I never expected that Chenghua would actually nod in agreement, and everyone petrified, once again suspecting that there was something wrong with their ears.

Sir, you are in the Mahayana period.

Not his thug, not his summoning beast, why obey him?

What about your face?

Pass it on, aren’t you afraid of other people’s jokes?

Or is he your illegitimate son?

Why is it so good to him?

Our hidden family has lived by your side for so long, and you have no feelings at all?

The people of the hidden family were puzzled, very puzzled.

Ten thousand curiosity arose in their hearts.

Chenghua is too good for Lu Shaoqing, so good that it is a little too good.

In other words, even Lao Tzu is not necessarily so good to his son.

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, gave a thumbs up, and patted the horse without hesitation, “Senior is really a good person.”

“Big good man, number one person in the sky.”

Good guy cards are issued non-stop.

Everyone was silent.

Of course a good person for you, and also has a good temper, otherwise you would have killed you bastard human long ago.

Looking at the triumphant Lu Shaoqing, Sima Fan and the others had a big question in their hearts.

Finally, Sima Fan gritted his teeth and asked, “What do you mean by killing gods?” Who is the worship god? ”

It’s something they don’t understand.

If so, it is also the reason why they are not blind.

What is the killing of gods, what gods are killed, and who is the sacrifice to the gods?

Why did Cheng Hua change his attitude greatly after hearing this, and directly stood on Lu Shaoqing’s side, supporting him to bully the Yin Shi family.

It’s just off the beaten track.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “You don’t know? ”

It stands to reason that the matter on the North Desert side is only a thousand and hundreds of years old, and there should be an archive on the hidden family’s side.

Sima Fan and the others shook their heads.

Sima Fan thought for a moment, “I only know that something happened on the side of the Northern Desert, and the Holy Land blocked the Northern Desert.

“That time, our hidden family was not involved.”

Zhuge Qu added, “There are many things that our hidden family can not participate in without participating. ”

That’s right, worthy of their name.

To put it nicely, it is the hidden family, and to put it badly, it is the turtle family.

There are things to retract first, and the ears are not heard outside the window.

Everyone looked at Lu Shaoqing expectantly, no one was not curious about this kind of thing.

However, in the expectant gaze of everyone, Lu Shaoqing smiled and blinked, “You guess!” ”


Everyone felt the blood rushing up.

Especially Sima Jiang and the others, who were seriously injured, felt a sweet throat and almost spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone stared at Lu Shaoqing in anger, only hating that his strength was not enough to kill this bastard human.

Many people looked at Chenghua, tears in their eyes, adults, look, he is so bad, don’t you clean him up?

Cheng Hua did not have any opinion on this, his expression was calm, and he said lightly, “Let’s go!” He

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stepped out and disappeared.


Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly.

“Hmph!” Suddenly, someone snorted coldly, “Boy, don’t regret it then.” Turning

around, it was Sima Fan.

After Sima Fan stood on Lu Shaoqing’s side from Chenghua, he could no longer laugh.

Now after Cheng Hua left, his waist straightened up and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly.

“How? Do you still have an opinion?

Sima Fan sneered, “Boy, don’t be too proud, but retribution didn’t come so quickly.”

Lu Shaoqing drank unpleasantly, “You squeak again, believe it or not, I will add a price for you?”

Sima Fan immediately closed his mouth.

After Lu Shaoqing and his group left, Sima Fan and the others stood in place, their faces extremely ugly.

“Three elders!” Sima Liren leaned over, “What should I do now?”

Sima Fan snorted, “What else can I do?” Prepare the spirit stone first. ”

There are Chenghua to support Lu Shaoqing, and they dare not pay the bill.

Sima Jiang’s face turned red and he was full of hatred, “It is the first time that the Sima family has been so humiliated.

“Damn it!”

Sima Chang’an wanted to cry, and after World War I, he became disabled.

Although he can grow it by means in the future, this feeling of cripple makes him extremely uncomfortable.

Sima Fan’s gaze fell in the distance and gritted his teeth, “Wait, maybe things will turn around.”

“Brother Fan, how do you say this?”

Gong Zhongshu leaned over and asked with a hint of anticipation, “Is there any way?” ”

Spirit stones are not a problem, more than a billion or two billion spirit stones, they can get it.

It’s okay to cut off from the Holy Land.

But all this is too shameful, a shame.

Sima Fan gritted his teeth and explained in the expectant gazes of several people, “The adult is willing to support him because he said that he can kill the gods.

“What if he can’t?” What do you say adults do? Everyone

understood at once, and their eyes lit up.

If Lu Shaoqing can’t do it, he is deceiving Chenghua, and Chenghua naturally won’t let him go.

How arrogant Lu Shaoqing is now, if he can’t do it then, how embarrassed he will be.

Sima Fan said coldly, “I don’t believe that he can kill God, for him, I prefer to believe that he is full of nonsense.” Gong

Zhongshu expressed support, “That’s right, a despicable and shameless human being, I don’t believe his words either. ”

Lu Shaoqing’s character is too inferior, and Sima Fan is more willing to believe that killing God is a lie, not the truth.

“Go, let’s follow and watch how his lies are exposed by adults…”

And here, Zhuge Qu and the others were called by Lu Shaoqing to lead the way to Ziche’s house.

Zhuge Fu was very upset, and lowered his voice, “Do we want to be eaten by him like this?”

Zhuge Qu glanced back at Lu Shaoqing, who was following behind, and shook his head, “Things, maybe there are changes.”

Sima Fan’s words also made him react.

“He said that he can kill the gods, but the adults have not seen it, the adults will definitely try him, if he can’t do it, when the time comes…”

Without speaking, Zhuge Xun interjected again, “Great Elder, he didn’t lie.

“He can kill God…”

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