White profane pants?

Raising the white flag?

Bastard guy, what do you want to do?

Whether it was Yu Ling, Yu Meng, or Zhuge Xun, their faces were red and they took a bite.

Stinky not faceless.

Sima Fan trembled with anger.

Damn shameless humans.

“Okay, ha,” Sima Fan gritted his teeth, not hiding his naked killing intent, “I’d rather see what else you can do.”

“Slow down!” Gong Zhongshu spoke, he stepped forward and said to Sima Fan, “Brother Fan, let me kill him.” ”

Gong Zhongshu’s killing intent on Lu Shaoqing is no less than Sima Fan.

“This time, I must crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces.”

“You go deal with his senior brother.”

Gong Zhongshu is cunning, and Lu Shaoqing’s state is very empty at a glance.

There was no way to fight back in a short time, as long as he made a move, Lu Shaoqing could be killed by him in minutes.

Unexpectedly, Sima Fan did not object, but agreed.

“Okay, by Brother Warlock, you kill him.”

Sly flashed in Sima Fan’s eyes.

Lu Shaoqing was so strange, so strange that he was afraid in his heart.

Although he said that Lu Shaoqing’s hole card could not use the second, he did not dare to gamble.

Gong Zhongshu took the initiative to speak, he couldn’t ask for it.

“Haha…,” Gong Zhongshu laughed, “Human, kneel, I can spare your life.” ”

The victory is in hand, and the gongzhong technique is very proud.

I planned to humiliate Lu Shaoqing before killing him, otherwise I couldn’t swallow this breath.

“I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing broke his mouth and cursed, “Old thing, you also deserve it?”

“Take a broken ring, you think you are Nezha.”

“Come, let me rest for a while, I will kill you like a dog.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have humiliated the dog.”

After speaking, he also shouted into the distance, “Brother dog, I’m sorry.”

“Abominable bastard!” Zhuge Xun was so angry that he jumped to his feet, and he couldn’t wait to rush over and bite Lu Shaoqing to death.

“Hmph!” Gong Zhongshu was angry, simply did not talk nonsense, and threw the ring in his hand fiercely, “Die!” ”

Although the ring has lost its spirituality, its strength is still there, and it is still a sixth-level magic weapon.

Relying on its own hardness and weight, it still has terrifying lethality.

The ring vibrates in the air, making a buzzing sound and summoning overwhelming power.


The sky shook, and the terrifying power surged towards Lu Shaoqing again.

Lu Shaoqing stood motionless in place, not intending to resist, and his expression did not change in the slightest.

What is he going to do?

Everyone who saw this scene was surprised.

Give up resistance and accept the final result?

Seeing this, the smile on Gong Zhongshu’s face was even wider, and as for Sima Fan, he smiled coldly in his heart after seeing this, and then planned to make a move against Ji Yan.

However, when his gaze fell on where Ji Yan was, he was stunned.

What about people?

The plan has disappeared.

Sima Fan was creepy.

He looked at where Lu Shaoqing was again.

Just as a sword light descended from the sky, it slashed fiercely through the ring that attacked Lu Shaoqing.

The ring stops and all the power dissipates.

“Whew…” The

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wind blew, and the ring slowly turned into two halves, and finally fell apart, turning into countless fragments and dissipating in the wind.

“Ah…” Gong

Zhongshu screamed, the ring was completely destroyed, and Gong Zhongshu spat blood from his mouth again.

Ji Yan reappeared in everyone’s sight.

Once again, everyone was shocked.

“This, this…”

“Break through so soon?”

“Just kidding, right?”

“Could it be that he felt the danger, stopped the breakthrough, and forcibly struck?”

“In this case, won’t he be wasted?”

“It’s better to waste than to die, right?”

“Abort the breakthrough, be injured by the backlash, at least there is still a chance, otherwise, it will be death…”

Everyone couldn’t believe that Ji Yan would break through so quickly, because it was not reasonable.

However, Ji Yan’s breath was calm and round, which made people dare not look directly.

“Damn,” Sima Fan lowered his face, but he was also puzzled, “Why is it so fast?” ”

A breakthrough, even a small realm, should not be so fast.

The speed of the calculation is too fast, outrageously fast.

As for Gong Zhongshu, he was even more frightened and stupid, “You, you…” Ji

Yan coldly swung his sword.

After breaking through, he seemed to have fully recovered, and the sharp sword intent made Gong Zhongshu tremble.

“Damn it!”

Gong Zhongshu roared angrily, “Don’t underestimate people! Immediately

erupted, a sharp aura rose up into the sky, trying to resist Ji Yan’s sword light.

The results were shocking.

Gong Zhongshu’s blood spurted wildly, and a terrifying wound appeared on his body, almost splitting him in half.

Falling from the sky with a scream.

The crowd was flabbergasted.

The situation developed to this point, which everyone did not expect.

The four masters of the combined period went out together, and as a result, two were crippled.

The Gongzhong magic weapon in the late stage of the fusion was destroyed, and he was beaten and fell down screaming.

In the blink of an eye, only Sima Fan was left, and he still had combat effectiveness.

And Ji Yan’s shot also hit many people in the face.

“He, it turns out that he has broken through successfully?”

“How is that possible?”

“It turns out that he dared to break through because he had a short time to break through?”

“Damn, this pair of junior brothers is too terrible, they are not human…” Many

people only understood now, Ji Yan dared to break through at this time, not only because he could break through in a short time, but also believed that Lu Shaoqing could buy him time.

Sima Fan’s face became more and more gloomy, and he was deceived by Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

In front of everyone, he was tacitly cooperated by the two brothers and played in the palm of his hand.

It was worse than killing him.

Sima Fan’s eyes were resentful, and he said hatefully, “You, two, damn it!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly, “Old man, do you have white profane pants?” ”

White profane pants?

There I won’t give it to you either!

You still want to surrender?

Sima Fan hated it in his heart, and was just about to speak.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “You quickly take it off, raise it as a white flag, wrap it around your head, we treat prisoners favorably!” ”

Ah…” Sima Fan couldn’t stand it anymore and roared angrily, “Give me death…”

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