Ji Yan and the others, who knew the power of the Fallen God Monster, also cast curious eyes.

Once the crack appeared, the fallen god monsters rushed out overwhelmingly, and the Yan was endless and endless.

Not to mention a sub-car family, even if the four hidden families add up, it is not enough to see.

The Lingxiao faction is different, when the Lingxiao faction appeared in the monster, almost all the sects went into battle and built a large array to block it at the first time.

The ancestor of the merging period even entered the abyss crack to resist the fallen god monster, so that the monster did not really rage.

Right now, Lu Shaoqing didn’t feel the traces of formation in the abyss crack above his head.

Therefore, it is very curious that the sub-car family can withstand a steady stream of monster impacts.

Ziche Shanshui was stunned, “It’s just some chatter, why can’t you resist?” ”

What?” Lu Shaoqing was strange.

Ziche Weiwei explained to everyone that the abyss crack appeared more than ten years ago.

From time to time, some black monsters appeared from inside, although terrifying, they could not make any waves in front of the Ziche family.

The strongest monsters are only in the refining period, and the monsters above the merging period have not appeared.

The number of other monsters that appear is not much, at most hundreds at a time.

After listening to it, Lu Shaoqing looked up at the crack and deeply despised it, “Treat it differently? ”

The cracks in the line of sight are only several miles long and hundreds of meters wide, which can only be regarded as small cracks compared to those cracks that move hundreds of miles.

Perhaps, this is the reason why there are fewer fallen god monsters?

Lu Shaoqing guessed.

Lu Shaoqing said to Chenghua, “Senior, look, there are only a few small shrimp, so you don’t need me to make a move.” Yuhua

snorted, “Close the crack, I know you have the ability.” The

people of the Ziche family stared at Lu Shaoqing with burning eyes.

Although there are not many fallen god monsters that appear, they are very strong, and their sub-car family has also paid a lot of price.

The sub-car train couldn’t help but wonder, “Can it really close the crack?” ”

Black lightning is domineering and fierce, the slightest mistake will disappear, the black mist is very strange, can erode and affect the spiritual intelligence, trapped in it, and eventually become a monster.”

Lu Shaoqing said to the three of Ziche, “I can make a move, you have to promise me a condition.”

“No problem, little friend just said.” Ziche Shanshui was the first to agree.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up and he gave a thumbs up, “Refreshing, you are much better than the other three, no wonder you don’t like to play with them.” ”

Lu Shaoqing is too lazy to talk nonsense, 100 billion spirit stones, they can’t get it if they sell it.

So Lu Shaoqing directly stated his conditions.

A circular was issued condemning Muyong, separated from the Holy Land, and not participating in the attack on the Ancestral Star.

For the three of the Zhuge family, they may hesitate, but the Ziche family readily agreed.

Depend on!

The people of the Zhuge family, the Sima family, and the Gongzhong family couldn’t help but curse and scold in their hearts.

It was too cheerful to promise.

Wouldn’t it be reserved?

Even if the adults are here, it won’t be so fast, right?

Knowing that things can’t be done, so reverse patting the horse fart of adults?


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“Good, good!” Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, “I’ll go and deal with the crack.” ”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to delay, the devil knows if those fallen god monsters will come out.

Or hurry up and close the abyss crack.

“Slow down!” However, at this time, someone suddenly opened his mouth to stop.

It was Sima Fan, I saw Sima Fan step forward and bow to Chenghua, “Sir, how about we try?”

“If we can fix the rift, can our agreement with him be nullified?”

Whether it was Sima Fan, Zhuge Qu, Gong Zhongshu and others, they all looked forward to Chenghua with anticipation.

Wealth is in danger!

Sima Fan and the others did not admit defeat.

After living for so long, bowing to a hairy boy like Lu Shaoqing made them feel very shameful.

There is a great opportunity now.

What Yuhua cared about was the abyss crack in front of them, once they were able to solve this matter.

They will be able to get the attention of Chenghua, and the benefits that the Ziche family wanted before will fall on their heads.

At the same time, it can also abolish the agreement with Lu Shaoqing.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Cheng Hua looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Little fellow, what do you think?”

“Let them go, they don’t go, I have to despise them.” Lu Shaoqing was not only not angry, but smiled, “But don’t regret it then.”

Zhuge Xun’s heart jumped, and he couldn’t help but say to Zhuge Qu, “Great Elder, let’s not mix it in.

“Even Mu Yong wants him to make a move.”

Zhuge Xun, who had experienced it, knew very well that these strange things could only be solved by Lu Shaoqing, who was not a normal person.

Zhuge Fu snorted coldly, “What do you understand? How do you know if you don’t try?

Zhuge Qu did not speak, and the silence showed his attitude.

Defeated at the hands of Lu Shaoqing, few people were convinced.

Ziche Shanshui couldn’t help but remind them, “Guys, be careful, we have tried for a long time, and all kinds of means have been to no avail.

“Don’t risk it, guys.”

Ziche Shanshui did not believe that Sima Fan could do what their Ziche family had been unable to do all along.

Everyone is the same holy family, we can’t do it, you can do it?

Ziche Shanshui’s kindness sounded very harsh to Sima Fan and others.

Your sub-car family is hiding it, thinking about the benefits of domination, and now you still fight such an idea?

If you can’t do it, we can’t do it?

Don’t look down on people.

At that moment, Zhuge Fu of the Zhuge family, Sima Fan and Sima Chang’an of the Sima family, and the four people of the Gongzhong family rushed up to the sky and came to the abyss rift.

They all want to close the crack by their own methods, so that they can get the attention of Chenghua.

As long as I am valued by the Mahayana period, I and my family will definitely be able to reap great benefits.

Lu Shaoqing moved out of the table and chairs, sat down on his butt, took out a few handfuls of spirit beans, and smashed them up.

“Watch the play, prepare to watch the play!”

However, as soon as he took two spirit beans here, he felt that someone had come to his side.

Lu Shaoqing turned his head and saw that Weiwei, the son of the Ziche family, stared at him curiously with a pair of eyes….

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