

The once prosperous city is still full of people and people.

They were tall, and their fierce aura permeated the entire city.

Most of the human monks had fled, leaving only a few to take refuge or take captives in the city.

After the Terrans promised Yanzhou to the Demon Clan, Chaocheng replaced Taocheng and became the base camp of the Demon Clan.

Here, they built a huge teleportation array to stabilize the passage between the cold star and the progenitor star.

The teleportation array lit up every day, some came from the cold star to the ancestral star, and some returned from the ancestral star to the cold star.

It’s bustling with people.

In the northeast corner of the castle, various buildings stand here.

It is taller than the original buildings of Asahiro.

The Demon Monks built new buildings here, and it gradually became the new center of the city.

In a tall building, there are no buildings or trees in a radius of tens of miles.

From time to time, there are Demon Race cultivators soaring into the air.

There were also teams of black-armored friars patrolling by.

Two Terran cultivators appeared at the gate and said respectfully, “Zhang Zheng (Wu Tianzhong) asks for a meeting!” ”

Come in!”

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun glanced at each other and cautiously walked into the gate.

Behind the gate is a large hall supported by pillars hundreds of meters high on both sides.

The main hall is black style, the floor, walls, and pillars are all black, revealing a solemn atmosphere everywhere.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun looked around cautiously.

This is their first time here.

The two of them defected to the Demon Clan, and because of their status, they were respected in the Demon Clan.

But this was the first time they were allowed to come to the council hall.

After hurriedly taking a look at the surroundings, they hurriedly saluted a person carrying them in the center of the hall.

“I’ve seen Lord Kinaga!”

Turning around, he revealed a not very handsome face with a faint smile on his face.

It was the commander of the demon army, Mu Yong.

Half a generation has passed since the sending of the ancestral star.

Mu Yong used his ability to convince the entire demon race to convince him.

It can be said that without Mu Yong, the Demon Clan’s counterattack on the Ancestral Star would definitely not have been so smooth.

Under Mu Yong’s command, he not only defeated the human cultivators, but finally occupied Yanzhou reasonably and legally.

Truly gained a foothold on the ancestral star.

“Two of you, I haven’t seen you for a long time, how are you lately?”

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun also met Mu Yong more than ten years ago, when Mu Yong asked them for information about Lu Shaoqing.

I haven’t seen them for so long, and suddenly called them directly, which made Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun nervous and uneasy.

“With Lord Lao Muyong’s concern, we are doing well.” Zhang Zheng suppressed the tension and uneasiness in his heart and answered solemnly.

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Mu Yong’s strength is stronger than them, not to mention, being in a high position, the breath of a powerful superior, so that they dare not breathe more in Mu Yong’s atmosphere.

“Yes?” Mu Yong shook his head lightly, took two steps closer, and the pressure seemed to increase suddenly, “But I heard that you guys have been complaining a lot lately, accusing the Holy Family of not helping you?” Zhang

Zheng and Wu Tianzheng’s faces changed drastically.

Zhengzheng and Wu Tianzhun defected to the Demon Clan, not just to be a traitor.

As core disciples, they all dreamed of reviving the Yuan Pavilion.

They hope to use the hands of the Demon Race to regenerate Guiyuan Pavilion from the ashes.

However, thirty or forty years have passed since they defected to the demon race, and they have not even seen a single hair.

They had also offered to the Demon Clan that they could help them rebuild the Guiyuan Pavilion, but they never agreed.

As time passed, they felt more and more hopeless.

Grumbling, of course.


They had already started whining a few years ago, could it have only reached Mu Yong’s ears today?

The two looked at each other, very puzzled in their hearts.

“Master Mu Yong, this…” Mu Yong

held his hands behind his back, narrowed his smile, and stared at the two, “Do you think that our Holy Clan is deceiving you by not talking about credit?”

“Don’t dare!” The two felt more pressure.

Mu Yong stared at the two, the pressure of the two was increasing, and sweat quietly appeared on their foreheads.

Just when the two felt nervous, Mu Yong suddenly laughed.

As he smiled, the pressure around him disappeared.

The surroundings were obviously black and the light was not good, but Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun felt that the surroundings seemed to shoot into the Yangguan, making their nervous hearts relax at once.

Mu Yong smiled and said to the two, “Two, your credit to our Holy Family, our Holy Race will not forget.

“Your desire to rebuild the Guiyuan Pavilion is also known to the Holy Family.”

“But, you know, the timing is not right.”

“Our Holy Family has just gained a foothold in Yanzhou, if you are allowed to re-establish the Guiyuan Pavilion immediately, you say, where should the site of the Guiyuan Pavilion be placed?”

“Qizhou, Yanzhou, or Zhongzhou?”

“If you are impatient, it will only backfire and make the human race hate our holy race even more, and thus hate you who are allied with us.”

Mu Yong patiently explained for the two, flattering the two.

Especially the word alliance made the two subconsciously straighten their chests, feeling that they should be on an equal footing with Mu Yong.

The dissatisfaction in the hearts of the two instantly dissipated, and they had become happy and sincere, and continued to listen to Mu Yong.

“I can assure you, Qizhou, it will be you who will return to the Yuan Pavilion in the future.”

Mu Yong’s last words made Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun ecstatic in their hearts.

Being able to get Mu Yong’s personal promise was undoubtedly the best news they had received in all these years.

Guiyuan Pavilion was saved.

Chief, Master, you wait, we will definitely rebuild the Guiyuan Pavilion and will avenge you.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun were excited in their hearts, as if they had seen Gui Yuan Pavilion reborn in their hands.

“But!” Mu Yong’s voice changed, “Qizhou, it’s not so easy to capture.

“After all, now that the Lingxiao faction is already the overlord of Qi Prefecture, they are the masters of Qi Prefecture…”

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