Below, Ke Hong looked up at the sky.

Ji Yan’s sword intent that soared into the sky, with an incomparable edge, countless monsters were shattered in front of the sword intent, and they continued to fall from the sky like dumplings.

The ground was soon covered with a thick layer of monster corpses, stump limbs and broken arms, and black blood seeped into the ground.

Looking at Ji Yan like a god of war, he opened the killing ring.

Although he is the weakest among the people, his lethality is the most terrifying.

Countless monsters were crushed in front of his long sword, killing and wounding heavily.

With satisfaction on his face, Ke Hong couldn’t help but nod.

His face couldn’t help but feel a little more relieved, “It’s a blessed place, but it’s a fierce place that drags down the sect, fortunately, the ancestors blessed, and can have such talented juniors.” ”

God bless the Lingxiao faction, it is not in vain that I have been guarding here.”

Above the sky, Ji Yan looked calm, and these monsters had no exception in front of his long sword.

They were all killed by his move, and there was no special existence.

The monsters that swarmed out from the cracks, the strongest is the Jiedan realm, in the face of the power of the Yuan Baby, even if there are many of them, it will not help in front of the Yuan Baby.

The battle quickly passed a day, and even as night fell, the monsters in the crack were endless, swarming out of the crack.

Shao Cheng said to Ji Yan that sometimes they fought for days, or even days.

These monsters are like a tidal wave, endless.

The strength of these monsters posed no threat to the Yuan Infant Cultivator.

With the strength of Yuan Ying, in the face of such an enemy, even if you fight for a month, there will be no problems for a year.

Brother Jiedan cannot.

Ji Yan had estimated that with the strength of Jiedan cultivator, it was his junior brother Lu Shaoqing who came here.

At most, it can only last about a day.

These monsters are endless, constantly impacting, the scales on their bodies are extremely hard, extremely fast, and the strength of their flesh is extremely strong.

It is not that the cultivators of the Jiedan period can handle it.


I think of my junior brother.

Ji Yan’s expression became strange.

If he met these guys, he would have run away at the first time.

Just when Ji Yan was distracted, a sense of danger suddenly appeared.

Ji Yan’s experience was extremely rich, and without saying a word, his body instantly disappeared and appeared several miles away.

And where he was standing just now, a monster with two pairs of wings on its back appeared.

Unlike other monsters, this monster is half smaller, with two pairs of wings on its back.

Moreover, the right arm is thicker, and the claws on the hand emit a breathtaking cold light, which is more sharp than other monsters.

It did not succeed in sneaking up, looked up at Ji Yan in the distance, and actually grinned, eerie and terrifying.

Then it disappeared in place again, and even Ji Yan did not notice how it disappeared.

But at this moment, Ji Yan did not dodge.

Instead, he stood in place and suddenly pointed to the left void.

A sword intent shot out.


With a roar, black blood splashed, and the figure of the winged monster was revealed.

It was split in half by Ji Yan’s sword intent, and an incredible gaze appeared in its scarlet eyes.

Then it lost its light and fell from the air to become a corpse.

So weak?

Ji Yan was stunned, he also thought that this newly emerged monster would be very powerful, but he didn’t expect it to be so vulnerable.

The defense of those monsters in front of you is still stronger than it.

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Shao Cheng’s voice came over, “This monster is faster and likes sneak attacks, but its defense is not good.” ”

Just be careful.”

I see.

Ji Yan nodded.

At this time, a roar suddenly came from the crack.

The monsters who rushed out of the crack roared as if they had received an order, and their speed could actually increase a little more.

However, in front of the four Yuan Babies, these monsters have never been able to set off any storms.

Shao Cheng’s voice sounded again, into Ji Yan’s ears, “Be careful, there may be big fish.” ”

Ji Yan’s spirit is shocked, do you want to come to some powerful guys?

After killing these little minions all day, Ji Yan felt that he wanted to vomit when he killed.

It’s not interesting to kill the little minions.

Let’s have some big fish.

Ji Yan read silently in his heart.

As Shao Cheng said, not long after, there was another roar inside the crack.

And more than one sound.

Inside the crack, one roar after another betrayed, and the voice revealed anger and killing intent.

Finally, the swarming monsters stopped, and instead of attacking, they hid back into the cracks, showing scarlet eyes as they had done at the beginning, staring dead out.


A roar, an angry voice came out from inside the crack.

The powerful sound formed layers of sound waves in the air, visible to the naked eye, and rushed towards Ji Yan and the others with a terrifying momentum.

Ji Yan and several other people didn’t move their bodies, and the powerful shock wave couldn’t help them.

Feeling the power of the shock wave, Ji Yan’s expression gradually became excited.

From the sound wave that came out just now, Ji Yan could feel that it was a monster of the Yuan Infant level that roared.

The long sword had flown back to Ji Yan, and it seemed to feel the excitement in Ji Yan’s heart, dripping and spinning, making a buzzing sound, ready to go.

However, when the monster appeared, Ke Hong’s face became solemn below.

Xiao Chuang shouted even more, “Damn, how can there be so many? ”

At the edge of the crack, ten huge black shadows appeared.

They are twice the size of ordinary monsters, but their appearance is not consistent.

Some have only one pair of wings, some have two pairs of wings on their backs, and some have empty backs….

But without exception, the aura emanating from their bodies is very terrifying, and they are all monsters in the Yuan infancy stage.

Ke Hong’s voice came from below, “Ten Yuan Infancy monsters appeared at the same time, this is the first time.

“Be careful, if you can’t do it, you will return it.”

Ke Hong’s voice was full of solemnity.

But he still didn’t plan to make a move, this time it seemed too abnormal, he couldn’t make a rash move casually.

Although there are many monsters, Ji Yan’s fighting spirit has not decreased but increased.

He let out a long roar, and the long sword pointed at the monster.

The challenge speaks for itself.

Infuriated by the provocation of Ji Yan.

One of the ten monsters roared, its wings flapped behind its back, and it disappeared from its place with a whoosh.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Ji Yan.

It had a hideous, cruel smile on its face, and its claws were fiercely grabbing Ji Yan.

The huge force whistled in the air, as if tearing the space.

Ji Yan’s expression remained unchanged, and the long sword hummed and disappeared in place.

“Dang!” , blocking the monster’s claws….

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