Yu also reacted and said to Mu Yong, “That’s right, my lord, it’s not necessarily him.”

“It was just an announcement from the Hidden Family, and his name was not mentioned on it.”

“It’s him!” Mu Yong’s tone was affirmative, and he even wanted to give Yu a roll of his eyes, “No one will make such an announcement except him.” ”


The content of the announcement made Mu Yong very angry, and he directly crushed the jade talisman.

What announcement?

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun were very curious, and they couldn’t wait to piece together the scraps in Mu Yong’s hands to see it clearly.

“Moreover,” Mu Yong continued, “the Yin Clan is going to withdraw, and it will not wait until now to issue an announcement.

“I’m sure he definitely came back and found the Hidden Family.”

“Otherwise, there would never have been such a thing.”

It was not so much to convince Yu as to convince himself that Lu Shaoqing was really back.

Apart from Lu Shaoqing, Mu Yong couldn’t think of anyone else who would issue such an announcement.

Disgusting, extremely disgusting.

So disgusting that Mu Yong now wants to hit someone.

Although Mu Yong doesn’t care about reputation, he can’t stand being bad in rumors.

Of the three thousand or so contents, nearly ninety percent of the content is saying bad things about him.

What a damn guy.

Mu Yong was even more determined that his decision to kill Lu Shaoqing was not wrong.

Not to mention that he will harm the world, his bad character alone deserves to die.

Killing him can also be regarded as giving the world a purity.

Looking at Mu Yong’s gloomy face, Yu couldn’t help but ask, “Sir, what are you going to do?” Mu

Yong was silent for a long time, and the hall fell into a terrible silence.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun once again felt great pressure, and even, they felt a faint killing intent.

The two almost peed, what is Mu Yong going to do?

If they didn’t read that content, were they going to kill people?

Although they felt the slightest threat of death, they were also curious.

What did Lu Shaoqing do, let the calm and wise Mu Yong become like this.

Stealing Muyong’s home?

Or kidnap Mu Yong’s Taoist couple?

For a long time, the two felt the pressure on their bodies lighten, and Mu Yong regained his light appearance.

He waved his hand, “You guys leave first…” Zhang

Zheng and Wu Tianzhun left the hall, and Zhang Zheng couldn’t help but ask Yu, “Lord He, what happened?”

Zen snorted, didn’t bother to pay attention to the two, and left directly.

As the third holy son, he has the pride of his own body.

He is not worthy of his respect.

For this situation, the two are also helpless, but they are used to it.

Adultery is destined to receive little respect.

Compared with the disrespectful displeasure, they were more curious about what announcement did Lu Shaoqing issue?

The two looked at each other and had an idea in their hearts.

The two left here and came to the city of Chaocheng.

This is the base camp of the Demon Clan, and it is full of countless intelligence information.

The two thought that it would take a lot of effort to find out, but what they didn’t expect was that they already knew the content of the announcement before they went to investigate.

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The content of the announcement spreads like a hurricane around the city, and everyone can easily know the content.

It looks as if someone is spreading it on purpose.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that the inside of the demon race is not monolithic, on the surface, everyone seems to be convinced of Mu Yong, in fact, there are many people who are secretly opposed to Mu Yong.

Mu Yong’s ability is impeccable, but because of his interests, it is destined that everyone will not listen to him with a dead heart.

Zhang Zheng and Wu Tianzhun soon saw the content of the announcement.

After the two saw the above content, the two seemed to see Lu Shaoqing’s figure cursing.

There is no need to doubt it, this is definitely something that Lu Shaoqing came up with.

Ordinary people can’t think of this kind of content, and they can’t come up with such a thing.

“Damn, it’s really him…” The

content of the announcement also shocked the demon race.

The four hidden families jointly announced that they would no longer send troops with the Holy Land to deal with the ancestral star.

This alone is enough to surprise people.

As for the content of the announcement, it left countless people speechless.

It’s just a hooligan scolding street, no different from pointing at the nose and scolding.

The key is that this is a notice issued by the hidden family, endorsed by the four hidden families.

People who don’t know Mu Yong will really think that Mu Yong is such a person.

Therefore, many people of the human demon race whispered.

“Wouldn’t you? Is Lord Kinaga such a person? ”

Is the personality so bad? Can’t see it! ”

Down to three years old, up to eighty years old?”

“Can a normal person do such a thing?”

“Are you stupid, have you ever heard that you know your face and don’t know your heart?”

“Maybe, that’s it.”

“Who dares to talk nonsense?”

“Lord Mu Yong is definitely not such a person, who dares to say bad things about him, just can’t get by with me…”

“Maybe it’s a hill

…” “Damn…” Because

of this announcement, the people who supported Mu Yong and those who doubted Mu Yong were opposed, and even fought a lot, causing a lot of commotion.

What happened outside, Mu Yong was naturally very clear.

He didn’t come forward to explain or say anything, because he knew that it was useless to explain it.

He can only rely on rumors and stop at the wise.

It’s just a pity that there are not many wise people of the demon race.

“A bunch of idiots!” Mu Yong listened to the gossip outside, and he still couldn’t help but scold in a low voice.

The shaft is insufficient and conspiratorial!

In fact, if someone else spread rumors about him like this, even if they pointed at his nose and scolded, Mu Yong would not care.

On the other hand, this person is Lu Shaoqing, and Mu Yong can’t help it.

If he didn’t solve Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t sleep well.

“Kinaga-sama!” The first holy son of the Holy Land Kou and the third holy son were summoned by Mu Yong.

Mu Yong said to the two indifferently, “The matter here is left to the two of you, and I will return to the ancestral star.” Kou

and Yu looked surprised

, “Master Mu Yong, this…” Mu Yong said lightly, “I want to return to the ancestral star and solve him.” ”

The tone is flat, murderous, and a killing intent pervades the hall…

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