bah, compensation a fart, the sword has no eyes, it is impossible to compensate.

To compensate, they also compensate me.

Zhuge Qu smiled slightly, although he was injured, but after a little tidying up, his superior demeanor was shown again, “I’m not kidding.”

“I mean really.”

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, and he sighed deeply, “You really have a broken brain.”

“Where is your chick worthy of me?”

Zhuge Xun’s face was originally flushed, she didn’t expect that the Great Elder would actually take the friendly route after being beaten.

I haven’t had time to say anything here.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, her anger soared, and she couldn’t wait to spray Lu Shaoqing to death.


“Where are you bastards worthy of me?”

Bastard human beings, hateful, vile and shameless and indecent.

I didn’t dislike you yet, but you disliked me first?

Damn it!

Zhuge Xun secretly grinded his teeth, waiting for the opportunity, secretly determined that he must give Lu Shaoqing a mouthful.

Lu Shaoqing said to Zhuge Qu, “Look, who dares to ask for such a temper?”

“Forget it, don’t think about selling her.”

Zhuge Qu laughed, “If you are not interesting to her, why would you help her?”

“Help her relieve her in front of the clan, so you can see that you are still interesting to her.”

Zhuge Xun was stunned, just now he deliberately wanted to kill the clansmen to help her?

This bastard would be so kind?

Zhuge Xun thought about it carefully and felt that what the Great Elder said was right.

Lu Shaoqing’s actions just now seemed to be helping her.

Bastard guy!

Zhuge Xun suddenly had some complicated emotions in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing denied, “I find that you old man is more and more capable of nonsense.

“I’ve put up with you for a long time, and I’m warning you not to pull on that chick in this way.”

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“Don’t think that if I sell the chick, I won’t settle accounts with you.”

“Come, let’s settle the accounts first.”

Wrench his finger and said to Zhuge Qu, “Just give me five billion and one billion spirit stones, otherwise I will raze your Zhuge family.” ”


Countless Zhuge people roared angrily in their hearts.

Zhuge Qu’s face twitched, and if he sold the Zhuge family, he might not get 50 billion spirit stones.

“Daoist, are you going too far?”

“Is it excessive?” Lu Shaoqing was strange, and did not have that realization at all, “Look, thank you for ten billion, negotiate with the second elder of your family for ten billion, travel expenses of 100 million, and medical expenses for my injury ten billion.”

After that, he also took out a piece of clothing, “Look, this is evidence that your second elder injured me. ”

I’ll go!

Everyone complained in their hearts that this bastard had really changed his clothes just now.

Zhuge Qu had a black line, and he took a deep breath, “What about two more billion?” ”

The cost of competing with you.”

“You are also a great elder, you can’t be worse than the second elder, so count you two billion, if you feel that the grievances are not worth it, I can add points.”

Zhuge Qu: ……

I thank you so much for thinking so highly of me.

Zhuge people: …

Zhuge Yutang was a little dizzy, five billion spirit stones, he couldn’t make up so many spirit stones if he sold it.

Zhuge Qu secretly took a few deep breaths again and suppressed the boiling in his heart.

“Daoist, this price is too high, my Zhuge family can’t take it.”

“Can’t you take it?” Lu Shaoqing’s smile gradually converged, and he stared at Zhuge Qu like this.

In an instant, both Zhuge Qu and the other Zhuge people felt that Lu Shaoqing had changed.

From the appearance of Hang’er Langdang to serious, a murderous aura pervaded the surroundings.

The people of the Zhuge tribe had an illusion that Lu Shaoqing had become a divine sword that was about to be unsheathed, and once it was unsheathed, it would definitely break the sky and blood would flow like a river.

At the same time, everyone felt that the sunlight between heaven and earth seemed to have disappeared, the temperature gradually decreased, and a chill crept up on everyone’s body silently.

Zhuge Qu and Lu Shaoqing looked at each other, and gradually, a little sweat appeared on his forehead.

A wave of fear grew in his heart, and then secretly spread throughout his body.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who had no smile, Zhuge Qu had a thought in his heart, if he did not agree to Lu Shaoqing’s conditions, the Zhuge family might collapse.

Half a quarter of an hour, a quarter of an hour.

Little by little, no one spoke.

It seemed that as Lu Shaoqing put away his smile, heaven and earth became solemn, and no one dared to gasp loudly.

A heavy pressure pervades everyone’s hearts.

Even if they felt extremely heavy, they instinctively suppressed themselves and did not allow themselves to make the slightest sound, lest they disturb Lu Shaoqing.

Zhuge Qu looked directly at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was like a sharp sword, penetrating the depths of his soul, making him feel the increasing pressure.

Gradually, his body was already wet with sweat, and his body began to tremble gently.

At this moment, he realized that he still underestimated Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

At this moment, Lu Shaoqing is the most terrifying state.

The pressure continued to increase, letting Zhuge Qu know that if he continued like this, he would be destroyed.

His Dao heart would collapse, and from then on, he would be devastated, and even his Dao would disappear.

Finally, Zhuge Qu, who couldn’t bear it, spoke, “Dao, Daoyou, there is, there is something to say…”

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