Ji Yan came here with no hill in his hand, murderous.

Looking at the monster trapped in the large array, he coldly asked Lu Shaoqing, “Can’t do it yet?” ”

For the monsters in the Great Array, Ji Yan must personally kill them.

No one can rob it.

Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry, and said slowly, “What’s the hurry?” ”

The monster is trapped in the formation and is being slashed by lightning, according to Lu Shaoqing’s meaning.

Just let the monster be chopped to death.

The fifth-level formation completely trapped the monster, and was completely trapped inside, even if it was the Yuan infancy stage, he had to kneel.

What’s more, the Great Array can only be used once now, and the same method cannot be used a second time.

The monster is also not stupid, and it is impossible to be fooled a second time. It was also impossible for Ke Hong to risk closing the Great Array a second time.

This time it was able to trap the monster because it was unexpected, and the monster did not expect that Lu Shaoqing would set up a large array outside and wait for it.

This large array can only be used once, since this is the case, simply make the best use of it and squeeze out the last bit of value of the large array, so as to be worthy of those materials of the fourth and fifth grades.

Use formations to kill monsters, saving time and effort.

How easy.

Ji Yan disagreed, he was resolute and had to kill the monster himself.

“It’s mine, no one can take it.”

Ji Yan was murderous and hateful.

For the first time, such a resolute killing intent was born.

This monster not only injured his master, made him feel powerless, but also humiliated him.

This revenge is not a gentleman.

Yu Chang and Shao Cheng are persuading Ji Yan that there is no need for this.

Since Lu Shaoqing’s formation can kill monsters, let the formation kill monsters.

No need to do it yourself.

But no matter how they persuaded, Ji Yan disagreed.

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “Open the formation and let me go in and kill it.” The

light above Wuqiu lit up and buzzed twice, as if to represent the owner’s renewed determination.

Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Sure enough, there is a disease.” ”

Don’t say much, go and close the formation.

Ji Yan’s attitude is so resolute, no one can persuade him.

I can’t help Senior Brother, I can only follow him.

The formation closed, the roaring sound inside came out, and a black shadow rushed out from inside.

In everyone’s sight, the monster’s appearance was very miserable.

The scales on the body fell in large pieces, many parts were scorched black, white smoke was smoking, and the scars were full, and black blood continued to flow out from the wounds on the body, dripping to the ground, making a moisturizing sound.

Its aura was much weaker, and as Lu Shaoqing said, it only took a while longer, and this large array was enough to obliterate it.

“Alas, it’s a pity.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, his tone regretful.

The monster’s skin is thick and its defense is amazing, so it can hold out in it for so long.

If it was a human cultivator, without using magic weapons, this would have been almost chopped.

But it’s almost the same, this monster’s current strength is less than three percent of its heyday, and it is more than enough to deal with it.

Ji Yan saw the monster and was murderous.

The mounds in his hands vibrate.

Looking coldly at the monster rushing towards him, Ji Yan did not dodge.

Instead, he looked at the monster coldly and waited until the time was right.

Ji Yan raised the long sword in his hand without a hill.

Split a brilliant sword at the monster.

In an instant, it seemed that only this sword remained in heaven and earth.

Like the sun, it became the only focal point between heaven and earth.

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The sharp sword intent is like a solar storm, raging everything and enveloping the monster.

This monster was chopped into wailing and wailing in the large array, and after rushing out, his mind was completely filled with hatred.

When it left the Great Array, it just wanted to destroy all the human cultivators it saw.

The plan that dares to stand in front of it is its first goal of revenge.

However, Ji Yan’s sword made it regain its senses, looking at this brilliant sword, heaven and earth seemed to be about to be split.

The monster was terrified, and fear spread and grew like crazy weeds from its soul, quickly filling its body.

Monsters who don’t know fear thoroughly grasp what fear is.

It turned and fled, facing the sword of Ji Yan, and now it did not have any confidence or courage to resist.

In front of this sword, it felt like an ant, unable to resist the arrival of Tianwei.


The monster roared in horror, and his voice carried endless fear.

At the moment of life and death, it burst out its own potential, and the injuries on its body seemed to have healed, faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in the distance.

But no matter how fast it is, it can’t dodge Ji Yan’s sword.

When the sword light fell and enveloped it, the monster was powerless to resist, and could only struggle, wail, and roar in vain.

Emotions such as begging for mercy, fear, anger, unwillingness, etc. are mixed together, like a funeral song, sending monsters on the road.

Watching the monster lose its breath of life, its body became fragments scattered from the sky.

The murderous aura on Ji Yan’s face faded and calmed down.

It is considered revenge.

Although, with the help of junior brothers.

However, without the help of his junior brother, he planned to kill that monster, but he couldn’t do it at all.

Ji Yan glanced at his junior brother.

But he saw Lu Shaoqing staring at him with dissatisfaction.

“Bastard, can you restrain a little? You split it into pieces with a sword, what if there is something valuable on it?

“For you to help you with this stinky favor, I’m still in a loss-making state.”

Lu Shaoqing was full of resentment.

Ji Yan couldn’t help but show a smile on his face.

“You go and see for yourself, maybe there is still a little scum.”

Lu Shaoqing was even more angry and cursed, “I see that you are a scum.” After

speaking, the fart ran towards the location where the monster fell.

After all, it is a monster in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, maybe there is really something good.

Shao Cheng saw that his apprentice was so wealthy.

Raising his forehead again, he scolded, “My eyes have drilled into the spirit stone.” ”

It’s too humiliating, in front of the ancestor, the face of this master himself was lost at all.

Ke Hong’s gaze was full of appreciation, and he praised, “Good boy, there are two strokes.”

His evaluation of Lu Shaoqing increased several levels one after another.

Using a formation to trap a Yuan Infant level monster was enough to shock the eyes of many people.

What is even more valuable is that this kid’s mind is smart.

It’s a bit adventurous, but totally worth it and rewarding.

Trapped a monster of the six-layer realm, liberated Ji Yan’s combat power, and joined forces to kill a monster.

Now the monsters of the six-layer realm have also been killed.

In this way, the ten Yuan Infant monsters were left with a nine-layer realm monster.

By then, everyone joined hands and was already invincible.

The more Ke Hong looked at Lu Shaoqing, the more satisfied he became.

No wonder Shao Cheng kid attaches so much importance to him.

The talent may not be as good as Ji Yan, but the head is very smart.

Maybe the first wisdom of the Lingxiao faction is not just talk.

Thinking of this, Ke Hong said to Yu Chang, “Yu Chang boy, I see that your position in charge has been relinquished…”

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