“Oh? Do you have a way?

Ke Hong, he just said casually, he himself did not have much hope.

After all, in the face of absolute strength, no intrigue and trickery will work.

What he didn’t expect was that Lu Shaoqing actually said that there was a way, which had to surprise Ke Hong.

Then he looked at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously, very suspicious, “Are you serious? ”

Lu Shaoqing’s strength is the Jiedan period, even if he has reached the ninth layer, he is still in the Jiedan period.

The strength of the Yuedan period, what can be done in the battle of the Yuan Baby?

Not even cannon fodder.

Lu Shaoqing glared at his ancestor.

What does this skeptical gaze of yours mean?

If it weren’t for the fact that you are an ancestor, I wouldn’t bother to pay attention to you.

Lu Shaoqing picked his ears, full of confidence, and said proudly, “Of course, you don’t look at who I am?”

“In the entire Lingxiao faction, my IQ is ranked first.”

For this kind of boastful words, Ke Hong did not want to listen to it at all, and urged, “If you have a way, say it quickly.”

“Less narcissism here.”

“The method is very simple,” Lu Shaoqing looked at the crack in the sky, “You just need to do this…”

After Ke Hong heard this, he immediately jumped up.

“You’re playing with fire, no, I don’t agree.”

Ke Hong stared at Lu Shaoqing with wide eyes, he never expected that Lu Shaoqing’s method was actually this.

“Do you know it’s dangerous?”

Compared with Ke Hong’s excitement, Lu Shaoqing did not worry in the slightest, and shouted, “Calm down, what are you nervous?”

“And what about the ancestor, this little thing is panicked, what kind of system?”

Ke Hong was stunned, raised his hand, and his eyes were unkind, “Are you teaching me a lesson?” ”

On the contrary, a junior of yours also dares to teach me a lesson?

Alas, back and forth will be this trick, will you be the elders will there be anything else?

In the face of the threat, Lu Shaoqing lowered his head and lowered his eyebrows, “You are an elder, where do I dare to teach you a lesson.”

“But my solution, I think it works.”

When Ke Hong heard this, he lowered his hand and snorted coldly, “It’s okay to fart.”

“When there is an accident, who can afford it?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Isn’t there still you?”

“There is an ancestor here, what are you afraid of?”

Lu Shaoqing dared to propose his method precisely because of Ke Hong as a backing.

A cultivator of the Avatar Stage can defuse and prevent many unexpected situations from happening.

Ke Hong scolded, “Didn’t I say that? I can’t shoot at will. ”

Are you kid who can’t understand people, or is he deliberately playing the fool?

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help it, he could only shout at Ji Yan in the distance, “Come here.” ”

Ji Yan floated around, like a son.

Ke Hong looked at Lu Shaoqing again, and the idea of cleaning up Lu Shaoqing deepened.

Isn’t this kid a little better?

You have to look like a scoundrel.

Compared with Ji Yan, it is simply heaven and earth.

Facing Ji Yan’s inquiring gaze, Lu Shaoqing asked, “Remember what you want me to do?” Ji

Yan nodded, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing mouthed at Ke Hongnunu and said, “Just right, you convince the ancestor, only according to my method can you make your wish come true.” After

Ji Yan listened to Lu Shaoqing’s method, his face was a little more surprised.

This is indeed a risky plan.

He looked up at the sky, thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of Lu Shaoqing’s method, and after a moment, he asked Lu Shaoqing, “Are you sure?” ”

It’s a big deal, and he has to ask more.

Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to give Ji Yan an expression.

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I’m not sure I dare to say?

That’s the best I can think of.

Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan rhetorically, “Have you ever seen me do something that I am not sure of?” Ji

Yan nodded, and this is true.

His junior brother looks unreliable, but in fact, he is more reliable than anyone.

Ji Yan did not hesitate and said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, listen to him.” Ke

Hong almost choked to death by his own saliva next to him at the age of 1,300.

You boy, he said yes?

Are you a point of opinion?

Ke Hong pulled his beard and suppressed the urge to curse.

“Ji Yan boy, he poured soul soup into you? His method, do you know how dangerous it is?

“Once there’s an accident, it’s all over.”

Ji Yan nodded, of course he knew how dangerous this method was.

However, he has his own confidence.

“I don’t let surprises happen.”

Ji’s tone is categorical and full of confidence.

Looking at the confident plan, Ke Hong didn’t know whether to scold for a while, but he still wanted to praise.

Ke Hong finally shook his head, and was about to say that he would not agree.

Ji Yan opened his mouth first, not giving him a chance to speak.

“Ancestor, if you don’t believe it, I promise you that there will be no accidents, and I can swear with my Dao Heart.”

Worried about the two apprentices, he secretly followed, and after Shao Cheng, who was eavesdropping on the side, heard Ji Yan’s words, he rushed over as soon as possible.

Loud drink, “.”

“Don’t mess around.”

Shao Cheng was scared to death.

The second apprentice made a show before, and now the big apprentice is also coming?

He glared at Lu Shaoqing, all brought by you.

Lu Shaoqing is very wronged, Master, what are you staring at me for?

I didn’t say a word.

Ke Hong also did not expect Ji Yan to be so resolute, and he said to Shao Cheng, “Shao Cheng boy, you take care of your apprentice.” ”

Really, learn to blackmail your elders?

Is this worth it?

There was a problem with the Dao Heart, and the Immortal Emperor could not save it.

After Shao Cheng understood it, he couldn’t help but have a headache, and shouted to Lu Shaoqing, “Less messy ideas here.”

Lu Shaoqing was not convinced, “What is chaos, according to my method, then those Yuan Baby monsters will be easy to destroy, afraid of a hair.”

“Besides, Master, when have you ever seen my idea not working?”

Shao Cheng’s tone froze, which is indeed the truth.

But he quickly reacted, “This kind of thing can’t be a joke.

Ji Yan said to Shao Cheng, “Master, this is not a joke, I believe him.” For

Ji Yan, he had to personally blade that monster before the qi in his heart could be dissipated.

His dignity is at stake, and no one can make it.

Therefore, he firmly stood on the side of his junior brother Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan said to Ke Hong again, “Ancestor, we can guarantee with our lives that there will be absolutely no accidents.

Lu Shaoqing was dissatisfied and cursed, “Don’t casually take my life as a guarantee, you can just use your life to guarantee.”

“Marde, how can I have a senior brother like you with a pithole in the brain?”

Shao Cheng was angry in his heart, and immediately went to clean up Lu Shaoqing, “Mess up, give me a polite point in front of the ancestor.” Ke

Hong was silent, looking at Ji Yan with firm eyes, and then at Lu Shaoqing, who was chased and beaten by Shao Cheng.

He seemed to be touched in his heart.

He asked again, “Do you believe him?” Ji

Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was running away, his eyes were firm, and his tone was sonorous, “Believe!”

“No one believes in him more than I do…”

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