Xiao Chuang’s words made Lu Shaoqing stunned.

Master is injured?

Xiao Yi immediately became nervous and asked worriedly, “Uncle, Master, what’s wrong with him?”

Xiao Chuang didn’t plan to say more, and shook his head, “It’s a minor injury, it’s not a big deal.”

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing with panic in his eyes.

Xiao Yi worshiped the master’s door, and the master’s care for her made her respect and love her master in her heart.

Hearing that the master was injured, she panicked in her heart.

“Second Senior Brother…”

At this moment, Xiao Yi really brought a crying voice.

Seeing this, Xiao Chuang was distressed.

Just wanted to open his mouth to comfort a few words, but saw Xiao Yi running to Lu Shaoqing for comfort.

Xiao Chuang’s heart was stuffed.

I’m your own uncle.”

You actually left your own uncle alone and ran to that little bastard for comfort?

Xiao Chuang stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously, gritted his teeth, and said word by word, “Junior Brother Shao is not a big problem, he is already fine.”

Lu Shaoqing patted Xiao Yi’s head and said to her, “Next, you take a good look at home.”

“I’m going out for a while.”

The master was injured, and Lu Shaoqing couldn’t sit idly by.

If someone else is injured and has an accident, he Lu Shaoqing can also be a wall watcher.

But this is his own master, and he has no reason to continue hiding.

Even if it is a dangerous place, he has to go.

There is no reason and no excuse to escape.

Xiao Yi’s eyes were red and looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, are you really going?”

Xiao Yi was very worried, even Yuanying’s master was injured, you can imagine how dangerous the place to go is.

Xiao Yi knew that his second senior brother was very powerful, but in that kind of place, could the second senior brother in the Jiedan period handle it?

If Lu Shaoqing had an accident, Xiao Yi would not be distressed to death?

Although he usually hates it, after all, he treats himself like his own sister’s brother, and Xiao Yi doesn’t want Lu Shaoqing to have any accidents.

She simply said to Xiao Chuang, “Uncle, can’t you let Senior Brother An Huai go with them?”

“Don’t come and harm my second senior brother.”

Xiao Chuang had to cover his chest, he felt that he was going to have a heart attack.

His gaze at Lu Shaoqing became even stronger, and he had the heart to kill.

A niece of Hao Duan is now about to become an outsider.

Xiao Chuang said word by word again, “Didn’t I say that?” This is Ji Yan’s suggestion, let him go and help.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing’s face was calm and waveless, and his eyes were like water.

She rarely saw her second senior brother show such a look, and she knew that the second senior brother had made up his mind.

The master was injured, the summoning of the senior brother, the second senior brother This is bound to go.

Xiao Yi did not persuade, she just said to Lu Shaoqing seriously, “Second Senior Brother, you don’t want to die.” ”

Bah!” Lu Shaoqing immediately returned to his original state, pinched Xiao Yi’s face, and cursed, “Tell me something good.” ”


Xiao Yi was pinched and unable to speak, he could only whine.

When Senior Brother set off before, didn’t you say the same?

I learned from you.

“Bastard, what are you going to do?”

Xiao Chuang couldn’t help it, and scolded Lu Shaoqing, “Don’t bully Xiao Yi.” ”

Well, that’s how you bastard bullies my niece.

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Xiao Chuang planned to teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson first.

Before he could act, Xiao Yi, who broke free from Lu Shaoqing’s claws, said to Xiao Yi, “Uncle, you have to protect the second senior brother, if something happens to the second senior brother, I will hate you for the rest of my life.” Xiao

Chuang’s tears flowed wow.

The female big is not left.

Already learned to help outsiders.

This uncle of his own is useless at all.

I protect him?

I had to find an opportunity to throw him into the crack and kill him.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was not appreciative at all, and he was still cursing, “Let you say something good, what are you going to do when you say such obscure words?”

“Are you hoping for my death?”

“I shouldn’t have come up with an idea to include you in the division in the first place.”


After speaking, Lu Shaoqing took the lead to fly into the sky, and Xiao Chuang told Xiao Yi a few words, “What’s the matter, go to the senior uncle

, senior brother and them…” Xiao Yi’s eyes were red, and he waved his hand to the sky, and instructed uneasily, “Second senior brother, you must come back safely.”

“Do you still need to say that?”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from afar.

Xiao Chuang’s side left very self-contained, and the woman was not left, and her arm had already turned out.

The figures of Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Chuang disappeared into the sky.

Xiao Yi’s eyes became even redder.

Master, Senior Brother, and Second Senior Brother all left, leaving her youngest junior sister to stay here to watch over the house.

At this moment, her heart was completely empty and very uncomfortable.

This is the first time she has encountered such a situation since she started.

She really wanted to cry.

Xuan Yunxin next to him sensed Xiao Yi’s low mood.


This girl must be very sad.

She took Xiao Yi’s hand and clapped her hands, “Sister Xiaoyi, don’t be sad, they will be fine.” ”

Your second senior brother is so cunning, with his character, even if he goes, there will be no danger.”

Xuan Yunxin felt that with Lu Shaoqing’s character, the enemy would have to worry more when he encountered him.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi shook his head and disagreed with Xuan Yunxin’s statement.

Her gaze was still looking at the sky where Lu Shaoqing had disappeared, and she said, “Sister Yunxin, you don’t know something.”

“If someone else is injured, of course the second senior brother will not pay attention to it. This time, the master was injured, and the second senior brother will definitely not be lazy.

After Xuan Yunxin listened, he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Will that bastard be such a person?

But thinking about it, when I heard that Master was injured, I immediately changed my mind and agreed to go.

The performance at that moment was indeed very manly.

Hmph, it’s only for that moment.

Xiao Yi knew his second senior brother.

Will do his best for his own people.

Even if there is danger, it will not back down.

So Xiao Yi was worried.

Even the laziest second senior brother is summoned, does it mean that the situation is very bad?

Although the second senior brother is very strong, he is only in the Jiedan period, even if he fights the invincible hand of Jiedan and dominates in the Jiedan realm, no matter how powerful he is, he is only in the Jiedan period.

Even the master of the Yuan infancy stage was injured, the enemy must be very strong, how can the second senior brother resist it?

Xiao Yi was very panicked in his heart, and at the same time angry that he couldn’t help anything.

Xiao Yi withdrew his gaze, his eyes showing firmness, “Sister Yunxin, I’m going to cultivate…”

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