Such a result was also unexpected by Kehong.

Ke Hong did not expect that Ji Yan would risk his own fall, fight with the monster, and finally hit the monster hard.

I didn’t expect Ji Yan’s attack to be so strong, and the first layer of the realm in the early stage of the Yuan Infant could hurt the monsters of the ninth layer realm in the late Yuan Infant stage.

This lethality exceeded that of everyone present.

Even if it was him Kehong, when he was in the same realm, he did not have such a terrifying lethality.

In any case, having seriously injured the monster, the situation was very favorable for them.

Now you only need to go in and repair the big array, and Lu Shaoqing’s work will be completed.

Ke Honggang wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing when he would enter the Great Formation.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Lu Shaoqing standing up and looking at the crack in the sky.

“Boy, what do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing turned around, “Ancestor, I think I can go in and repair the big array now.” ”

The strongest monster was seriously injured, and the other monsters also retracted into the large array.

For Lu Shaoqing, this is undoubtedly the best time.

He didn’t want to wait outside lest other problems arise then.

Ke Hong did not refuse, and Shao Cheng took Lu Shaoqing into the formation again.

After entering the large array, Lu Shaoqing began to face the mending array.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s serious work in the large array, Ke Hong couldn’t help but marvel.

“Although Lu Xiaozi usually makes people itch his teeth, he still does his best.”

Look at the plan in the healing.

Ke Hong showed a relieved expression on his face and said to Yu Chang, “These two brats are the hope of the sect for hundreds of years to come, and we must protect them.” ”

Ji Yan is unparalleled in sword Dao, and his combat effectiveness is amazing, just like the god of war.

Lu Shaoqing also has a good sword way, a smart mind, and what is even more valuable is that the formation is also a must, a multi-faceted little master.

As an ancestor, Ke Hong is the eldest elder of the Lingxiao Sect.

It was extremely gratifying to see that the sect still had such outstanding disciples after a thousand years.

Yu Chang took the opportunity to spit bitter water on Ke Hong.

“Ancestor, you don’t know how angry Shaoqing’s bastard brat is.”

“For ten years, I feel that my Shouyuan has been half as angry with him.”

Lu Shaoqing was definitely the number one troublemaker in the Lingxiao faction.

These elders were so angry that their life was greatly reduced.

Xiao Chuang also had a concern in his heart, and nodded his head again and again, indicating a hundred approvals.

“That is, this kid can’t get salt and oil, his skin is thicker than the city wall, and even Junior Brother Shao is usually difficult to cure him.”

“Ancestor, beat him more when you have time, otherwise when he grows up, no one will be able to cure him.”

How bad Xiao Chuang is, with Shao Cheng there, these senior brothers can’t help Lu Shaoqing.

Because Shao Cheng was there, they couldn’t beat Lu Shaoqing if they wanted to.

Well, now there is an ancestor.

Shao Cheng couldn’t stop it.

Xiao Chuang because of Xiao Yi’s affairs, he couldn’t wait for Ke Hong to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Although he can’t beat Lu Shaoqing with his own hands, it’s still very enjoyable to be able to see it with his own eyes.

There are not enough generations, you can only see with your own eyes, and if you have enough generations, you can do it yourself.

Ke Hong remembered the scene of getting along with Lu Shaoqing these days, and he deeply believed Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang’s words.

He had lived for so long, and it was the first time he had seen such a little guy.

Cheeky and shameless.

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Unreasonable, unreasonable stirring up three points.

Being entangled in him is indeed a headache.

As for the origin of Lu Shaoqing, Ke Hong was very curious and asked Yu Chang, “How did you get him under the door?” ”

With Lu Shaoqing’s character, it is easy to be beaten to death outside.

Yu Chang told Ke Hong how Lü Shaoqing had entered the Lingxiao faction.

After Ke Hong listened, he could understand the relationship between Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

He looked at Shao Cheng, who was closely guarding Lu Shaoqing’s side, and praised, “Shao Cheng kid did a good job, and he was able to find two such outstanding juniors.”

Then glared at Yu Chang, “Yu boy, what about you?” How is your apprentice?

A slight embarrassment flashed across Yu Chang’s face.

No way, as the head of the sect, the personal disciple is not the most outstanding one in the sect.

It’s really not very nice to pass it out.

Shuangyue Valley, the most outstanding disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion are all apprentices in charge.

Only the Lingxiao faction is not.

But Yu Chang has long been used to it.

He smiled and said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, it doesn’t matter if they are my apprentices, as long as they are disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.” ”

The head of the Lingxiao faction will not be a fixed faction.

As long as the disciple is excellent and suitable, he can serve as the leader.

Ke Hong nodded and praised, “As the leader, it’s good that you can think like this. ”

What the sect is most afraid of is that the leader is greedy for power, excludes dissidents, and suppresses talents, which will make the sect decline and finally slump.”

Ke Hong’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing again, and he praised, “Although this kid is very angry, he will not be vague in big things.

Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang nodded, which was one of the reasons why they were able to tolerate Lu Shaoqing.

Although it usually looks unreliable, but at critical times, Lu Shaoqing will not delay his legs.

Xiao Chuang looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was working hard, and said with a broken reason, “He wishes to deal with the affairs here as soon as possible, and then leave here quickly.”

Ke Hong didn’t care about this, he said, “He is just in the Jiedan realm, and it is already very good to be willing to come here and do his best.”

However, as soon as his words fell, he saw Lu Shaoqing jumping up, looking panicked, and seemed to have encountered something terrifying.

He was shouting repeatedly, urging Shao Chengjia to take off his sword and leave.

Ke Hong was stunned, what’s wrong?

Could it be that the Great Array was repaired like this?

However, Lu Shaoqing said that it would take more than half a month to repair the large array at the earliest.

Just when Ke Hong was puzzled, Ji Yan, who had been sitting cross-legged to recuperate, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

“Ji Yan boy, what’s wrong?”

Ke Hong asked curiously.

Ji Yan’s eyes were like electricity, staring at the cracks in the sky, and the long sword Wuqiu behind him vibrated gently.

Although he was seriously injured, at this moment, Ji Yan was still full of fighting spirit.

After a few breaths, Ji Yan spoke, “Ancestor, there may be big trouble.” ”

Big trouble?”

Ke Hong, Yu Chang, and Xiao Chuang’s eyes fell on the crack, and they couldn’t see anything.

I don’t understand the meaning of this sentence.

Now the crack is very calm, and the monsters that were entrenched on the edge of the crack before have all disappeared, and the wind and waves are calm, without any abnormalities.

Ji Yan’s face was solemn, “I have a bad premonition in my heart, it seems that something is coming out of the crack. Ji

Yan’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing and Master in the large array.

Inside the large array, Lu Shaoqing was urging the chauffeur, “Master, hurry, hurry, work harder.” ”

There’s big trouble coming…”

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