Following the direction pointed by Yuhua, above the distant sky, a crack crossed the sky.

Black lightning lingered on the edges, black mist pervaded, spread, eroded.

A large patch of black has appeared around the crack.

Moreover, the black mist continued to spread towards the surroundings, engulfing and eroding the surroundings.

“This, what is this?”

Zhuge Qu, Zhuge Fu, and Zhuge Yutang were shocked when they saw such a scene for the first time.

Black mist, black lightning, and cracks like the mouth of the Abyss Demon, all revealed a strange and terrifying aura.

Even Great Elder Zhuge Qu, who had seen countless winds and waves, was cold.

Just by looking at it, he felt like his soul was going to be devoured into it.

Zhuge Xun’s gaze was complicated, and he said faintly, “This is the crack that appeared in the fallen god.

And Lu Shaoqing was numb, “Why is there such a ghost thing here?” ”


Lu Shaoqing wanted to scold his mother, and he said to Chenghua, “Senior, can you send me away?”

“Just when I haven’t been here?”

Lu Shaoqing really wanted to scold his mother, ghost things, the ghost is not dispersed, wherever he goes, he will appear there.

What comes here to ask the guilty car family, it is all fake.

Mahayana period to lie without blushing?

Yu Hua smiled, “Didn’t you say that you can deal with the fallen gods?

“Let’s go!”

“Alas!” Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, “Senior, I said that I lied to you before, will you beat someone?”

Sima Fan and the others, who arrived in the back, were overjoyed when they heard this.

Have inferior humans finally revealed their flaws and admitted that they lied?

Kill him, my lord!

Kill him!

Sima Fan and the others roared in their hearts.

Cheng Hua laughed, his smile was very kind, he looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Little fellow, what will happen if you cheat a Mahayana period?” ”

Ten thousand broken corpses, broken bones and ashes, scattered souls, never surpassed life, etc., one word after another flashed in everyone’s mind.

Gong Zhongqi, who had no hands, drank loudly, “Boy, you dare to deceive adults, and your crime deserves death.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Gong Zhongqi’s appearance and said to Zhuge Xun, “Brother dog, you have a common topic with him.

Zhuge Xun was puzzled at first, but after seeing Gong Zhongqi twisting, it seemed that she wanted to pounce and bite Lu Shaoqing to death, she instantly understood.

So angry that she cursed, “Bastard! ”

I’m not a dog.

Gong Zhongshu said coldly, “Boy, think about how to explain it to the adults.

“Hmph, dare to fool adults, so bold.”

“Cut!” Lu Shaoqing pouted, not bothering to pay attention to these guys, and went to ask Chenghua, “You knew that a fallen god appeared here for a long time?”

Chenghua put his hands behind his back and looked at the cracks in the sky, “Of course, although it is a faded shell, it is also my shell.”

“It’s not kind!” Lu Shaoqing despised, “You actually tricked me into coming here.”

“In this way, if you send me away, I will not think about you lying to me.”

Chenghua still smiled, “I’ll send you down, do you think?”

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“It’s not interesting!” Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly, “Strong melons are not sweet.” At

this time, several streamers came in the distance.


Two men, one woman.

First to Yuhua, then to the others, “Guys! ”

Ziche Shanshui!”


“Ziche Weiwei!”

Familiar people called out their names separately.

The Great Elder of the Ziche family, Ziche Shanshui, looked at everyone curiously, “I don’t know where you are here…”

Chenghua pointed at Lu Shaoqing and said, “I found you a helper, I hope he can help you.” ”


The eyes of the three of Ziche Shanshui curiously fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing said with a big grin, “It’s okay to help, there must be an appearance fee, my appearance fee is very expensive, 100 billion spirit stones.” ”

Ziche Shanshui and the three can’t help but fang, if it weren’t for Chenghua here, they would definitely scold a big fool.

One hundred billion spirit stones, the robbers did not dare to open this mouth.

Lu Shaoqing continued to say in a way that seemed very arrogant to others in the eyes of the three looking idiots, “The Black Abyss Rift, no one can close it except me. Ziche

Shanshui and the three looked at the idiot’s gaze even stronger.

Sima Fan even sneered, “Stupid, who do you think you are? ”

In the hidden family, only Zhuge Xun saw with his own eyes that Lu Shaoqing could close the crack, and neither Sima Huai nor Gongzhong Pengtian had ever seen it.

Sima Fan did not believe that Lu Shaoqing could do it.

After all, Lu Shaoqing’s arrogant appearance is also difficult to make people believe his words.

Ziche Shanshui and the three looked at Chenghua.

Yu Hua nodded, “Just take his word for it, if I can’t do it, I’ll clean him up.” During

the Mahayana period, Lu Shaoqing was not nervous at all, and continued to shout, “Take the appearance fee, and help you solve it immediately.” Ziche

Shanshui thought for a while, and arched his hand to Lu Shaoqing, “Dare to ask Xiaoyou Daimyo? ”

The people brought by Lord Yuhua must be treated politely.

When she knew Lu Shaoqing’s name, Ziche Weiwei suddenly spoke, “Are you Lu Shaoqing who killed Sima Huai and Gongzhong Pengtian on the ancestral star’s side?”

“Yes, exactly underneath.” Lu Shaoqing smiled and took out a brush and waved, “Do you want to sign?” Ziche

Weiwei suddenly said to Ziche Shanshui and Ziche, “Great Elder, Family Master, if it is him, according to the news from the Holy Land, he can indeed close the Black Abyss Rift. The

faces of the Zhuge family, the Sima family, and the Gongzhong family changed slightly.

The Ziche family’s intelligence network on the Holy Land side is better than theirs.

Seeing the change in everyone’s expressions, Ziche Train smiled slightly and explained, “Guys, there is a black abyss crack here, and the adults hope that we can solve it, so we have to send people out to find a way.” ”


The people of the Zhuge family, the Sima family, and the Gongzhong family secretly despised the Ziche family in their hearts.

Chenghua attaches great importance to the black abyss crack, and if the sub-car family solves it by itself, it will undoubtedly get the attention of Chenghua, and thus get great benefits.

Eating alone behind closed doors, meanness.

Therefore, the Ziche family blocked the teleportation array and blocked the news, so that the three of them could not get any news at all.

Lu Shaoqing also understood the little calculation made by the Zi Che family, and was very curious, “Is your strength so strong?” Can it withstand the attacks of the fallen monsters? ”

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