Chenghua, who didn’t know when he disappeared, came out and asked with a solemn expression, “How is it?” Solved? ”

Where did you just go?” Lu Shaoqing squinted his eyes at Chenghua, “Become a deserter?”

“You’re afraid of a hairy one, fight with him.”

The expressions on everyone’s faces changed slightly, and there were some complaints in their hearts.

But no, you, as a Mahayana being, are the first to hide when the enemy appears.

The expressions of everyone were in their eyes, and he was not angry, but said lightly, “I can’t make a move, otherwise…”

I understand, of course Lu Shaoqing understands.

Luo Cang had already told him why.

Lu Shaoqing was very curious, “You Mahayana period are all desperate, really encounter danger, don’t you make a move?”

“Of course, it was shot, but when it came time to fight to the death, one careless one would completely fall.”

Cheng Hua was a little helpless, and shook his head, “If we have no choice, we will not make an easy move.”

Lu Shaoqing despised, “Instigated, where are so many reasons.” Chenghua

was still lifeless, with a good mentality, and smiled slightly, “If you don’t provoke a little, how can you live until now?”

“I’m forty-five thousand years old, and I’ve long passed the age of competitiveness.”

Forty-five thousand years old, everyone was suddenly surprised.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and she wrenched her finger to calculate it, and in the end, she couldn’t calculate how many generations of ancestors this had to be traced back to.

She was curious, “Grandpa Turtle, you have lived two broken eras, are you already immortal?” This

question also aroused the curiosity of everyone.

There is no immortality in this world.

Only by ascending can you have the opportunity to live forever.

The lifespan of the combined period is generally about 10,000 to 20,000 years.

The life expectancy of the Mahayana period is doubled, which is generally 30,000 to 50,000 years.

If you don’t ascend and stay in this world all the time, even if the body can withstand the passage of time, the soul can’t bear it.

The soul withers over the years and finally dies.

A broken era is about 10,000 to 20,000 years, which is about the same as the life yuan of the merging period.

Forty-five thousand years old, it should be almost the end of his life.

But the breath emitted by Chenghua does not have the slightest smell of decay, it is still full of vitality, giving people a feeling of vitality.

Luo Cang is the same, living a broken era, almost 20,000 years old, still full of vitality.

Cheng Hua smiled slightly, not intending to explain everyone’s confusion, “In the Mahayana period, live a little longer, you will naturally know.” ”

It’s a mystery!” Xiao Yi’s heart was so curious, he wanted to pull Chenghua’s beard and let him say clearly.

It’s a pity that this is a Mahayana period, and she can’t make a second time.

Alas, not very familiar, otherwise you must ask clearly.

Chenghua’s smile remained unchanged, and he glanced up at the top of his head.

There was a huge hole as if the sky had broken, and red light was projected in from the outside.

It was already night outside, and the red moonlight shone in.

Chenghua couldn’t help but sigh, “I didn’t expect the fallen god monster of the Mahayana period to appear. ”

Time, soon…” After

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a pause, he looked at Lu Shaoqing with appreciation in his eyes, “Little fellow, no wonder Luo Cang thinks so highly of you.”

“You, indeed, are very special.”

After living for tens of thousands of years, it is the first time such a young man has seen it.

What does the future hold?

Yu Hua said secretly in his heart.

But in any case, there is no harm in befriending such people.

He said to the humanity of the hidden family, “This is over, fulfill your promise.” ”

My lord…”

The faces of the four major families showed embarrassment, and there was a hundred reluctance in their hearts.

The hidden family lives far overseas, and it is not easy to collect spirit stones.

Billions were given at once, and it hurt my bones, and I was very distressed.

Gong Zhongshu felt very distressed, and couldn’t help but ask Chenghua, “Sir, can you let him be less?” ”

As long as Chenghua opens his mouth to help them bargain, I think Lu Shaoqing will not give Chenghua face.”

Unexpectedly, after Lu Shaoqing heard it, he became angry, holding the Mojun sword and brandishing it, and the evil dragon roared, “How?” Want to pay the bills?

“Are you going to try my sword against you?”

“You bastards, how many spirit stones do you want to pay the bill?”

“Whoever dares to pay the bill, I will cut his whole family, you can try.”

Lu Shaoqing was vicious, came here thousands of miles, went through thousands of hardships, fought so many fights, for what?

Isn’t it just for a few spirit stones?

Everyone couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

How many spirit stones are this called?

It’s about to empty out their old bottom.

Cheng Hua said lightly, “Heaven and earth will continue to change, and in the future, there will be turmoil, and countless people will die in the catastrophe.

“Even the strongest people die like ants.”

“Befriending a powerful being will do no harm to you.”

This is a very tactful statement, but it is also understandable to everyone.

Chenghua’s position is biased towards Lu Shaoqing, they don’t give it, Lu Shaoqing will grab it, and Chenghua will not stop it.

Faced with such a situation, they knew they had no choice.

So Zhuge Qu was the first to speak, “Daoist, please rest assured, I will raise spirit stones and hand them to you as soon as I go back.”

At the same time, he was glad in his heart that because of Zhuge Xun’s relationship, their Zhuge family only needed to give 2.1 billion spirit stones.

This bit of spirit stone, everyone can still make it together, and it will not make the life of the clan difficult.

Lu Shaoqing was happy and gave a thumbs up to Zhuge Qu, “I just said, the Zhuge family is the smartest family.” ”

The Ziche family is the second to agree, among the four major families, the spirit stones they gave are the best, only one billion.

It should be a reward for saving lives.

The people of the Ziche family read silently in their hearts.

The Zhuge family and the Ziche family agreed, and the Sima family and the Gongzhong family also had to agree.

Lu Shaoqing’s attitude towards them is not very good, and if he does not quickly agree, he is afraid that Lu Shaoqing will take the opportunity to increase the price again.

“Very good,” the four major families agreed, and Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, “Hurry up, by the way, the notice must be sent out to me completely, and not a single punctuation mark can be changed…”

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