Seeing Lu Shaoqing pocket the wood carving, it meant that Lu Shaoqing had agreed to join forces with him to clean up that hateful monster.

Even if his mind was calm and calm, he couldn’t help but ask curiously, “How do you plan to deal with the monster?” ”

This is a Yuan Infant level enemy.

Lu Shaoqing is now in the Jiedan period, fighting head-on, and he can crush Lu Shaoqing to death with just one hand.

Ji Yan couldn’t think of a way that Lu Shaoqing could help him defeat the monster.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but flipped through his storage ring.

Then he said to Ji Yan, “Give me Zixuan ancient wood, ink ancient iron, and Molei Xuanyin…” Lu

Shaoqing said a large number of materials, these are all materials that he does not have.

Ji Yan knew what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

“Are you going to use formations?”

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes, “Nonsense, could it be that you want me to rush up with a sword?”

“Are you stupid, or am I stupid?”

The enemy is a meta-infant-level existence, facing it, that is just looking for death.

And there are not many in Lu Shaoqing’s hands that can threaten the Yuan baby.

The wood carving given by Ke Hong just now can be counted, but using the god of transformation to deal with the Yuan baby, Lu Shaoqing is a loss.

Ke Hong’s wood carvings were sold, and there were still millions of spirit stones.

In addition, Lu Shaoqing could only threaten the Yuan Infant with the only formation.

Five-level formation, You Dragon Demon Diagram.

I came from the little brother of the dead ghost before.

Lu Shaoqing had estimated that even if the Yuan Infant cultivator of the nine-layer realm was trapped by this formation, he would have to shed his skin if he didn’t die.

Therefore, what Lu Shaoqing can get his hands on now is naturally it.

However, the materials required to arrange the five-level formation are not ordinarily large.

The consumption of running spirit stones is also very staggering.

But no way.

Who let it bully his master and senior brother?

As a junior disciple, he can only come up with his own means to help his master and senior brother avenge him.

The fifth-level formation requires a lot of materials and a very high grade.

The minimum is three products, and he can’t get it all by himself.

However, before, because he planned to use it against the Yuan Baby of the Point Star Sect.

Lu Shaoqing has been collecting relevant materials, and now it is still a little short.

We can only see if we can get together from Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand to Ji Yan, “Take the materials, there are not enough materials, you go and send them to death yourself, I won’t accompany you.” Ji

Yan did not refuse, and with a turn of his wrist, Lu Shaoqing took out all the things he mentioned.

Lu Shaoqing counted and frowned, “It’s still almost, the thunder stone of the fifth grade, and the sunset vine of the fourth grade.”

“Are you sure you didn’t?”

The fifth product, the fourth product, the level is not low, and there is no sale in the normal market.

Ji Yan shook his head slightly, “No.

Lu Shaoqing took the opportunity to dislike and despise, “What about Yuan Ying, there are not even these?” Pauper.

Ji Yan turned to leave, “I’ll go and ask Master and Uncle about them.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned.

Ji Yan’s attitude shows his hatred for that monster.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, stared at the crack in the sky, and groaned.

In that case, let’s give some strength this time.

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In the following time, Lu Shaoqing gradually understood the situation here.

The large array that wrapped hundreds of miles of cracks was called the Sky Interception Mixed Heaven Array, and it was a sixth-level formation.

It was arranged by an ancestor of the Lingxiao Sect who was proficient in formation eight hundred years ago.

This large array also consumed the huge resources of the Lingxiao faction.

But it was also thanks to the Great Array that allowed the Lingxiao faction to breathe.

Otherwise, with the number of monsters, even if it is a god, hundreds of years have passed, you will have to die here.

The large array will kill the monster in a fixed position, unable to rush out.

Ke Hong, who controls the formation, can let his people enter freely, attack and retreat, and hold the initiative.

However, after Ji Yan’s group came in, the situation changed.

The appearance of ten meta-baby monsters, when fighting Yu Chang’s four meta-infants.

A monster in the middle of the Yuan Infant period self-detonated in a hurry and injured the foundation of the Great Array.

If it is not repaired, the Great Array will surely collapse within a hundred years.

Although Ke Hong can control the large array, he is not proficient in the formation.

Finally, at the suggestion of Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing was brought in, breaking the rules that had not changed for hundreds of years.

Ji Yan looked at the big array and felt depressed.

There is no problem in repairing the large array, as long as the material is enough, he can repair it.

As a formation grandmaster, he had that self-confidence.

However, the monsters inside are not easy to deal with.


Ten Yuan Infant level monsters, Yu Chang they went in several times, only seven died, and three more.

Lu Shaoqing wrenched his finger and calculated.

A nine-layer realm, a six-layer realm, and a five-layer realm.

Lu Shaoqing and their side did not have any advantage.

Yu Changcai is the eight-layer realm, Xiao Chuang is in the middle of the four-layer realm, Shaocheng is in the early stage of the three-layer realm, and the early stage is in the first realm.

The number of people is equal, and the strength does not account for the slightest advantage.

When I went in, I was only pressed and beaten.

This is also the scene when Lu Shaoqing came in and saw the monsters constantly storming the large array.

It is estimated that the monsters also sensed something, and they were not afraid to die in the impact array.

Without killing those few Yuan Infant-level monsters, Lu Shaoqing would definitely not dare to go in and mend the Great Array.

Finding death is not the same way to find it.

Ke Hong came to Lu Shaoqing’s side, with a kind smile, like a kind old grandfather, “Boy, what are you looking at?”

Lu Shaoqing withdrew his gaze and pouted, “I was thinking, as a god of transformation, why don’t you rush in and kill all those Yuan Baby monsters?”

“Kill them, with the protection of the boss, I can repair the big array with peace of mind.”

With Ke Hong’s strength, go in and sweep with a sword, no matter what you are, one layer, two layers, eight layers and nine layers, as long as it is below the realm of the god of transformation, all are equal.

When Ke Hong heard this, the smile on his face disappeared, revealing a depressed look.

“I can’t shoot at will, I’m afraid that if I shoot, there will be an existence of the same level.”

“This is not without precedent.”

This is the lesson of blood.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and he understood why he wanted Yu Chang and them to deal with those Yuan Infant level monsters slowly.

“Ancestor, I’ll tell you,” Lu Shaoqing said, “if you don’t kill them, you won’t go in if you kill them.” ”

It’s better to die at the hands of your own people than at the hands of those monsters.”

Ke Hong did not force this, and said, “Take your time, there is no hurry, the large array can still support.”

Then he patted Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, “Yu Chang and those brats said, saying that you kid has a bad stomach, you can also think of a way.”

Lu Shaoqing rolled his eyes and said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, in fact, I have an idea, I don’t know if you dare…”

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