After Yu came in, he saw Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhong.

For human traitors, there are few people on the demon side.

Zen subconsciously frowned and closed his mouth.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun were also very knowledgeable, although they wanted to know what the news of the Holy Land was.

But the two knew they weren’t fit to listen here.

Therefore, Zhang Zheng and Wu Tian arched their hands, “Master Muyong, Lord He, let’s go first.”

Mu Yong waved his hand, “It’s okay, listen to it.” ”

I just explained the task to the two, and now let them leave, it is easy for the two to feel estranged.

Mu Yong, who knows how to master people, is very clear, so he simply lets the two stay and listen together, which can further buy people’s hearts.

Sure enough, after the two listened, their hearts were extremely moved.

They all felt that Mu Yong was a good person, and they would not hesitate to go to the soup for Mu Yong in the future.

Yu hesitated, gritted his teeth, and said to Mu Yong, “Sir, it’s about the Yinshi family.

Don’t worry about it, the smile on Mu Yong’s face was a little brighter, and he waved his hand generously, “Say, what’s the matter?”

“It’s just that they’re making trouble again.”

The relationship between the Hidden Family and the Holy Land is imminent.

This time to send troops to the ancestral star, the hidden family only sent a few concubines to help.

Zhuge Xun was captured by Lü Shaoqing, Sima Huai and Gong Zhongpeng Heavenly Lord were killed by Lü Shaoqing, and the remaining disciples of the hidden family were recruited back one after another.

The Holy Land and Muyong’s side did not obstruct.

In Mu Yong’s opinion, in addition to these things, the hidden family must have resentments, and it is normal to have a little temper.

There is no war now, and there is no need for the help of the hidden family for the time being.

In Mu Yong’s plan, when the time comes for the war to resume, let the Holy Land send someone to pacify it.

Now that there is information about the hidden family, Mu Yong feels that it is nothing more than making trouble because of those few families and fighting for a little benefit.

All of this was expected by him.

Instead of speaking, Yu handed Mu Yong a jade talisman with information about Cold Star.

However, when Mu Yong took the jade talisman and looked at it, his face became ugly.

It’s extremely ugly, as ugly as someone pulling out the crotch of your pants.

Mu Yong, who had a gloomy face, seemed to lead the aura around him and change the surrounding environment.

Whether it was He, Zhang Zheng, or Wu Tianzheng, they all felt great pressure.

Especially Yu, he was secretly shocked in his heart, and this depressed feeling made him involuntarily think of his master.

It was obviously only the refining period, why was the pressure exuded not weaker than his master?

The powerful suppression made Yu have to carefully open his mouth to persuade, “Sir, there is no need to be angry, the hidden family’s move is too much, and they must give an explanation when the time comes.” Even

, he thought of a way, “At that time, you can use this as an excuse to get the hidden family to agree to more demands.” ”


What is it?

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun were extremely curious here, as if a little cat was constantly scratching their hearts, and it was extremely itchy.

Mu Yong’s silver color was a little ugly, and finally he slowly suppressed the anger in his heart, pinched the jade talisman and thought for a long time.

Finally, he said slowly, “It seems that he is back.” The

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tone was filled with surprise, helplessness, and shock.

“My lord, who is it?” Although Yu is smart, he can’t keep up with Mu Yong’s rhythm and has to be curious to ask.

“Lu Shaoqing!” Mu Yong spit out three words lightly.

Lu Shaoqing’s three words were like thunder exploding here.

Blew up the three of Xun, Zhang Zheng, and Wu Tianzheng to the point of dizziness.

Lu Shaoqing is back?

Returned from the Endless Void?

But I don’t mean….

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun couldn’t believe it, and looked at Mu Yong stupidly.

Just now you yourself said that he would never come back in his life, why did he come back?

Hyun was stunned and subconsciously said, “No, it’s impossible, right?

“Doesn’t it mean that he has been banished to the depths of the void, without a coordinate point, and will never return?”

“How could he possibly come back?”

At the beginning, for this reason, Mu Yong asked the Holy Land to compensate the Zhuge family.

Mu Yong shook his head, with a little doubt in his eyes, “I don’t know, maybe, luck.” He

detonated the Shifting God Bag and personally disturbed the void, and he was sure that Lu Shaoqing was descending into the depths of the void.

There is no light, no direction, no reference, no coordinate point, in other words, Mu Yong is in that environment, Mu Yong does not think that he can come back.

Therefore, Mu Yong can only attribute it to luck.

Perhaps only luck can justify it.

However, what Mu Yong didn’t know was that Lu Shaoqing didn’t rely on luck.

Yu still didn’t believe it, “Even if luck can come back, didn’t he swear?”

“Now that half of a hundred years have passed, he dares to come back? Isn’t he afraid of death?

Lu Shaoqing swore in public, this is what everyone saw with their own eyes, heard with their own ears, and could not be fake.

Coming back early is tantamount to breaking your oath.

The oath is not a joke, the lighter one becomes a mortal, survives for a few years, and finally returns to dust for decades, and the heavier one is directly wiped out.

When Mu Yong was puzzled, Zhang Zheng said next to him, “Master Mu Yong, he can easily break his oath.

“As if the oath was not binding on him.”

“How is that possible?” “It can’t be non-binding, there must be some other reason.” ”

Swearing is equivalent to letting the Dao of Heaven witness, daring to break the oath is equivalent to offending the Dao of Heaven, who dares?

Those who previously broke their oath would have died long ago beyond death.

“Perhaps, he has a magic weapon that can blind the heavenly machine.”

Mu Yong shook his head, “He doesn’t have a magic weapon to blind the heavens, he dares to avoid the important and play word games.”

But Mu Yong still didn’t understand the oath Lu Shaoqing had made before, and he confirmed that there were no loopholes in the words.

Why did Lu Shaoqing dare to come back?

Mu Yong couldn’t figure it out, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of frustration in his heart, that guy was too hard to kill.

“Master Muyong,” Zhang Zheng asked, “Are you sure he’s back?”

“Maybe, not him…”

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