Heavenly Imperial Peak!

Lu Shaoqing lay comfortably on the hammock, swaying leisurely, very comfortable.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out, so comfortable that she wanted to moan.

“Master, they have been gone for more than a month, and the ring CD is also good, alas, there are no spirit stones.”

Lu Shaoqing was a little helpless.

The spirit stones that were looted before have been used up.

Now even if he was about to enter the Time House to cultivate again, he didn’t have enough spirit stones to support him.

One or twenty thousand spirit stones are only a year and a half, which is no longer enough for Lu Shaoqing.

In his last cultivation, he had already reached the ninth layer of Jiedan, and in the remaining time, he continued to cultivate and was never able to break through.

Can’t touch the barrier to break through the meta-baby.

This made Lu Shaoqing feel depressed.

To break through and enter the Yuan Baby, we must also pay attention to chance.

When the opportunity comes, maybe it will break through all of a sudden, the opportunity does not come, and I will not be allowed to enter after a lifetime of begging for the door.

This kind of thing is not urgent, and Lu Shaoqing is only depressed, and he is not too forceful.

“No hurry, no hurry, take your time, I’m not a master brother, fight or something, you can avoid it.”

“But the guys from the Dian Xing Sect are too wasted, and no one has come until now?”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was filled with deep dissatisfaction.

Xuan Yunxin had already sent the news back to the Dian Xing Faction, and more than a month had passed, and the Dian Xing Faction had never been seen.

In Lu Shaoqing’s opinion, according to the speed, they can climb here.

Without spirit stones, there was no way for him to cultivate.

The little brother of the dead ghost does not give face at all, and does not see the spirit stone and does not spread the eagle.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze turned to the side.

In the distance, a red silhouette appeared.

Like a beautiful landscape, it adds a bit of beautiful color to this place.

Xuan Yunxin slowly came from a distance, like a red fairy floating abruptly.

It has been nearly two months since he came here, and Xuan Yunxin has gradually become accustomed to living here.

Don’t stay in your room and be an otaku beauty like you started with.

As time passed, her injuries improved, she got used to it and began to walk around.

But she never came close.

Because this is where Lu Shaoqing usually rests.

It’s kind of strange to come here today.

Lu Shaoqing quietly watched Xuanyun’s heart come from far and near, and did not speak, to see what she wanted to do.

Xuan Yunxin came here, with an icy face, and asked directly, “When will Sister Xiaoyi get out of customs?” ”

It turned out to be looking for Xiao Yi.

Since Xiao Yi was given a task, he could only obediently cultivate.

It had been more than a month since he saw anyone, Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help it, and ran to Lu Shaoqing to ask for someone.

Xuan Yunxin was here alone, and only Xiao Yi could speak.

The relationship between the two unconsciously became good, and Xiao Yi’s simplicity and frankness made Xuanyunxin treat Xiao Yi as a sister.

Thinking that there was something big, Lu Shaoqing pouted and withdrew his gaze, “How do I know her.”

“What are you looking for her for?”

“Tell you, don’t disturb my junior sister’s cultivation, or I’ll clean you up.”

Facing Lu Shaoqing, Xuan Yunxin felt the anger in his heart continue to rise.

I really want to beat Lu Shaoqing.

However, this can only be thought of.

Not to mention that she has the prohibition under Shao Cheng in her body, and she can’t make a move against the people of Tianyu Peak.

Just because her injuries have not healed and her strength has not yet recovered, she is not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

“Abominable fellow.”

Xuan Yunxin knew that it was a mistake for him to come to Lu Shaoqing.

I shouldn’t have come here.

Xuan Yunxin turned around and wanted to leave.

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Lu Shaoqing asked behind her, “By the way, you really sent a message back to the Dian Xing Faction?” ”

It’s about his own business, Xuan Yunxin turned around and looked at Lu Shaoqing lying in the hammock, “What do you want to say?”

“It’s been almost a month, why haven’t you seen someone from the Dian Xing Sect coming?”

Xuan Yunxin snorted, “Where do I know.” To

be honest, she was wondering in her heart.

She had already passed the news back to the Dian Xing Faction.

Besides, the news that her people stayed in the Lingxiao Sect had already been transmitted back to the Dian Xing Sect.

A month later, she sent the message back.

In this way, it has been almost two months since she came here, and there has been no movement on the side of the Dian Xing Pai.

Not to mention people, there is not even an echo.

She also felt strange in her heart and fell into deep thought.

Soon, she felt eyes staring at her.

At a glance, Lu Shaoqing was staring at her unscrupulously.

His gaze was naked, without the slightest concealment, which made Xuan Yunxin want to poke Lu Shaoqing’s two eyes.

“What do you see?”

Xuan Yunxin really couldn’t bear it.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was too aggressive, and she felt hairy in her heart.

At the same time, she was secretly surprised in her heart, why is this happening?

She had met countless such men before, both old and tender, and they had all stared at her with such eyes.

But why did Lu Shaoqing’s gaze make her heart bristle, and the others didn’t?

It should be that this bastard is too annoying, too hateful.

Xuan Yunxin finally guessed the answer in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing sighed twice, and shook his head again, which seemed to be a pity.

Under Xuan Yun’s murderous gaze, Lu Shaoqing slowly spoke, his tone was regretful, “Shouldn’t it, the Dian Xing faction wants to give you up, right?” ”


Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but sneer, she wasn’t worried about this at all.

“What are you doing,” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “You were abandoned by the Dian Xing Faction, you have to stay here…”

After a pause, Lu Shaoqing jumped up directly from the hammock, and the movement was so big that it startled Xuanyun’s heart.

“Lying groove, you will live here permanently, won’t you be responsible for your food and drink?”

“Catch you back, I still have to pour spirit stones?”


loss, big loss…” Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s beating chest, Xuanyun was so angry that he gritted his teeth, eager to bite this bastard to death.

How many meanings does this full of disgust mean?

Lingshi, are you your father or your mother?

If I can use spirit stones to bring me home, the people in line can line up from Qi Zhou to Yanzhou.

Xuan Yunxin saw Lu Shaoqing who was stamping in place, and she was also so angry that she stomped her foot, “Bastard.”

After Lu Shaoqing stomped a few feet, he stretched out his hand towards Xuan Yunxin.

“What for?”

Xuan Yunxin’s gaze was unkind, and his tone was unhappy.

She wanted to clean up Lu Shaoqing all the time.

Lu Shaoqing said seriously, “You were abandoned by the Dian Xing Faction, and gave me the spirit stone as food expenses.” ”

And the food bill?

Xuan Yunxin gritted his teeth and said hatefully, “If you don’t hand it over, what else can you do to me?”

“You’re a woman, I’m a man, what do you say I can do to you?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled lewdly, raised his hands, and grabbed twice.

For this, Xuan Yunxin has more experience and straightens his chest, although it is not as good as Yin Qi.

But there is also material.

She held her chest, did not flinch, but stepped forward and faced Lu Shaoqing, “Come on, let me see what you can do?” ”

Lying groove, misstep.

Just when Lu Shaoqing was embarrassed.

A voice sounded, “Ahhh

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