Because they were too close to the crack, countless monsters stopped Shao Cheng next.

The monsters flapped their wings and surrounded Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing.

From a distance, the two seemed to be trapped in a black tide.

The next moment it will drown them and devour them.

The monsters’ eyes were scarlet, full of bloodthirsty expressions, and salivation continued to drip from their mouths.


The monsters scrambled to get ahead, pressing towards Shao Cheng and Ji Yan in all directions.


Shao Cheng snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and a majestic force spread out to the surroundings like a storm.

The approaching monsters screamed, and in the face of the majestic power, they exploded one after another, turning into a rain of blood.

The strongest of these monsters is only the Jiedan period, most of which are mainly the strength of the Qi refining and foundation building realm.

In front of the Yuan baby, like a child, he was easily crushed.

Shao Cheng just waved his big hand, and countless monsters fell, instantly emptying a large area.

However, there are too many monsters, and the vacated space is refilled in the blink of an eye.

These monsters have no intelligence, are not afraid of death, and constantly attack.

Shao Cheng did not dare to delay, he was not well injured, and it was too dangerous to entangle here.

And his second apprentice is still behind him.

Shao Cheng shouted, “Hold on.”

Shao Cheng accelerated abruptly, and the flying sword under his feet slashed through the air, quickly rushing towards the outside of the large array.

Shao Cheng attacked the monsters while hurrying.

Sword qi and spells took turns to fight, and the monsters that intercepted in front burst one after another, and the broken limbs and black blood spilled all over the sky.

Looking at it from afar, in the full black, every attack by Shao Cheng would make the black sky reveal a blank.

However, there were too many monsters, and Shao Cheng’s speed had to slow down.

There were too many monsters intercepted in front, and he had to be cautious while protecting Lu Shaoqing behind him.

With Lu Shaoqing’s strength, falling into the encirclement of these monsters, it will not be long before it will be torn into countless pieces. 0

Lu Shaoqing looked at the densely packed monsters around him, and his scalp was numb.

There are so many of these monsters that they look enough to scare a whole bunch of children.

As for?

I just came in to see the situation, I didn’t provoke you.

Don’t you sleep soundly in the cracks?

I have to come out and send it to death.

Shao Cheng broke through outside, not only to protect him, but also to deal with the surrounding monsters, and the pressure was huge.

Lu Shaoqing’s long sword quietly appeared in his hand.

But he did not dare to attack easily.

Although his strength has reached the ninth layer of Jiedan.

With sword intent, his lethality is several times stronger than that of enemies in the same realm.

He is confident that he can take out some monsters with one sword.

However, there were too many monsters around, and he did not dare to act rashly.

If he provokes a monster of similar strength to him, it will only add trouble to himself.


At this time, there was another earth-shaking roar from the crack.

The faces of Lu Shaoqing and Master Shao Cheng changed.

This is the monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby, and it appeared.

It emerged from the cracks, the immense oppression brought by the tall body.

As soon as it appeared, a huge shadow shrouded Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing, making the two feel the breath of death.

Yuan Infant Ninth Layer, not to mention that Shao was injured, even if he was not injured, he could not be the opponent of this monster.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears.

Just come in and take a look, as for the monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby?

You guys are so fanfare, is the appearance fee enough?

Lu Shaoqing said to Shao Cheng in the back, “Master run.”

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Shao Cheng reassured his apprentice, “Don’t worry, they will be able to come soon.”

Lu Shao looked up, and in the distance, Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang also came in from outside for the first time.

But a little distance.

And now, just two breaths past, the appearance of the monster was clearly visible in the sight of the two of them.

The monsters are closer to them.

It’s over, it’s over.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart began to despair.

The ninth layer of the Yuan Infant is one step away from being able to reach the monster of the god.

He and Master Shao Cheng joined forces and could not resist this monster.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the approaching monster, and he could even see the mockery in the monster’s eyes.

That’s a joke that they don’t measure themselves.

Facing such a strong enemy, Lu Shaoqing quietly took out the wood carving given to him by his ancestor Ke Hong in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing held the wood carving, ready to go, “Master, is there a way?” ”

If there is no way, he can only use wood carving.

This is the last resort.

If there was a way, he would not use this trick.

Ancestor Ke Hong has said that if the god makes a move, it may provoke a more terrifying existence.

Shao Cheng didn’t look back, he gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take you out.”

Shao Cheng also felt the pressure.

Lu Shaoqing was not only his apprentice, but also regarded by him as a son.

Even if he sacrificed his own life, he had to protect Lu Shaoqing.

Hearing the helplessness in Shao Cheng’s tone, Lu Shaoqing shook his head, and the master had no choice.

It seems that only the wood carvings given by the ancestors can be used.

Hopefully, there won’t be a bad scenario.

Lu Shaoqing showed the wood carving, and when he was about to start, he found that his eyes were bright.

The figure of the monster that had already killed them appeared in the distance, and even the monsters that besieged them left one after another, rushing towards the distance with the monster.

In the distance, there was a familiar sword intent.

Ji Yan’s figure appeared in the large array, attracting the attention of the monsters.

Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, at the critical moment, it was still the master brother who was reliable.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly urged Shao Cheng, “Master, go, go, hurry up…” Shao Cheng

did not delay, hurriedly harnessed the flying sword, and quickly rushed towards the exit.

And Yu Chang had already fought with that monster, and there was no time to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing and Shao Cheng.

Coming out of the large array, looking at the two sides that were still fiercely fighting in the large array, Lu Shaoqing had palpitations.

These monsters are too cunning.

Almost couldn’t get out.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ke Hong with resentful eyes, “Ancestor, this job is too dangerous, you have to add money.” ”

I was almost made dumplings, and I was afraid to think about it.

Ke Hong is depressed, this monster is very smart.

Its existence does have a big impact.

However, its strength is very strong, Ke Hong does not make a move, Yu Chang and they can only deal with it if they join forces.

It is very difficult to kill it, and if you can’t beat it, you will retreat.

Ke Hong raised his head and looked at the monster fighting Yu Chang, Xiao Chuang, and Ji Yan in the big array, and he also felt a headache.

He asked Lu Shaoqing, “Do you have a way to kill it?”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but roll his eyes at this ancestor.

“Ancestor, you think too highly of me, right? It is the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, and in the face of absolute strength, no amount of methods is in vain.

“First of all, even if I can’t kill it, I have to let it be seriously injured before I dare to go in.”

But how easy is that?

Yu Chang and they joined forces, and once the monster found that something was wrong, it immediately fled, and it could not be stopped.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, it seemed that he would stay here for a while.

But at this moment, above the sky, there was a roar of the monster…

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