
Heaven and earth shook again, countless energies diffused, and finally squeezed towards Ji Yan like a big hand.

Immediately afterwards, a large tree fell from the sky.

The large branches and leaves formed by spiritual power waved, stirring the surrounding space.

An aura of destruction spread out from the tree, and countless energies stirred around like a storm, terrifying the soul.

Countless people’s faces changed wildly, and the power of this move was enough to destroy a world.

It is enough to destroy countless living beings.

The powerful aura was like a wave, lapping wave after wave, rushing towards Ji Yan.


Wuqiu’s sword trembled slightly, and Ji Yan’s aura skyrocketed, and a sword swept across.

The sword light was sharp, and the Optimus Tree was extremely fragile in front of the sword light, and it was easily cut off, and then fell apart and turned into heavenly fragments.

This sword also made countless people’s faces change greatly, and even frightened.

Zhuge Fu’s scalp was numb, and only then did he understand, “He doesn’t use sword moves, is it because he disdains to use them?”

“The sword intent is extremely sharp, and what trouble is encountered with a sword?”

The more Zhuge Fu spoke, the more he wanted to scold his mother.

Bummer, what a bummer.

The long sword is sharp, the sword is sharp, and it is invincible.

No matter what means the enemy means, Ji Yan’s response is a sword.

A sword passed, all destroyed.

This attack method is ordinary, but extremely effective.

Zhuge Qu was also speechless.

Finally, he let out a long sigh, “The sword intent is unmatched, the first time I have encountered such a human being.”


It took a few breaths to find a word to describe Ji Yan, “demon.”

Yes, only demons can describe such an existence.

Finally, Zhuge Qu raised his head again and looked at Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan in the distance, “Who can teach such a pair of apprentices?”

Zhuge Xun said faintly, “Their master is just a very ordinary human cultivator. ”

I added in my heart, ordinary monks who cook especially badly.

Zhuge Qu didn’t believe it, “It’s impossible, it’s definitely not an ordinary cultivator, it’s definitely a peerless power.”

Zhuge Fu thought deeply, “That is, ordinary human cultivators can teach such an apprentice?” Although

Zhuge Fu was unhappy, he also had to admit that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were powerful.

The cultivators who taught such powerful apprentices were definitely big guys, and they were the existence they looked up to.

How could it be an ordinary human cultivator?

This junior’s heart is not good, and his vision is not good.

Alas, the Zhuge family’s education of the juniors was too failed.

Zhuge Yutang noticed Zhuge Fu’s dissatisfaction and hurriedly changed the topic, “Can he win Sima Fan?”

His tone was tinged with a hint of expectation.

Gong Zhongshu and Gong Zhong Qi were defeated, and the face of the Gong Zhong family was almost lost.

As long as Ji Yan defeated Sima Fan, the Sima family’s face would be completely thrown to his grandmother’s house.

After all, all three periods of their family were defeated, and most of the buildings in the clan were destroyed.

As the head of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Yutang wished that the Sima family would be unlucky again.

Zhuge Qu shook his head, “It’s not so easy, Sima Fan, cunning.” ”

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The battle continues, the Optimus Tree is destroyed, the power of destruction is cathartic, and the constant explosions devour the figures of Ji Yan and Sima Fan.

When the explosion receded, he saw that Sima Fan didn’t know when he appeared in front of Ji Yan, but in the end, he was swept by Ji Yan’s sword, and blood sprayed wildly, flying upside down into the distance.

Like a meteor falling, it crossed the continent and fell into the depths of the sea in the distance.


This scene made the Sima family’s faces like death, like a funeral Kaoye.

“It’s over, it’s over!”

“Ah, no, it’s impossible

…” “How, how is it possible, he, he is the strongest elder of

our Sima family, why…” “Defeated, defeated, our Sima family is finished…” Countless Sima family

members held their heads and wailed bitterly.

Sima General was defeated, Sima Chang’an was also defeated, and now even Sima Fan was defeated.

The Sima family was a complete failure.

In the face of the Terrans coming to the door, they were so completely defeated.

Sima Huai knelt on the ground, and he used all his strength to support himself not to collapse to the ground.

The three elders of the merging period were all defeated, not only that, but the two elders from the Gongzhong family were the same.

The five merging periods can’t beat each other’s two humans.

What kind of world is this?

Sima Huai couldn’t help but look at Gongzhong Pengtian not far away.

Although Gong Zhong Pengtian did not kneel like him, his face was pale and his body trembled, which showed the hesitation and fear in his heart.

If you really pursue it, he and Gongzhong Pengtian are the culprits, provoking such a powerful enemy, and finally bringing trouble to the family.

What to do?

Sima Huai prides himself on being smart, but at this moment, he has no way at all.

His heart was only fear, his mind was blank, and he couldn’t think of any way to reverse the situation in front of him.

Is the family going to die?

Am I going to finish myself?

Sima was afraid, his body was trembling slightly, and he felt that the last strength of his body was constantly dissipating.

At the same time, Sima Huai couldn’t help but feel a grudge against a person in his heart.


Hurt their guys.

Damn bastards.

I already knew that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan were so terrible, and he would not listen to Mu Yong’s words to arrest the master’s wife.

The people of the Sima family and the Gongzhong family felt that the sky had fallen, and they were terrified.

Several people on Xiao Yi’s side smiled and were happy.

“Hehe, win!” Xiao Yi said to Yu Meng, “Look, my two senior brothers never need others to worry.

“There will be more of this kind of thing in the future, and you have to adapt well.”

Xiao Yi pretended to be old-fashioned and patted Yu Meng.

Yu Ling also showed a faint smile, and his purple eyes looked in the direction where Lu Shaoqing was, with a trace of tenderness.

However, soon, Yu Ling’s brows furrowed, and she suddenly said, “Something is wrong!”

“Something wrong? What’s wrong? Xiao Yi was strange.

Yu Meng became worried, “Sister, what’s wrong?”

Sycamore also said, “Something is wrong, the battle is not over yet.” As

soon as the words fell, Ji Yan suddenly rushed down into the sky and stabbed out a sword at the location where Sima Fan fell…

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