The monster’s scarlet gaze was filled with amazement.

It already had spiritual intelligence, but he did not expect that Ji Yan would be able to withstand its attack.

Its claws can tear even the void, but it can’t help this little human in front of it?

After the monster was shocked, it became extremely angry.

He roared again at Ji Yan and disappeared into the air.

Appearing behind Ji Yan again, he was murderous, and his claws were swung out again.

The claws flashed coldly, streaked through the air, and made a sharp whistling sound in the air, and

the longsword had flown back into his hand, and Ji Yan held the longsword to block the monster’s blow again.


A huge force came, even if it was Ji Yan, in front of this huge force, his wrist was numb, and the whole person had to fly backwards.

“Roar…” After

the monster saw that he had knocked Ji Yan away, his eyes showed a bit of pride, and he roared.

Ji Yan’s gaze was cold, the strength of the monster was so great, it was much stronger than the human Yuan Infant cultivator.

“Find death!”

The long sword in Ji Yan’s hand lit up with a faint light, and slashed at the monster.

A brilliant sword radiance towered into the clouds, like a brilliant sun in the sky, instantly drowning the monster.


The monster sensed great danger, scarlet eyes with horror, and at the same time roared madly.

The black scales on its body stood up, like a little monster that had been awakened, and lit up with black light, forming a black barrier that wrapped it in.


With a loud bang, the monster screamed again and again, spilling countless black blood in the air.

When the sword light disappeared, the monster revealed a miserable appearance.

The wings on his back folded, and his right arm hung limply, black blood dripping down.

A deep bone scar straddled diagonally from the shoulder to the waist, and the black flesh and blood were blurry, and the horror seeped out.

If the defense power is enough, this sword can divide it.

The monster’s eyes showed horror, it didn’t expect Ji Yan’s sword to be so terrifying.

This sword made its soul tremble.

Seeing Ji Yan raise his long sword again, it was terrified.

Turn around and flee, the figure is extremely fast.

It appeared thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, and this is the strength of the Yuan baby.

Although these monsters are not able to use spiritual power and laws like human cultivators, they can teleport.

But it’s not slow, and it’s even better.

At least the human cultivators, even if they flew with the imperial sword, the imperial flight could not be as fast as the monster.

“This, this…” The

three Yu Chang, who were watching the battle from a distance, were shocked.

The monster would actually run away in fear, this was the first time they had seen it.

From the time they entered here until now, they would run away in fear when they saw the monster for the first time.

Xiao Chuang opened his mouth wide, surprised, and asked Yu Chang, “Chief, have you ever seen such a monster?”

The expression on Yu Chang’s face was similar, and he shook his head, “No, the first time I met.” ”

The monsters they encountered before were all fierce and fearless of death, even if they couldn’t fight, they had to fight them to the death and fight them with the momentum of dying.

The monster that fled because of fear, they saw for the first time.

After Shao Cheng was shocked, he couldn’t help but worry, “This monster is different from before, will there be any abnormal situation?” ”

The first time my apprentice came here, he encountered a monster unlike any other.

And this time the situation is also a little wrong, ten meta-baby level monsters appear at one time, which is too abnormal.

Shao Cheng was secretly worried and was ready to strike at any time.

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In the face of such an enemy, Ji Yan naturally would not let it escape easily.

The figure flashed, disappeared in place, and teleported behind the monster.

A sword slashes out.

This time, Ji Yan did not plan to keep his hand, the realm of the monster was similar to him, and letting it escape was not a good thing for his side.


The monster roared, knowing that he could not escape, and could only turn back and fight.

Facing Ji Yan’s sword, it roared again and again, desperately resisting.

It emitted black smoke, and the smoke once again formed a barrier to protect it from death.

Ji Yan smiled coldly, naïve.

A shocking sword slashed down, destroying the decay.

The monster screamed repeatedly, and it seemed that the solid black barrier could not protect it, and in front of Ji Yan’s long sword, it was as fragile as glass.


The monster screamed and was split in half, extremely miserable.

It wailed a few times, its eyes revealed a thick unwillingness, and finally the red light in its scarlet eyes gradually dimmed and fell.

The strength realm of this monster is similar to that of Ji Yan, if it is other human cultivators to deal with it.

It is estimated that it is not its opponent.

The monster’s scales are hard, the defense is amazing, and the speed is terrifying.

The strength of the physical body is strong, although there is no spiritual power and divine consciousness.

But with the strength and speed of the flesh, it was enough to make the human cultivators of the same realm suffer greatly.

Ji Yan is different, he who comprehends the third realm of sword intent, his lethality is extremely terrifying.

Even the three Yuan babies of Yu Chang, Shao Cheng, and Xiao Chuang, when they were in the same realm, their lethality was not as good as planned.

A long sword is extremely sharp, even if the monster is thick to the scales, it can’t stop Ji Yan’s long sword.

Seeing that Ji Yan easily killed a Yuan Infant level monster.

Ke Hong, who was watching the battle, couldn’t help but applaud.

“Good guy, this kid, it’s really unexpected.”

Ji Yan is like a god of war, the combat power is terrifying, and a sword seriously injured the monster, making the monster flee in fear.

Another sword completely kills the monster.

Clean and cut to the chase.

Be decisive and never drag the mud.

It seems that born to fight.

Watching Ji Yan put away the long sword coldly, there was no excited expression on his face, and he was not shocked.

Ke Hong couldn’t help but nod repeatedly.

With such a junior, it is difficult for people not to love.

He sighed in a low voice, “Senior brother, there will be no problem with what you are worried about.

“With such a junior in the Lingxiao faction, it will definitely be able to rise again…” Ji

Yan killed a monster and did not feel happy.

His fighting intent became even more intense, and he once again looked at the nine monsters in front of the crack.

The long sword levitated above the head and made a buzzing sound.

Ji Yan shouted, “Come to fight!” ”

He is like a god of war, towering between heaven and earth, with an incomparably fierce momentum, directly approaching other monsters.

The other monsters felt this fierce momentum and stirred.

The first time I encountered such a human cultivator.

They were stunned at first, then reacted, and roared angrily at Ji Yan.


The sound waves shook the sky, and the heavens and the earth trembled.

Then another monster disappeared in place, spanning hundreds of miles, appeared in front of Ji Yan, opened the blood plate and opened its mouth…

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