The surrounding white light flickered, and the human cultivators who were close at hand disappeared.

The monster was shocked, with a thick look of surprise on his face, and looked around.

The surrounding scene has changed.

Even the ground was not black soil, and a very uneasy feeling came to my heart.

Let the monster be restless and roar.

It rushes left and right, and it is extremely fast at the Yuan Infant level, and it can appear tens of thousands of meters away with just a sprint.

However, no matter which direction the monster rushes from, it cannot leave here.

What makes the monster even more frightening is that above the gray sky, I don’t know when the clouds are already thick.

The dark clouds exuded a huge coercive pressure, and the electric light flashed, making the monster feel a great threat.


Huge thunder and lightning fell, like a thunder dragon descending into the world, as if it was about to destroy everything.

The lightning speed is extremely fast, and the monster cannot dodge and falls on the monster’s body.


The huge pain made the monster roar, and where the thunder and lightning fell, it was scorched black, and a scorched smell pervaded.

This is not the end, above the sky, one after another thunder and lightning fell.

The place where the monster was located became a thunder pool, instantly shrouding the monster.

The power of thunder and lightning was terrifying, and a single thunder and lightning was enough to instantly obliterate a cultivator of the ninth layer of Jiedan.

The monster desperately dodged and resisted, but there was still thunder and lightning constantly falling on the monster’s body, the monster roared again and again, and the wailing and screaming echoed between heaven and earth, making people smell and change.

Lu Shaoqing stood outside the large array, and the screams of the monsters inside the large array were ignored by him, and his eyes were fixed on the crack.

The Intercepted Sky Formation trapped in the crack was closed by Kehong, and the monsters inside the crack became excited like taking an aphrodisiac.

They all roared loudly and poured out of the cracks like a tide.

And the remaining two Yuan Infant level monsters took the lead and took the lead in charging.

From their roars, the excitement in their hearts can be heard.

Trapped here for many years, now see the light of day, how not to be excited?

Yu Chang, Xiao Chuang, and Shao Cheng immediately crossed the sky with long swords.

Their mission this time is to stop these monsters, block them, buy time for Kehon, and restart the big array.

The sixth-level large array does not mean that it is closed and turned on, and it takes time.

Kehong’s side had already restarted the large array as soon as possible.

It will take a little time, though.

Above the sky in the distance, Yu Chang’s sword qi swept across, and countless low-level monsters burst one after another, dying tragically on the spot.

If nothing else, Yu Chang alone can block these swarming monsters.

However, there is an even more terrifying monster here.

The monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant appeared in front of Yu Chang.

Yu Chang can only abandon other monsters and deal with this powerful enemy instead.

Xiao Chuang and Shao Cheng are similar.

The two of them faced another monster on the fifth layer of the Yuan Baby, and the two had to join forces to be able to carry this monster.

In this way, the other monsters have no one to deal with, they quickly flap their wings, scrambling to rush the range of the array.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it coldly, these monsters rushed out, and his small body was the first to be unable to bear it.

But he didn’t have any nervousness.

Seeing that the monsters even showed excited expressions, Lu Shaoqing said coldly, “Idiot.” A

sword light lit up.

The monsters that were the first to approach the large array were torn into countless pieces under the sword light, wailing and wailing.

Ji Yan reappeared in heaven.

Although Ji Yan couldn’t beat those three Yuan Baby monsters, it was more than enough to deal with ordinary monsters.

The two Yuan Baby monsters were dragged down, and Ji Yan only needed to deal with those monsters like a tide.

In just a dozen breaths, there were already tens of thousands of monsters who died under Ji Yan’s sword.

And the number is constantly climbing.

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However, in the cracks of hundreds of miles, there are too many monsters that continue to drill out.

Densely packed with no end in sight.

The cracks seem to be endless, constantly swarming out.

Even if Ji Yan fought with all his might, the monster was still like a wriggling black wave, constantly approaching the edge of the large array.

Once they crossed the range of the large array, Kehong had to make a move.

However, then there may be a bigger change.

Lu Shaoqing looked anxious and died.

Urging Ke Hong, “Ancestor, haven’t you eaten?” ”

Go harder.”

Ke Hong’s breath was almost chaotic.

So angry that he roared, “Boy, you shut up for me.” ”

Don’t you know it’s a critical moment?

Shouting here scares my old man.

The sixth-level large array is closed, and then started, the time required is not long, nor is it short.

Kehong’s side was almost closed, and it was started immediately.

Under his struggle, in less than a minute, the large array restarted.

The white light flashed, and the barrier reappeared.

The monster that was fighting against Yu Chang was the first to notice, and it became anxious.

With a roar, he abandoned Yu Chang and went straight to the big array.

Yu Chang certainly won’t do what he wants.

The strength is not comparable to it, but it is still okay to entangle it for a moment.

The same is true of Xiao Chuang and Shao Cheng, who also do their best to block the monster in front of them.

Finally, under the desperate obstruction of everyone, the Sky Interception Array was successfully activated.

Seeing the monsters hit the barrier again, blood splattered, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Chang and the others also had the intention of retreating.

Lu Shaoqing shouted angrily at this time, “Go and help Master kill that garbage.”

Everyone didn’t have time to react, and as the one who knew Lu Shaoqing best, they were the first to react.

Wuqiu flashed, avoided many monsters, and went straight to the monster that fought Xiao Chuang and Shao Cheng.


This monster of the five-layer realm did not expect that Ji Yan would suddenly make a sneak attack.

By the time it reacted, Wuqiu had already streaked through its body.

The cold light flashed, black blood splashed, and he was injured.

The injury is not serious, but.

A sharp sword intent entered the monster’s body along the wound.

Crazy destruction in the body.

The pain caused the monster’s face to distort, and his movements were sluggish for a while.

Xiao Chuang and Shao Cheng would not miss such a great opportunity.

They have all made their own tricks.

The monster was killed and wailed, tired of coping.

In the end, under the joint attack of the three people, the monster of the fifth layer of the Yuan Infant was exploded in the air, and countless fragments were exploded in the air, blood spilled into the air, and it fell.

Lu Shaoqing shouted again, “Go and help the boss and slaughter another one.” ”

The monster that fought Yu Chang saw his companion die tragically on the spot under the joint attack of Ji Yan and the three.

Already frightened, and then saw Ji Yan rushing towards him, roared, forced Yu Chang to retreat, flashed his wings and completely disappeared in the air, embarrassed back into the crack.

Even if it is a nine-layer realm, being besieged by everyone will only fall.

The other monsters also stopped attacking and retracted into the crack.

In this way, there is only the monster of the sixth layer of the Yuan Infant that is trapped outside.

Lu Shaoqing’s attention fell on the large array in front of him…

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