The air suddenly became dry, and a hot breath appeared, frantically eroding everything around it.

The aura in the air was like encountering kerosene, and it roared and burned.

A little red light stung the eyes of He Zhengran and the three.

In the incredulous gazes of the three, the air seemed to be burning, and the surroundings were filled with endless firelight.

It was like the immortal fire that fell from the sky, little by little.

They flutter in the air and burn.

Lu Shaoqing’s long sword turned lightly again, cutting an arc in the air.

The flames that fluttered in the wind instantly became furious.

Like a school of fish that smelled their prey, they swarmed up, and the flames rose up into the sky, forming a large impermeable net, shrouding the attacks of He Zhengran and the three.

The attack of the three fell into the net of fire, like a fish that left the water and fell into the net.

Desperately struggled, but in the end powerless.

The ball of light emitted by He Zhengran was wrapped in a net of fire, melted, quickly became smaller, and finally disappeared into it.

And the falling white sky thunder, like a silver snake, struggled in the fire net, was melted into several knots by the blazing high temperature, and completely disappeared.

As soon as Sima Jun’s aura condensed into a long arrow, it was quickly absorbed by the fire net, turning into fuel for countless flames, burning even more vigorously.

He Zhengran and the three were horrified, but they did not expect that the attack of the three of them would not have the slightest effect in front of Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

They had the illusion that they heard the wailing of their attacks.

What is even more terrifying is that the power of this fire net is undiminished, and the castration remains unchanged, shrouded towards the three people.

The blazing high temperature from the huge fire net made the three of them terrified, and they felt that their souls were about to burn.

The blazing heat caused the surrounding trees to wither and, in some places, burn.

Billowing smoke, adding to the slaughter.

The three hurriedly retreated, and at the same time came up with their own means to deal with it.

He Zhengran Buddha dust lit up slightly, and waved fiercely at the fire net.

A powerful fluctuation once again emanated from the Buddha dust, facing the fire net with majestic might.

Jiao Yiqing and Sima Jun also used their own means one after another, and the three joined forces, and finally a powerful explosion occurred, which defused Lu Shaoqing’s attack.

The faces of the three became very solemn.

Lu Shaoqing’s strength was even stronger than they thought.

“It is worthy of the late Jiedan period.”

Jiao Yiqing’s eyes showed envy, even jealousy, he was in the middle of the Jiedan period, the six-layer realm, but he had been stuck here for decades.

There has been no way to break through.

And Lu Shaoqing in front of him was younger than all three of them, and even less than one-fifth of their age.

But it was already in the late stage of Jiedan, and he easily reached the realm he dreamed of reaching.

People have to die compared to people, and goods have to be thrown away.

Jiao Yiqing looked at Lu Shaoqing looking at them proudly, with disdain in his eyes, and did not put them in his eyes.

The envy and jealousy in his heart turned into killing intent and hatred.

“Kill, you must kill him.”

Jiao Yiqing roared angrily and took the lead in attacking again.

He took out his weapon, a staff about his height.

He held his staff high, and above the sky, dark clouds were thick, and lightning was like countless silver snakes shuttling through the dark clouds.

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The roaring thunder resounded in the sky, and there was a terrifying coercion in the air.

Like the sky falling, it brought Lu Shaoqing heavy pressure.

Lu Shaoqing looked up at the sky above, the dark clouds that would split the sky thunder at any time, and couldn’t help but scold, “Old fellow.” ”

Jiao Yiqing is the strongest of the three, and the realm is only two small realms lower than him.

Needless to say, his move was also his must-kill move, which made Lu Shaoqing feel threatened.

Lu Shaoqing held a long sword and rushed straight towards Jiao Yiqing, and on the way, he swung several sword qi at Jiao Yiqing.

The sword qi roared, flashing with a strong light, with a sharp killing intent.

Jiao Yiqing did not dodge, looking at the sword qi that attacked, a faint disdain flashed in his eyes.

He shouted, and the magic staff pointed at the incoming sword qi.



A white thunderbolt thicker than an arm cut through the sky and fell from the sky, shining the surroundings into a silvery white.

The white thunder and lightning carried a dazzling light, destroying Lu Shaoqing’s several sword qi like a decay.

“Boom…” The

remnants of lightning landed on a stone on the ground, and the stone fell apart, and countless electric lights flashed and entangled in it.

And that’s not all.

In the sky, dark clouds rolled violently, and several thunderbolts fell, this time aiming at Lu Shaoqing.

The white thunder and lightning that fell from the sky crawled in the air like a silver snake, finding the opportunity to launch a fatal blow against Lu Shaoqing.

Several thunderbolts fell together, and the huge momentum seemed to be extinguished.

Feeling the momentum of the thunder and lightning, Lu Shaoqing frowned and wanted to do something, but then stretched his brows.

Decided to try your flesh again.

The body refining technique had been cultivated to the Xiaocheng realm before, and he was able to block He Zhengran’s attack.

Now let him test whether he can withstand these thunderbolts.

Lu Shaoqing secretly held a few pills in his hand, just in case, after making preparations.

Thunder and lightning also fell from the sky, drowning him.


The ground shook, and the thunder and lightning flashed for several miles with Lu Shaoqing as the center, and the rumbling sound was endless, and the dense electric light spread around.

It was like setting off a lightning storm, and everything around was shrouded in lightning.

“Good, good…” Seeing

Lu Shaoqing being flooded by lightning, He Zhengran and Sima Jun showed joy on their faces and applauded one after another.

This is Jiao Yiqing’s killing move, and they will be chopped up until they don’t even have slag left.

Sima Jun laughed loudly, “That kid is big and dares not resist and resist Brother Jiao’s furious heavenly thunder, this is looking for his own death.”

He Zhengran thought deeply and said happily, “Even if he is in the late stage of Jiedan, he can’t bear this trick.” Jiao

Yiqing’s face showed a color, this is his famous skill.

Feeling proud in his heart, he slowly spoke, “Don’t be careless, be careful, and prepare carefully.”

Although he thought that Lu Shaoqing would be crippled if he did not die under this blow, he still had to be reserved on the surface.

Sima Jun smiled and said, “Brother Jiao, you are too careful, that kid…” Before

his words were finished, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from the thunder and lightning.

“It hurts, it hurts, it hurts me….”

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