Lu Shaoqing stepped into the teleportation array and came to the blessed land of the cave, of course, it can also be called a fierce land now.

Stepping on the ground under your feet, you can feel the violent and difficult to absorb spiritual energy in the air.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but be full of disgust.

“This is the destination of tourism?”

“It’s too bad, isn’t it?”

Here, Lu Shaoqing felt very depressed and uncomfortable.

“Come up.”

Xiao Chuang let Lu Shaoqing jump on his flying sword, and the imperial sword flew into the air, quickly rushing to where the crack was.

On the flying sword, Lu Shaoqing saw a dark and desolate land, and he wondered what kind of place this was.

“Uncle Xiao, what is this place?”

“And who is the enemy?”

Xiao Chuang’s response to him was only a hum.

Xiao Chuang was very unhappy in his heart, and Xiao Yi’s performance made him feel stuffed.

He didn’t blame Xiao Yi, he naturally blamed Lu Shaoqing.

In Xiao Chuang’s opinion, it was definitely Lu Shaoqing who taught his niece badly.

If it weren’t for the inappropriate occasion, he would have taught Lu Shaoqing a good lesson now.

Therefore, he was too lazy to talk to Lu Shaoqing when he was unhappy.

Lu Shaoqing saw that Xiao Chuang did not answer, did not ask, but quietly looked at everything around.

And when Lu Shaoqing saw the huge crack, he showed a surprised expression.

Hundreds of miles, huge and incomparable cracks, no matter who they see, the first time they see it, it will indeed be extremely shocking.

What is even more shocking is that countless black things rushed out of the cracks.

From a distance, it looks like a black flood gushing out, pouring out endlessly.

As it approached, Lu Shaoqing could see that those black monsters were ugly and hideous.

Constantly rushing out from the inside, like ants pouring out of the nest, densely packed, swarming out like a tide.

In front of the huge crack, there is a white barrier.

Almost transparent, it emits a strong white glow.

It was a huge formation.

Like a hood, it covers the cracks inside, blocking these monsters and preventing them from rushing out.

Countless monsters come and go, fearless of life and death, and constantly colliding.

The white light of the formation was constantly flickering, under great pressure.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing also understood why the sect had to spend huge manpower and material resources to come here.

These monsters don’t look easy to mess with, and there are many of them.

They slammed into the formation with one blow, black blood splashed, and those who were not dead returned to strike again until they could not move.

At the same time, it is terrifying.

Once they break through the Dharma Array and break through to the world, it will definitely be a catastrophe.

Xiao Chuang took Lu Shaoqing to land in front of the wooden house.

Lu Shaoqing jumped down from the flying sword and saw Shao Cheng with a pale face.

Can’t help but roll his eyes, “Master, you’re not dead?

Without saying a word, Shao Cheng rushed up and slapped Lu Shaoqing’s head.

Scolded, “Bastard, what do you say?” ”

How can anyone curse Master to death when they meet?

Lu Shaoqing covered his head and cried, “It hurts.” ”

The intensity of the beating is not reduced, it seems that there is no big problem.

Lu Shaoqing put down his heart.

Then, he glared angrily at Ji Yan, “your tail to the sky all day, Master suffers a loss, and you are watching from the sidelines?” Ji

Yan’s expression was not good-looking.

He even had a murderous aura on his face, looking at the monsters that were constantly attacking the formation in the distance.

The tone was cold and murderous, “I will help Master take revenge.”

Shao Cheng hurriedly said, “Don’t be impulsive, monsters are ferocious and cunning, and you can’t be careless.” ”

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I’m just a little injured.”

Ji Yan shook his head, his gaze still falling on those monsters.

There is killing intent hidden in the eyes, and anger lurks in the body.

“If it weren’t for my carelessness, Master, you wouldn’t have been hurt.”

Lu Shaoqing could hear Ji Yan’s self-blame.

Asked, “What’s going on?”

“Sounds like you’re holding back?”

For Lu Shaoqing’s words, Ji Yan did not refute it, but nodded and admitted, “That’s right, I dragged my feet.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Shao Cheng, who shook his head and signaled that nothing was wrong.

Lu Shaoqing then looked at Yu Chang, before he could ask Yu Chang what was going on.

An old man came out of the wooden house, looked Lu Shaoqing up and down, and asked, “Ji Yan boy, this is what you call a genius?”

“It looks a far cry from you.”

The temperaments of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are diametrically opposed.

One is serious, one is hanging.

Everyone will have a good impression of Ji Yan at first glance, and will not have too much good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is not happy, who is far from him?

“Oh, you old man is dizzy, right?”

“Don’t you see that I’m more handsome than him?”

Shao Cheng was startled and slapped him hard again.

“Mess around, don’t be rude, this is the ancestor.”

Shao Cheng panicked in his heart, and he forgot a little.

This bastard apprentice of his own, even if he doesn’t give face himself, he still thinks that he will give face to others?

He should have thought of this and made it clear to him earlier.

It’s good now, it’s late.

The ancestor just said a casual word, and this bastard was immediately unconvinced, and immediately cursed.


Lu Shaoqing was taken aback.

Is there still such an old immortal in the Lingxiao faction?

Doesn’t it mean that it has long been dead?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were unhappy.

Master’s slap is stronger than ever, and if he is hit a few more times, he will become similar to the stupid junior sister.

This is all to blame on the guy in front of you.

What about the ancestor, the ancestor can talk nonsense casually.

Where am I not half as good as the master brother?

It’s far from it.

Ke Hong smiled and stared at Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, what I just said, you seem unconvinced?”

Of course, he was not convinced, pointing at Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing curled his neck and said, “Where am I far worse than him?”

“Don’t think that you can talk nonsense if you are an ancestor.”

“Ancestor, you have to speak fairly and justly, otherwise how can you convince your juniors?”

Yu Chang was already speechless, this bastard boy.

Doesn’t he know who he faces?

Shao Cheng was even more nervous, Ke Hong’s identity was placed here in the Lingxiao Sect, and anyone had to call him an ancestor.

Just by virtue of his generation, he has stabilized all the people of the Lingxiao faction.

You actually dare to be unconvinced here?

Shao Cheng wanted to slap Lu Shaoqing again, and Lu Shaoqing dodged away and stood beside Ji Yan.

“Bastard, you give me politeness.”

Shao Cheng cursed, “If you dare to be unkind to the ancestor, I am not polite to you.”

Lu Shaoqing was not convinced, and shouted, “Ancestor Master can’t open his eyes and say nonsense, I…” Ji

Yan interrupted Lu Shaoqing and said to him, “The Ancestor Master realm is the Transformation God Period.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression froze, and after a breath, he immediately showed a flattering smile and said to Ke Hongdao, “Ancestor….”

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