Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to hide the plan, he relaxed and sat on the ground with his butt, “Alas, I’m exhausted, it’s not easy to hide from the master.”

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan knew Lu Shaoqing better than Shao Cheng.

Just now, Lu Shaoqing deliberately led the topic away, and he knew that Lu Shaoqing was not sincere and was hiding something.

He did not urge, but waited for Lu Shaoqing to say why.

Lu Shaoqing sat down and moved his body to make himself more comfortable before he smiled and asked Ji Yan, “Have you ever heard of throwing yourself into the net?” As

soon as Ji Yan heard it, he understood, “Are you waiting for the people from the Dian Xing Sect to automatically deliver to the door?”

“Not bad, much smarter than the stupid junior sister.”

Lu Shaoqing gave a thumbs up to Ji Yan and praised him.

Xuan Yunxin’s words reminded Lu Shaoqing, and also made Lu Shaoqing think of this method.

Let Xuan Yunxin stay in the Heavenly Royal Peak, and when the time comes, the news will be transmitted back to the Dian Xing Faction.

The Dian Xing Faction will definitely send someone to find him.

He had his back to the Lingxiao faction, and he could fight if he could, but if he couldn’t fight, he hid back in the sect.

It’s much safer than going to the door to find some Star Pie trouble himself.

After knowing Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts, Ji Yan reminded, “Don’t set yourself on fire at that time.”

“What are you afraid of, even if the Yuan baby comes, I am not afraid.” Lu Shaoqing didn’t think so, he had already calculated it.

“Yuan baby, you are not there, I will hide back to Tianyu Peak, he still dares to fight?”

“I can hide here for the rest of my life.”

Ji Yan was silent.

This last sentence sounded shameless, but he believed that his junior brother could absolutely do it.

However, Ji Yan didn’t understand a little, “In that case, why hide it from Master?” ”

When the time comes, the people who point to the star faction come to the door, and it will definitely make a big noise.

Shao Cheng is not blind or deaf, it is impossible not to know.

Since this is the case, there is no objection

to Lu Shaoqing’s disdain, “Just after praising your cleverness, you are possessed by a stupid junior sister, right?” ”

When are you going on a public tour?”

Ji Yan looked at his junior brother and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Although sometimes very angry, in fact, he is still a very reliable person.

Who the master is, Ji Yan is very clear.

Gentle attitude, strong temperament, is a rare old good person.

But only in the matter of caring about the apprentice, Shao Cheng seemed to have changed as a person.

If Shao Cheng knew the true purpose of Lu Shaoqing bringing Xuanyunxin back to Tianyu Peak.

Definitely worried.

Shao Cheng will go to carry out the mission of the sect for a while.

Lu Shaoqing This is in order not to interfere with Shao Cheng, deliberately playing muddy and concealing Shao Cheng.

After thinking about it, Ji Yan took out a small wooden sword with a long palm and threw it to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing took it, and he felt a sharp sword intent hidden inside the wooden sword.

There was a sword intent hidden in Ji Yan.

Once it broke out, it was equivalent to a sword that Ji Yan personally split.

Good thing, Lu Shaoqing smiled, put it away at the first time, and then asked Ji Yan, “Is there anything else?” Give me a few more.

“You’re brainless now, too?” Ji Yan took the opportunity to despise Lu Shaoqing.

With the strength of Jiyan, he does not need it, nor does he need it.

He was just playing.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, very pity, “Alas, if you give me a thousand and hundreds, I alone have the confidence to kill the Star Sect.” ”

It’s exciting to think about.

Ji Yan ignored Lu Shaoqing, turned around and left.

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Lu Shaoqing sat cross-legged in place, touching his chin and thinking down.

After a while, Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh and scolded, “Trouble is dead.” ”

There was a conflict with the Dian Xing faction, and a beam was formed.

There is no way around it.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and shook his head, “Let’s recuperate first.”

“The ring still has twenty days of CDs, trouble.”

However, Lu Shaoqing was also glad that he had slaughtered two fat sheep in Zhongzhou and had enough spirit stones for him to cultivate.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, almost a month had passed since the Lingxiao Sect Ceremony.

“Tomorrow is the day when Master and Senior Brother set off.”

“Forget it, practice tonight, and sleep tomorrow.”

“I’m not going to send them.”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, and then appeared in the white room.

“One hundred thousand spirit stones,” Lu Shaoqing warned the spirit card, “dead ghost, if you dare to mess around, I will tear you down.” ”

One hundred thousand lower grade spirit stones were thrown into the incense burner, and the white light flourished in an instant.

Even if Lu Shaoqing was a cultivator of the eight-layer realm in the late Jiedan period, his eyes could not see other colors.

In addition to white or white.

This time the white light is more intense than any previous one, and it is more durable.

At the same time, a palpitating breath began to pervade.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked in his heart, shouldn’t there be any changes in this?

Or are the dead ghosts too well fed and about to be held to death?

Is it time to return to the light?

“Dead ghost, don’t hold on to death, you are dead, what should I do?”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help shouting.

However, with this shout, he suddenly disappeared and appeared in his room.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, what’s going on?

Coming to his senses, he hurriedly wanted to go in again, but found that he couldn’t enter anyway.

The ring on the hand gradually turned gray and dark, losing its luster.

My day!

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, which was very similar to those storage rings he violently opened before.

Are dead ghosts really held to death?

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears.

You dead ghost, you can’t eat so much, you say.

You have a bad stomach, you have to eat hard, you hold on, what about me?

Without the time house in the ring, maybe he won’t be able to break through the Yuan Baby until he is a hundred years old.

Lu Shaoqing roared angrily at the ring, “You brought me back to life…”

However, the ring did not react at all, and its luster was dull, as if it was completely damaged.

Lu Shaoqing was so anxious that he was not a forging grandmaster, and he had nothing to do about it except be anxious.

Lu Shaoqing tried everything he could think of, whether it was injecting spiritual power into the ring, patting, soaking in water, or dripping blood, it had no effect.

Even spit Lu Shaoqing used it, and it had no effect at all.

After tossing for most of the night, Lu Shaoqing finally gave up.

He looked up to the sky and gave up.


, just when Lu Shaoqing was disappointed, he was about to be a diligent and studious cultivator from today onwards, when the ring in his hand suddenly flashed.

The ring has regained its luster, and it is a little better than before.

Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed and entered the ring without saying a word.

As soon as he entered, a powerful aura enveloped him, and a terrifying coercion descended…

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