The monster on the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant roared with pain and anger.

It attracted Lu Shaoqing’s attention.

Lu Shaoqing looked up stunned and looked at the battle in the sky.

Above the sky, in the large array, Ji Yan was like a white-clothed immortal, so conspicuous in the black torrent.

He stood in the air, his white clothes fluttering, and his long sword slashed through the distance, returning to him.

The light on the sword was much dimmer, and behind it, the monster was venting its anger.

The monster roared, the sky shook, and the sound waves continued to rush around.

The monsters close to here burst and fell from the sky under the impact of the sound wave.

A long sword mark appeared behind the monster, and black blood splashed.

The monster is the strongest and has the most mood changes on the face.

Its face was full of pain, its eyes were full of anger and resentment, and it stared at Ji Yan deadly.

Taking advantage of its lack of attention, Ji Yan left a deep bone wound on its back, and the sword intent was like poison, penetrating deep into its body and wreaking havoc.

The strength of the monster is strong, and it suppresses and dissolves Ji Yan’s sword intent at the first time.

But the pain left behind is what makes it unforgettable.

The angry monster abandoned Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang and rushed towards Ji Yan at the first time.

Ji Yan did not strike immediately just now, but like an assassin, he was looking for opportunities on the side.

Finally, taking advantage of the monster’s battle with Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang, he quietly shot and came behind it.

Ji Yan’s face was slightly pale, and like the Wuqiu Sword, he caused damage to the monster, but he also paid a lot of price.


Under the anger, the speed of the monster became extremely fast, and it appeared in front of Ji Yan in the blink of an eye.

The sharp claw grabbed down fiercely, and there was a crackling sound in the air, and everything around was enveloped by this claw.

Ji Yan’s figure disappeared, flashed away, and appeared in the distance.

Lu Shaoqing looked envious below.

This is the teleportation that the Yuan Baby can make, and it is convenient to escape.

The monster was fast, Ji Yan disappeared, and it disappeared in place at the first time.

It is not teleportation, but the speed is too fast, so fast that the human eye cannot keep up, and it looks like teleportation.

At about the same time, Ji Yan appeared, and the monster also appeared.

The claws still maintained the same attack posture and grabbed Ji Yan fiercely.

The black claws of the force, extremely sharp and shining with cold light, like a sword, tore the air and tore his words.

Ji Yan is helpless, and there is no hill sword rung.


Ji Yan’s mouth sprayed blood, and Wuqiu Sword wailed even more, revealing a crack, and the light became more and more dim, and it would disappear at any time.

The bright red blood excited the monster, and it licked its lips and followed again.

As if teleporting, the monster appeared in front of Ji Yan, with its claws stretched out, as if grasping prey, to completely close Ji Yan.

The speed of the monster was fast, Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang arrived at the first time, but they were still one step slower.

With just one click, the monster was able to insert its claws into Ji Yan’s body.

The monster’s claws are its weapons, divine weapons, and once the monster succeeds, Ji Yan will definitely not be spared.

The next moment, a sword qi struck, the sword qi was strong, and it went straight to the monster with fierceness.

If the monster wanted to continue attacking Ji Yan, it would be hit by this sword qi.

However, the monster seems to have the intention of killing Ji Yan.

In the face of the attack launched by Shao Cheng, who arrived in time, he did not care at all.

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It ate a sword light from Shao Cheng abruptly.

The scarlet eyes were full of killing intent, staring at Ji Yan deadly.

Words are their real goal.

However, Ji Yan’s gaze was scorching, without the slightest nervousness or worry.

Suddenly, a huge divine consciousness gushed out from Ji Yan’s body, and the huge divine consciousness made a trace of panic flash in the monster’s eyes.

Before it could do anything, divine consciousness erupted, and a sharp sword intent also erupted.

The monster could not resist Ji Yan’s divine sense, and the monster felt that his head was like being stabbed by countless long swords, and it was extremely painful.

The monster’s spirit was hit hard, and the pain made the monster can’t help but cover its head and scream.

Black blood flowed from the monster’s eyes, nostrils, and mouth, looking very embarrassed.

Taking advantage of the monster’s roar of pain, Ji Yan did not retreat.

The Wuqiu sword lit up again and struck the monster with one sword again.

Large pieces of the scale armor on the monster’s chest fell, and the blood was dripping.

The pain caused the monster to roar, and it slapped down with a fierce claw, and this space seemed to be shattered, and a huge force was transmitted to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan was hit hard again.

Ji Yan felt like he was being dropped from the sky by a big mountain and smashed on his body.

At that moment I felt dead.

The spiritual power in Ji Yan’s body was exhausted, the flesh and blood in his body burst apart, and the bones in his body were shattered.

Ji Yan completely lost his combat effectiveness.

If it weren’t for his strong willpower, he would have passed out a long time ago.

Shao Cheng was the first to arrive, and when he saw the miserable situation of his apprentice, his eyes instantly turned red and he shouted angrily.

“Give me death.”

Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang also arrived, and the attacks of the three continued to go towards the monster

, especially Shao Cheng, who was crazy, although he was the weakest of the three, and he was injured, his attack was the most violent.

Desperately attacking monsters, there is a great posture of dying with monsters.

The monsters were injured one after another, their strength was greatly reduced, and they faced the joint attack of the three.

The monster was able to barely resist at first, and after suffering a few losses, the monster’s injuries were even worse.

The monster couldn’t bear it, and without saying a word, he turned around and fled as soon as possible.

At the same time, he yelled.

Countless monsters circled in its roar, attacking the three of Yu Chang and intercepting the pursuit of the three of Yu Chang.

In the end, Yu Chang and the three could only watch the monster escape back into the crack under the cover of the monster.

After taking Shaocheng back with Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing rushed up and cursed at Ji Yan.

“Deserve it, who made you a hero?”

“Now you know it hurts, right?”

“That monster didn’t shoot you to death, count you out of shit luck.”

Ji Yan’s face was pale, he couldn’t stand up, and the bones in his body were almost shattered.

However, his face still showed pride, he was able to inflict damage on the monster of the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby, which was enough to stand out.


Seeing that Ji Yan actually showed a smile, Lu Shaoqing was even more angry, “Are you still laughing?” Believe it or not, I’ll strangle you bastard right now?

Then said to Shao Cheng, “Master, don’t save it, dig a pit and bury it.”

Then he pulled out a shovel out of nowhere and waved, “I can dig a hole.” ”

You me off….”

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