Lu Shaoqing looked at the sky, and Ji Yan and the others had already risen into the sky.

Four streams of light tore through the air and rushed straight into the sky, leaving a bright light in the sky.

Yu Chang, Xiao Chuang, Shao Cheng, and Ji Yan entered the big array again.

Lu Shaoqing turned back again and glanced at the distance, in front of the wooden house, Ke Hong stood in front of the door.

Ke Hong finally agreed to his solution, and he spent more than two months preparing.

Today, he finally took advantage of the monsters’ pause and began to verify whether his method worked.

Feel the breath of Yu Chang and others.

Countless red dots appeared in the crack again, and three huge monsters also appeared in front of the crack again.

Their scarlet eyes stared at Yu Chang and several people.

They have already fought with Yu Chang several times, and no one can help anyone.

But Yu Chang and they killed countless of their subordinates and companions, making them hate Yu Chang and several people to the bone.

Seeing Yu Chang appear, one of the monsters roared angrily at Yu Chang and them.


Deafening, a huge aura storm was set off in the air, and behind it, countless black monsters were torn apart under this roar, with heavy casualties.

Seeing this monster, Ji Yan’s cold face showed a chilling killing intent.

It was this monster that injured his master.

It is a target that is determined to be killed.

The long sword behind his back came out of its sheath with a sound, and the sword body emitted a faint white light, pointing at this monster of the six-layer realm in the middle of the Yuan Infant period.

Ji Yan was like a god of war, and the sound was like a torrent of thunder, sweeping away, shaking the entire sky.

“Monster, fight me!”

Feeling Ji Yan’s killing intent, the scarlet eyes of the monster of the sixth-layer realm of the Yuan Infant also revealed killing intent.

It stretched out its long tongue and licked its lips, and a hideous and cruel smile appeared on its ugly face.


The monster roared angrily and rushed straight at Ji Yan.

The other two monsters did not move, but watched coldly as their companions rushed towards Ji Yan.

Yu Chang, Xiao Chuang, and Shao Cheng also did not move, and the vigilance in the hearts of the three was full, and the qi machine firmly locked on the other two monsters.

The monster that pounced on Ji Yan was the largest of the three.

It is huge, standing at least three feet tall and moving like a hill.

The bulging back has no wings, but is covered with oozing bone spurs, sharp, sharp, shining cold, and frightening.

From afar, it looks a bit like a hedgehog.

But its hands and legs are thick, hard and solid muscles, like solid stones.

However, the size of the body does not mean that it is slow.

Thousands of miles apart, it was there in the blink of an eye.

It did not make any other attack moves, and rushed straight towards Ji Yan.

Like a crazy bison, with red eyes, rushing straight with its horns.

But with the strength of the flesh, the monster seemed to crash the sky, and the air made a sharp sound, forming a violent shockwave.

Ji Yan’s gaze was cold, and he swung out a sword.

Wuqiu instantly turned into a giant sword, with a heaven-destroying aura, and fiercely slashed at the monsters rushing over.

A mighty sword slashed into the furious shockwave.

The two forces collided, and an explosion immediately caused a terrifying storm of aura.

The monster was not affected in any way and its speed did not decrease.

Ji Yan had to leave the place in a flash.

Seeing that Ji Yan avoided him, the monster roared proudly.

It grinned, its smile hideous, and its horror seeped into people.

Its figure moved, disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared in front of Ji Yan.

Huge claws whistled, but it flew into the air.

Ji Yan disappeared in place first.

Attacked a loneliness, so that this monster could not help but be stunned.

However, its gaze quickly locked on Ji Yan, but when it saw Ji Yan, it was stunned again.

Ji Yan had already appeared below, rushing straight outside the large array.


Although the monster has spiritual intelligence, it can’t think more at this time.

Seeing Ji Yan’s flying towards the outside of the large array, in the eyes of the monster, its prey was afraid and fled.

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The prey was afraid and fled, which made the monster’s heart more and more excited.

Such prey is more enjoyable to kill.

It roared again, excited, and chased after Ji Yan again.

It wanted to stop Ji Yan before he fled outside that nasty barrier, and kill and devour this prey properly.


the monster roared excitedly as it chased after it.

Dare to challenge me and let you know what regret is.

Don’t think I’m the same as the waste before me.

Ji Yan rushed straight outside the large array, and the target was naturally where Lu Shaoqing was.

Although he is flying with a sword, his speed is not much faster than the monster behind him.

The monster behind him had already caught up, and he could already feel the breath of the monster.

Ji Yan’s expression was not very good-looking, he had never run away like this.

Even if it is a feint, he is not happy.

However, he was also helpless in his heart.

If he could beat this monster, he would definitely not run away like this.

He would rather fight to the death than kill the enemy.

It’s a pity that the monster behind him is too strong to defeat him alone with his current strength.

Therefore, he could only rely on the power of his junior brother.

The killing intent in Ji Yan’s heart became more and more high, and he increased his speed again, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the edge of the large array.

Here, he could already see the barrier formed by the Great Array.

The monster chasing behind saw that Ji Yan had not changed direction, and a mocking smile appeared in his eyes.

If they want to enter the Great Array, they need to enter from a specific position.

And this is not a specific location in front of him, in other words, Ji Yan continues to rush over, and will crash and die here like those monsters.

The monster’s tongue licked his lips again, as if he had seen the moment when Ji Yan crashed into meat sauce.

It’s okay, I can lick.

The monster was looking forward to it.

However, the next moment, the white barrier disappeared, and Ji Yan rushed out in an instant.

The monster was stunned again, and his scarlet eyes showed surprise, this, what’s going on?

Soon, the monster felt the breath outside, and it became excited.

“Roar, roar…” the

monster roared, and the large array disappeared.

The barriers that blocked them disappeared.

There was also a heaven-shaking roar from the cracks behind them, and those monsters also felt the disappearance of the large array.

They all roared, and then, they began to pour out.

The monster chasing Ji Yan took the lead and rushed out.

Feeling the breath outside, it became ecstatic and roared up to the sky excitedly.


being trapped for hundreds of years, they finally rushed out.

Roar, the time that belongs to them has come.

At such an exciting moment, of course, it is necessary to gnaw the human cultivator who dares to challenge himself to celebrate.

It continued to pursue Ji Yan.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing was angry.

Don’t see me?

Or do you look down on me?

If it was usual, Lu Shaoqing would not like this, but now he must introduce the monster into the big array.

So, Lu Shaoqing cursed.

“What’s it called?” Spring? The

monster turned its head and saw a weak human cultivator, standing in the distance and cursing at him.

“What to see? Ugly, haven’t you seen a handsome guy?


The monster was enraged and rushed towards Lu Shaoqing.

I haven’t eaten human flesh and blood for a long time, and today I can open meat.

The monster was so excited that it was trapped for thousands of years and finally survived to a good day.

The speed of the monster was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it came to Lu Shaoqing, like a small mountain, it raised its claws fiercely, but the next moment, the surrounding abnormalities suddenly appeared…

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