This breath is powerful, coercive and terrifying.

This is something that Lu Shaoqing has never felt.

Even on Yu Chang’s body, Lu Shaoqing had never felt such a powerful and terrifying aura.

The breath is powerful, vast as an abyss, unfathomable.

It gave Lu Shaoqing a feeling of fear, like a mortal facing a demon beast from the abyss, and the

terrifying coercion pressed on him, like countless mountains pressing on his body, which would crush him into meat mud at any time.

Lu Shaoqing knelt on the ground, he was supporting him deadly, trying hard not to be crushed.

Lu Shaoqing’s forehead was breaking out in cold sweat, and his whole body was trembling.

This is an instinctive trembling, a powerful breath, a terrifying coercion.

It made Lu Shaoqing feel that his soul was in fear.

Well, I’m not going to cross over to any power, am I?

Or broke into that old youkai’s room?

Lu Shaoqing wanted to raise his head to see who it was.

However, the coercion was so terrifying that he couldn’t raise his head at all.

“Senior, senior, have words, have something to say, don’t come like this…”

No one responded, on the contrary, the coercion seemed to be increasing.

So pressed that Lu Shaoqing couldn’t even speak.

The bones in the body are crunching, and they will not be able to support it and burst at any time.

All the internal organs in the body seemed to be squeezed together, and the feeling of severe pain constantly impacted Lu Shaoqing’s brain, making Lu Shaoqing want to pass out.

Lu Shaoqing clenched his teeth, not allowing himself to be crushed, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

As time passed, Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness became more and more blurred, and it seemed that he could pass out.

In a state of confusion, Lu Shaoqing vaguely heard a voice ringing in his ears.

“Just give up, just give up.”

“Give up, it’s all gone.”

“Why work so hard to support? Give up, give up, just breathe a sigh of relief…” The

voice nagged, full of temptation, persuading Lu Shaoqing to give up.

When Lu Shaoqing, who was confused, heard this voice, a wave of anger arose in his heart.

Bastard, did I provoke you?

As soon as you come in, give me such a show, pretend to be a ghost, right?

Really think I’m a bully?

“Give up your sister,” Lu Shaoqing roared with all his strength, refusing to admit defeat, “Sun Tzu, this strength is not enough, come, continue.” The

voice in his ear disappeared, but the coercion on his body suddenly increased to the maximum.

Lu Shaoqing could no longer hold on, blood spurted out of his mouth, and other places on his body also burst, and blood flowed.

It looks very embarrassing.

Lu Shaoqing was lying on the ground, still scolding in his mouth, “Grandson, don’t give strength, come again…” Even

if he fainted from pain, Lu Shaoqing was still scolding.

I can’t beat you, I’ll scold you to death.

After a while, the coercion suddenly disappeared, and the powerful aura disappeared with it.

As if nothing had happened.


Lu Shaoqing felt that he had finally come to life.

Gasping for air, the internal organs of the body seemed to have moved position, and it hurt hotly.

The surface of the body is covered with large and small wounds, and the bones in the body have been fractured in many places, and the heart hurts.

Lu Shaoqing, who was originally confused, woke up in pain.

“It hurts me.”

Lu Shaoqing stood up with difficulty holding the jade table.

After looking around for a week, nothing has changed here.

Apart from!

Spirit cards.

The spirit card had no handwriting before, and every time only when the spirit stone was put in, the handwriting would flash.

Later, with the increase of spirit stones, the spirit tablets began to have handwriting on them, but the traces were very light and blurry.

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And now, the handwriting on the spirit tablet is very clear.

The words above do not belong to the words of this world.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t understand it, but it didn’t hinder Lu Shaoqing’s judgment.

“Bastard, dead ghost, you were doing the ghost just now, right?”

Lu Shaoqing angrily patted the jade table and slammed the jade table.

He angrily pointed at the spirit card and cursed, “Eat me, you dare to do something to me, you are tired of living, right?”

“No, you dead ghost is already dead.”

“, take the bowl and eat the meat, put down the chopsticks and scold the mother.” I kind of know how you, the dead ghost, were beaten to death before. ”

Get out, don’t dare to do it…”

Lu Shaoqing’s saliva splashed, and he cursed at the spirit card.

Nehe Lingpai had been silent without the slightest response.

After Lu Shaoqing cursed for half an hour, he still didn’t see the spirit card respond.

Even more angry.

I’ll hide when I’m done, don’t you want to admit it?

Really think I’m a bully?

If I don’t let you know who is the master today, I will dare to come in in the future?

The furious, Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and held the spirit card in his hand.

Roared at the spirit card, “Come out and give me an explanation.”

“Don’t think like a turtle retracting its head, I can’t help you.”

“Come out…” Lu

Shaoqing even knocked on the jade table with the spirit card, knocking the bell and shouting to let the dead ghosts come out, but even if Lu Shaoqing’s

saliva sprayed all over the surface of the spirit card, he didn’t see any reaction from the spirit card.

“Ouch, you want to be a turtle, right?”

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing turned his wrist, and a pen appeared in his hand.

“Today, I will let you know the consequences of provoking me.”

Lu Shaoqing wrote the word little brother on the spirit tablet.

Then put the spirit card back in its place, took two steps back and looked at it carefully, nodding with great satisfaction.

“Well, that’s good.”

Unable to understand the words on the spirit tablet, Lu Shaoqing felt that it should be whose tablet it should be.

He simply added the word little brother to it.

In this way, no matter how big you are, when the time comes, it will also be a little brother and a certain tablet.

After writing two words, Lu Shaoqing felt much more comfortable.

I can’t get you, but I can take advantage of you.

Mad, no one has ever been able to take advantage of me.

No matter how big you are a dead ghost.

Lu Shaoqing said to Lingpai, “I suffered a loss and recognized you as a shrunken turtle as a little brother.” Be polite to my big brother in the future. The

spirit card finally couldn’t bear it at this time, shaking, and the surface of the jade table was full of white light.


Lu Shaoqing was stunned in his heart, and shouted sharply, “What do you want to do?” ”


Lu Shaoqing knew that he could not be instigated at this time, and whoever instigated him would be the younger brother in the future.

He vigorously patted the jade table, “On the contrary, you are not polite to me again, do you believe that I added the word turtle to your spirit card?”

“No, the turtle is so good, I have to write Wang Ba.”

The white light dissipated, and the spirit card stopped moving.

Lu Shaoqing was relieved in his heart, afraid that this dead ghost was a hard bone.

Fortunately, it’s a cartilage.

Lu Shaoqing raised his toes and said to the spirit card, “Hurry, tell me, how much time do I have to cultivate now?”

“Tell you, I’m in a bad mood now, you look at it…”

The bully temperament was unmistakable.

There was a long silence.

The jade table flashed white, and content appeared on the surface.

“Five years…”

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