The moment the black thunder ball enveloped Lu Shaoqing, a severe pain came, deep into the soul, the most painful time in his life.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, rolled his eyes, and died of pain.

I don’t know how long it took, Lu Shaoqing woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was surrounded by black lightning.

It was as if he was in the middle of a round ball, surrounded by dense black lightning.

Large and small, inconsistent black lightning is like a black viper, circling and flying around it, waiting for an opportunity.

Lu Shaoqing felt a mortal threat from these black lightnings.

Even if he is now in the Yuan Infant realm, as long as he is touched, he will instantly turn into ashes.

After Lu Shaoqing stared for a while, he felt very strange.

He was swallowed by the black thunder ball just now, why didn’t he die?

Just as Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, a black light flashed, and something appeared.

Lu Shaoqing fixed his eyes and opened his mouth in surprise.

It’s his own little black charcoal baby.

It took the initiative to run out of its own body.

What for?

What do you want to do?

To rebel?

Lu Shaoqing stared warily at the Yuan Baby suspended in front of him.

He hadn’t heard of whose Yuan Baby would run out on its own.

Remembering that evil consciousness, Lu Shaoqing chuckled in his heart, wouldn’t he be dead yet?

And the consciousness lurks in his own Yuan Baby, continuing to make trouble?

Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness immediately entered the Yuan Baby, and after carefully examining it, he did not find any clues before he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also knew why the Yuan Baby suddenly appeared.

It turned out that the black lightning in front of him had great benefits for the Yuan baby, and devouring these black lightning bolts could make the Yuan baby grow further.

Looking at the black lightning in front of him, Lu Shaoqing was silent for a while.

Only then whispered to himself, “Try it, it doesn’t hurt to grow up a little more.” ”

In the future, I really have to fight the Yuan baby, my own Yuan Baby is an adult, and the enemy’s Yuan Baby is a small child, and it is easier to fight.”

Having made up his mind, Lu Shaoqing controlled Yuan Ying and began to slowly approach the edge.

As the Yuan Baby approached, the surrounding black lightning seemed to become restless, flickering even more.

It flashes with black electric light, giving people a feeling of fear.

Yuan Ying approached, slowly stretched out his little hand, the spirit armor on his body shone slightly, and those black lightning seemed to be summoned, and they swam over one after another, submerged into Yuan Ying’s body.

Every touch made Yuanyou feel a tingle, and that feeling was very comfortable.

Lu Shaoqing controlled the Yuan baby, who continued to absorb black lightning, his aura was constantly increasing, and his body was gradually strengthening.

The black spirit armor worn on Yuan Ying’s body also had black lightning lingering, as if it was forging, and the surface of the spirit armor became smoother and brighter.

After more than a quarter of an hour, the Yuan Baby stopped absorbing and had reached saturation.

The Yuan Baby, who absorbed the black lightning, has grown a lot again, before it looked like a one-year-old baby, and now it looks like a two-year-old toddler.

Lu Shaoqing controlled Yuanbao’s body to move, and said dissatisfiedly, “Why don’t you suck it?” ”

Keep sucking, keep growing.”

Seeing that there was no movement, Lu Shaoqing’s Yuan Infant stretched out his hand again to touch the black lightning that was wandering.

This time the black lightning did not enter the body and wrapped around his body, like a docile puppy.

Lu Shaoqing tried several times but could not absorb the black lightning, he was able to control these black lightning, but he could not absorb them.

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The origin of these black lightning bolts is unknown, but it is also a good thing to think about.

Unable to continue to absorb, just let them go, Lu Shaoqing was unwilling in his heart.

It is not easy to encounter such a good thing, do not eat a few more bites, will feel distressed when you think about it in the future, and sleep will have nightmares.

No, you have to do something more.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing finally took out his long sword.

This long sword is his original sword, starting from the second grade, following him, slowly tempering all the way, and now it is the third grade.

Ji Yan’s long sword should already be a fourth-grade.

It just so happened that he had reached the Yuan Baby, and his sword should also be upgraded.

Lu Shaoqing hadn’t thought of how to upgrade, and now these black lightning bolts are simply a pity not to take advantage of them.


Lu Shaoqing shouted, and the long sword fell into the black lightning.

As if enraged, lightning slashed at the long sword.

The longsword made a buzzing sound, and on top of the black lightning splitting longsword, the longsword was tempered.

At the same time, the materials that had already been prepared were also not included in it.

Through the black lightning strike, it is washed and impurities are removed.

Finally, Lu Shaoqing thought about it, and also took out the spikes obtained from the six-layer Yuan Infant Monster and threw them into it.

After the black spikes submerged, the black lightning became even more violent, and finally turned into a black mass, shrouding the longsword and all the materials in it.

Lu Shaoqing’s tight control did not dare to relax in the slightest.


Lu Shaoqing spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person’s breath became weak.

Even Yuan Ying was affected, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, looking very embarrassed.

“Marde, what’s going on?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, frightened, “Well, shouldn’t it fail?” ”

Damn, my original sword, hold me up…” Lu

Shaoqing continued to spit out blood, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

The Yuan baby became sick, and his breath was like a candle in the wind.

Lu Shaoqing controlled the Yuan Infant into the black lightning, “I don’t believe it, there will be no problem.”

However, Yuan Ying had just disappeared into the black lightning, and the spirit armor on Yuan Ying’s body reacted.

It lit up slightly, and then the evil aura appeared again.

This time it came with ferocity.

“Awkward… Finally made me wait for the opportunity. The

evil consciousness smiled proudly and attacked Lu Shaoqing’s consciousness in the Yuan Infant again.

However, Lu Shaoqing, who was outside, sat up straight, a faint smile appeared on his mouth, and the essence flashed in his eyes.

“Got you.”

He was not killed by black lightning, and the Yuan Baby was also able to absorb black lightning enhancement, which was not right no matter how he looked.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing guessed that the evil consciousness was not completely dead.

After all, the consciousness of evil comes from a big source, and it is normal not to die cleanly at one time.

So by upgrading his own life sword, he deliberately let himself vomit blood and pretend to be injured to see if he could seduce the evil consciousness.

Also deliberately let the Yuan baby enter the black lightning, this is its home field, such a good opportunity, should not be missed.

Now it seems that he calculated well, and the evil consciousness was fooled.

“Still want to me, go and die…”

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