Zhuge Xun’s tone was very affirmative, which made Zhuge Fu unhappy to hear it.

The girl is outgoing and the family is unfortunate.

Zhuge Fu scolded, “You said yes? Have you seen it? ”

I’ve seen it!”

The affirmative tone made Zhuge Fu stunned.

Zhuge Yutang hurriedly asked, “Xuan’er, did you really see it with your own eyes?” ”

See it with your own eyes!”

“One Mahayana being they killed was Aragami, a terrible fallen god.”

Zhuge Xun now had more time to tell his father and elders about something.

Black Monster, Void Wind Spirit, First Spirit Continent, Aragami, Fallen God…

One by one, new terms popped out of Zhuge Xun’s mouth, making Zhuge Qu and others frightened.

At this moment, they realized how ridiculous they were.

They call themselves hermit families, but there are many beings in this world that they are unknown about.

In the matter of falling gods, their understanding is not as good as that of Zhuge Xun, the junior of the clan.

After digesting for a long time, Zhuge Fu was still not convinced, “I don’t believe it, what’s so terrible about falling into God?”

“If I do encounter them, I want to meet them for a while and learn their abilities.”

“If we can kill the gods, the adults will surely be impressed by us.”

Zhuge Qu was moved when he heard this, if so, they would also be able to get Chenghua to support them.

Zhuge Xun couldn’t help but speak, “It’s not that simple.

“The fallen gods of the same realm are several points stronger than us.”

“Hmph!” Zhuge Fu did not treat Zhuge Xun in every way, “What do you know, have you personally fought with them?”

Zhuge Yutang hurriedly pulled his daughter, signaling her not to say more, and at the same time changed the topic, “After this teleportation array, you can reach Ziche’s house…”

However, when he was about to activate the teleportation array, Zhuge Yutang was surprised, “Huh? ”

The sub-car family’s teleportation array blockade, can’t be activated!”

Lu Shaoqing and the others also came here and found that they could not teleport.

Like two doors, the door on this side opens, but the one in the distance closes.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “What for?” Don’t tell you to walk, right?

Xiao Yi guessed, “Should we know that we are going to find trouble with them, so we blocked it at the first time and did not let us go?”

“We can find them without using a teleportation array.”

Xiao Yi felt that they were all on this continent, and it was a little naïve to want to hide like this.

Zhuge Yutang said, “Ziche’s family is in another place, and you can only enter and exit with the help of a teleportation array.

“Therefore, the Ziche family usually seems more mysterious. They did not participate in the Holy Land’s attack on the Ancestral Star this time.

Lu Shaoqing immediately said, “What if you don’t participate? All four of you have offended me by advancing and retreating together. ”

Zhuge Yutang is speechless, is it so anxious?

Xiao Yi asked Zhuge Yutang, “Uncle Zhuge , is there no other way to go to Ziche’s house except the teleportation array?”

Zhuge Yutang shook his head, “As far as I know, no.

Then he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, it seems that we can’t go to Ziche’s house.” ”

There is no way to go to the Ziche family, and Lu Shaoqing can’t let the Ziche family be separated from the Holy Land like them.

Their agreement with Lu Shaoqing would not work.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Yutang couldn’t help but give Zichejia a big praise in his heart.

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Lu Shaoqing stepped out, “Small problem!”

As his words fell, the teleportation array under his feet lit up, and the next moment, countless formations floated up and slowly moved.

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and said to Zhuge Yutang, “Okay, take the spirit stone out and start.” ”

Zhuge Yutang and the others were stunned, just one kick can dissolve the blockade of the Ziche family and make the teleportation array run?

How high is this guy’s formation attainment?

Everyone passed through the teleportation array and came to a place that seemed to be space.

The sky here is gray, although it is very high, but with a sweep of divine awareness, you can still feel that the sky above your head is not nothing.

Rather, it is a tangible existence, a thick, undetectable existence hanging over it.

“Strange, what is this place?” Xiao Yi stomped his foot hard.

“Are we underground?”

“The same can be said!” Chenghua suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was surprised, this is underground?

Xiao Yi became even more curious and asked, “Grandpa Hua, is this really underground?”

“How inconvenient this is.”

Chenghua raised his head and looked at the top of his head and smiled slightly, “This is my body.” The

crowd was shocked again.

Xiao Yi held Chenghua’s body, looked up and down, very interested, “Grandpa Hua, we are all in your body?”

“Or is it in your belly?”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “It won’t be in the intestines, right?”

Chenghua’s face darkened, and then he shook his head, “Of course not, this is my shell that has faded.”

“When their ancestors came here, there was no place to stay, so I gave them the shell that had been shed.”

“The Ziche family lives in the shell, and the three of them are on top of the shell.”


Everyone gasped.

This is exciting news.

How big is this shell?

I thought it was a continent, but I didn’t expect it to be a faded shell.

A true behemoth.

Lu Shaoqing had already guessed the identity of Chenghua, and he spoke quickly, “You are Wang Ba? Cheng

Hua had a dark face, and immediately slapped it down, “Spirit turtle, I am a sea source spirit turtle, an existence born from the sea, not the Wang Ba in your mouth.”

“Yes, yes!” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly dodged, “Spirit turtle, spirit turtle, big spirit turtle.” Chenghua

looked unkind, “Little one, talk nonsense again, I’ll kill you.” ”

The eighth thousand-year-old king, the 10,000-year-old turtle,” Lu Shaoqing was still dancing on the tightrope, “How long have you lived?” Is the shell so big? Chenghua

raised his hand and wanted to hit someone, but after thinking about it, he finally lowered his hand, “Two broken eras!”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked again, “Rub, what a 10,000-year turtle!” ”

Calculate the time, forty or fifty thousand years, which is older than Luo Cang’s age.

“Can you bear not ascending to heaven?”

Cheng Hua sighed and said helplessly, “Ascension? Who wants to find their own death?

Then with a wave of his hand, the scene in front of everyone’s eyes changed and they came to a place.

Cheng Hua said to Lu Shaoqing, “You said that you can deal with the fallen gods, let’s shoot…”

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