Shao Cheng’s side still doesn’t know what happened, and the speed is not fast.

He thought that there was a change in the crack, but his divine sense swept away and found no abnormality.

He had a puzzled look on his face, “What big trouble are you talking about?”

“You’re not going to be lazy, are you?”

Shao Cheng deeply doubted his apprentice.

With Lu Shaoqing’s character, it is not impossible.

Lu Shaoqing died unjustly.

He suddenly had a bad premonition.

There is a very strong sense of crisis.

It was a feeling that the sky was going to fall the next moment.

Although I don’t know why this happened, Lu Shaoqing believed in this feeling.

As a monk, it is impossible to have this feeling at will.

Nor can this feeling be ignored.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and asked the master to quickly take him away.

Shao Cheng inside did not understand this.

Ke Hong and the others outside did not understand Ji Yan’s words.

They also did not notice any unusual behavior inside the crack.

If there is an anomaly, it is that the monsters that have been carrying the crack have disappeared.

This situation is normal in Kehong’s opinion.

“Ji Yan boy, are you injured and hallucinating?”

Yu Chang said with concern, “You better hurry up and recuperate.”

Ji Yan shook his head and pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “Shaoqing also feels this way. Ke

Hong and several people looked at Lu Shaoqing in the large array, desperately urging Shao Cheng to leave quickly.

Xiao Chuang shook his head, still feeling that Ji Yan had thought too much, and he said, “Ji Yan, you can rest assured, there will be no trouble.”

However, as soon as his words fell, a divine thought swept away.

Like ripples in the water, it carries a gloomy and cold breath through everyone.

Yu Chang, Xiao Chuang and the others instantly felt as if they were in hell.

A pair of eyes from hell opened in the darkness and stared at them deadly.

Even Yu Chang, who was in the eight-layer realm of the late Yuan Infant, felt creepy, and his back was cold.

“Ancestor, Ancestor, this…”

Ke Hong’s face became gloomy, “Transformation God!

His tone was tinged with a hint of surprise.

Once again, the situation became unusual.

Ke Hong couldn’t even remember when the Avatar-level monster last appeared.

Avatar-level monsters have not appeared for a long, long time.

It can even be said that it is extremely rare for ten meta-infant-level monsters to appear at the same time this time.

Ten Yuan Infant level monsters appeared at the same time or four or five hundred years ago.

Since four or five hundred years, the cracks have moved less and less.

Only occasionally one or two meta-baby level monsters appear.

Later, the activities of monsters became less and less, and even made Ke Hong feel that in a few hundred years, the monsters would completely disappear and no longer appear.

Now it seems that he is still thinking too naively.

Now even god-level monsters have appeared.

“Damn monsters!”

Ke Hong shouted angrily, and the figure disappeared in place.

And Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing in the large array felt even more pressure.

When the monster’s divine thoughts swept by, both Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing felt that their souls seemed to fall into darkness.

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Lu Shaoqing felt a wave of fear, a trembling fear for the first time in his life.

This is not that he is timid and afraid of death, but a kind of high-plane existence suppression.

Only Lu Shaoqing in the Jiedan period could not control this fear.

This is the instinctive fear of life, and it is not something that Lu Shaoqing can control.

He stammered, “Master, Master, hurry, run…” Shao

Cheng also knew that his apprentice was not lazy.

It’s really big trouble.

Transforming God Monster, that divine thought alone had already made Shao Chengsheng unable to resist.

Yuan Ying’s Shao Cheng is much better than Lu Shaoqing, and he can still suppress the fear in his heart.

With a loud shout, the spiritual power in the body did not want to run rapidly.

The flying sword under his feet burst out with dazzling light, and the speed suddenly burst out, instantly disappearing in place, rushing towards the outside of the large array like lightning.

At the edge of the crack in the sky, black lightning lingered, flashing from time to time, emitting a black light.

Deep inside the crack is darkness that even light will be swallowed, and no amount of light can illuminate it.

A black foot slowly poked out of the darkness and stepped outside the crack.

A pitch-black humanoid monster appeared in the sky, standing in the air.

The monster is about the size of a human, with a blunt horn growing on its forehead, scarlet eyes, sharp fangs, slender arms and sharp claws.

The scales on the body are orderly, like an armor draped over the body.

After it appeared, it looked coldly at Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing, who fled like lightning.

Shao Cheng burst out with all his strength, and the speed of the imperial sword was like lightning, but in the eyes of the monster, Shao Cheng’s speed was like a snail.

The monster showed a hideous smile on his face, raised his right hand, and grabbed Shao Cheng fiercely.

Above the sky, a huge palm appeared, like the hand of the Immortal Emperor, descending from the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, shrouding Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing in it.

Shao Cheng and Lu Shaoqing suddenly felt that the air around them was emptied, and it was difficult to breathe.

What’s more, the two of them tried so hard that they couldn’t move, not even half a step forward.

It’s over, it’s over.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the huge palm that fell from the sky, and his heart was full of despair.

Today I definitely went out without looking at the yellow calendar.

To do this kind of thing in the future, you must choose an auspicious day of the zodiac.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the palm that fell from the sky, he was anxious in his heart, but he was helpless.

Even if he wanted to pull out the wood carving, he couldn’t do it.

Under the palm of his hand, everything was imprisoned, and with Lu Shaoqing’s strength, he couldn’t move if he wanted to.

But the next moment, he found that his body actually moved.

The body flew forward like an off-string arrow.

He looked back and saw that his master Shao Cheng actually had blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were determined.

Shao Cheng shouted, “Go quickly.” ”

Even if he has to pay for his own life, Shao Cheng must protect Lu Shaoqing.

After Shao Cheng finished drinking, his breath erupted and he greeted the huge palm in the sky.

However, in the face of huge strength, Shao Cheng couldn’t help the other party at all, but he was splashed with blood.

I fuck!

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes suddenly turned red.

Two wood carvings appeared in his hand at the same time, and Lu Shaoqing desperately injected spiritual power without saying a word.

“Lao Tzu fought with you!”

Lu Shaoqing roared, and the wood carving suddenly lit up with white light, and the terrifying aura was pervasive.

However, at this moment, a gentle force surrounded Lu Shaoqing, and the light of the wood carving dispersed.

“Boy, my stuff isn’t for here.”

“Get out.”

Ke Hong’s voice sounded faintly….

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