He Zhengran, Jiao Yiqing, and Sima Jun were shocked.

The three fixed their eyes and saw Lu Shaoqing’s hair explode, forming an explosive head.

His clothes were ragged and his body was scorched black in many places.

It looks embarrassing.

However, the three of them were terrified in their hearts and attacked Lu Shaoqing again.

Because the three noticed that although Lu Shaoqing was shouting, his breath did not weaken much.

Lu Shaoqing danced straight in pain, and was hit by lightning a few times, and everyone else was numb.

Zhang Conglong’s sword qi couldn’t help her, but he didn’t expect that the spell of a six-layer Jiao Yiqing made him feel more painful.

There were still countless small thunderbolts running around in his body, and he had to pump them from time to time.

The taste was so sour.

Of course, apart from sourness, there is nothing at all.

Lu Shaoqing shouted while forcing out the thunder and lightning in his body.

At this time, He Zhengran’s attack from the three killed again.

The first to be killed was Sima Jun’s bow and arrow.

The feather arrow, which was still condensed by spiritual energy, cut through the space, emitted a sharp sound, and killed Lu Shaoqing with a sharp edge.

“Get out!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly, and the sound was like a bell, and a majestic spiritual power rolled up the feather arrow, and the feather arrow seemed to be swept into the deep sea whirlpool, tearing into countless fragments and dissipating in the air.


The next moment, thunder fell from the sky again, and Jiao Yiqing’s lightning attack killed again.

However, compared with the thunder and lightning that fell this time, both the momentum and power were much worse.

Jiao Yiqing is now a big move, and he can only use small skills to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

For such an attack, Lu Shaoqing didn’t even look at it, letting it be on him.


When Jiao Yiqing saw it, he was horrified in his heart.

He Zhengran’s Buddha dust turned into countless tentacles, constantly cutting the surrounding air, making a roaring sound, and rolled towards Lu Shaoqing.

Every whisk of dust was like a crazy ferocious beast, about to devour Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing slashed down at the attacking Buddha Dust.

A powerful spiritual power fluctuation erupted from Lu Shaoqing’s body, and a terrifying sword qi appeared.

He Zhengran’s Buddha dust was also a well-crafted weapon, but in front of this terrifying sword qi, it was cut off by Qi brushes like paper paste.

Buddha dust is He Zhengran’s original weapon, and Buddha dust is destroyed.


He Zhengran screamed, as if he had been hit hard, a mouthful of blood spurted out, staining his clothes red.

He Zhengran’s face turned pale and looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror.

This sword cut off his fighting spirit.

He knew that Lu Shaoqing’s strength was very strong, but he did not expect that Lu Shaoqing’s strength would be so strong.

His Buddha dust was a three-grade magic weapon, extremely hard, but in front of Lu Shaoqing’s sword, it was extremely fragile.

He Zhengran saw Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fall on him, his scalp was numb, and he hurriedly retreated.

Jiao Yiqing shouted, “Be careful, his kendo is very strong, don’t fight with him.” ”

Kendo is strong?

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly and shouted, “Watch me smash you three old guys.” ”

Immortal Fireball Technique!

Above the sky, a large burning fireball appeared, as hot and dazzling as the sun.

He Zhengran and the three were even more frightened.

“No, don’t be nervous,” Sima Jun said loudly, “There is nothing to worry about except a little smoke. ”

In the canon, Xiao Yi has used it, and Lu Shaoqing has also used it.

Xiao Yi’s one was just terrifying, and it had no effect on Du Jing.

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As for Lu Shaoqing’s, in front of Zhang Conglong, he was also easily solved by Zhang Conglong.

Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi made this move the same, that is, there was a lot of smoke.

Jiao Yiqing also nodded, “That’s right, just be careful of his sneak attack.” Xiao

Yi relied on this trick to create smoke and successfully attacked Du Jing.

Jiao Yiqing and they participated in the ceremony, and naturally saw it clearly.

“Is it just a little more smoke?”

Lu Shaoqing sneered even more.

Controlling the large fireball towards Sima Jun.

“Then I’ll ask you to take a puff of smoke.”

Looking at the big fireball is mainly coming towards him.

Sima Jun didn’t have any panic, he smiled coldly.

Bending the bow and taking arrows, like the Houyi shooting the sun, shot at the big fireball in the sky.

Then after a few arrows, Sima Jun’s face changed.

How is it not broken?

And the fireball had already come to his head, and it was too late for him to escape.

Jiao Yiqing and He Zhengran also noticed that something was wrong, and the two went all out to rescue.

In the end, it was too late.


The big fireball slammed into Sima Jun, and Sima Jun’s side was in a hurry to take out his magic weapon to resist.

However, this move was made in Lu Shaoqing’s hands, and both the power and speed were more powerful than Xiao Yi’s half-hanger level.

The large fireball solidly enveloped Sima Jun in it.

Sima Jun screamed bitterly, and was engulfed by a large fireball.

“Brother Sima, Brother Sima!”

Jiao Yiqing and He Zhengran were terrified and desperately rescued.

However, the violent explosion of the large fireball made the two have to avoid it in the end.

The terrifying explosion power is like a terrifying wave hitting everything around, and the terrifying heat melts everything around.

The blazing high temperature made Jiao Yiqing and He Zhengran have to retreat again and again.

The faces of the two were ugly, and under such an explosion power, Sima Jun was less fierce.

However, when the explosion passed, the faces of the two couldn’t help but show joy.

“Brother Sima, you’re still alive.”

“Great, great.”

Jiao Yiqing and He Zhengran were overjoyed.

In the center of the explosion, Sima Jun was half-kneeling on the ground, and although the breath on his body was weak, he was still breathing.

There are several fragments of magic weapons left around him, and it seems that he survived the explosion of the phobia by relying on the magic weapon.

He Zhengran couldn’t help but laugh, “Good, great. ”

Sima Jun is his friend, a lifelong friend.

This time, he He Zhengran invited to help deal with Lu Shaoqing, if he was killed by Lu Shaoqing here, he would not care about it.

At the same time, the fighting spirit in his heart ignited again.

“His move is so powerful, but he has not been able to kill Brother Sima, which shows that his strength is declining, and we still have a chance to win.”

Jiao Yiqing looked at Sima Jun, but there was doubt in his heart.

Logically, Sima Jun should not have survived this wave of attacks.

Even with the help of magic weapons.

The terrifying heat and great power, even he did not have the confidence to be able to resist.

He Zhengran’s side had already rushed over to meet Sima Jun.

Jiao Yiqing subconsciously shouted, “Brother He, be careful.”

“Don’t worry…”

However, as soon as He Zhengran’s words fell, a cold light appeared in front of He Zhengran…

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