The large array was destroyed, Lu Shaoqing was swallowed by the thunder ball, and the black thunder ball was dripping and spinning, and I didn’t know if Lu Shaoqing was dead or alive.

Ke Hong was shocked and angry, he never expected such a situation this time.

He roared at the monster that intercepted him, “Die! The

monster grinned, with pride and excitement in his eyes.

For thousands of years, the obstacles that intercepted them are removed today.

They can finally enter and leave the world freely.

The monster easily dodged Kehong’s blow and continued to laugh proudly.

Ke Hong faced the monster, and his heart became more and more gloomy.

The big array was broken, and they were already powerless to resist these monsters.

You can no longer fend off monsters here like before.

Now he can only escape here with his juniors, destroy the teleportation array, and be able to block the day after day.

Thinking of this, Ke Hong had no intention of fighting, and after fighting with the monster for a while, he found an opportunity to force the monster back and leave the battlefield.

The monster did not chase, watching Ke Hong go and join Yu Chang.

Its gaze was full of mockery.

In its view, Kohon and them are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, no matter what they do, it is futile, the end is doomed, and there will be no change.

It carried a cat-and-mouse posture, condescendingly, looking at Ke Hong and them.

Ke Hong came to Yu Chang’s side and shouted at them, “Go, get out of here quickly.” ”

The first thing to do now is to flee here and give up here.

Shao Cheng looked at the thunder ball that devoured Lu Shaoqing, the thunder ball was still dripping and spinning, and the black lightning flashed and lingered, extremely terrifying.

Shao Cheng said to Ke Hong, “Ancestor, you save Shaoqing.”

Ke Hong looked at Shao Cheng, and Shao Cheng’s heartbroken expression made him sigh.

Shao boy slowly, you also know that in this situation, even if the Immortal Emperor comes, he will not be able to save him.” ”

How terrifying the power of the Thunderball is, they know it all.

The large arrays that could withstand the attack of the Avatar God were all defeated by the thunder ball, which shows the power of the thunder ball.

Lu Shaoqing is just a Yuan Infant who has just broken through, and even if his talent is excellent, he cannot withstand the attack of Thunder Ball.

Now Lu Shaoqing is estimated to be dusty in heaven and earth, and the slag is gone.

“Let’s go.” Ke Hong’s face was gloomy, and an outstanding junior fell like this, and he was also distressed.

But the rest of the people have to continue, and it is impossible to stay here and wait for the monster to close.

The monsters inside the crack are endless, and once surrounded by them, everyone here, including him, will fall here.

Ji Yan stood up and saluted Shao Cheng respectfully, “Master, thank you for your care and tolerance in the past ten years, and the apprentice will repay your kindness in the next life.”

Ji’s tone was full of determination.

Shao Cheng understood the meaning of Ji Yan, and hurriedly shouted, “Ji Yan, Hu Hu Lai, you are still young.”

“If you want to avenge Shaoqing, there will be time in the future, when you grow up, you can avenge Shaoqing, and you are just sending it to death now.”

Shao Cheng was sad and fearful in his heart, and he struggled desperately to get up.

He had already lost one of his closest disciples, and now another disciple also had the will to avenge Lu Shaoqing.

How not to let Shao Cheng fear in his heart, he could not withstand the blow of losing two disciples.

Ke Hong’s eyes showed gratification, and he was sentimental.


Ke Hong’s gaze quickly changed, and he said to Ji Yan, “Ji Yan boy, with me here, don’t you want to do such a stupid thing.”

After speaking, he waved his hand at Ji Yan, and Ji Yan was imprisoned.

Ji Yan was silent.

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Ke Hong is a god of transformation, and with him, even if Ji Yan does everything he can, he can’t get rid of Kehong’s control.

Not to mention that Ji Yan is still injured.

“Let’s go.”

Ke Hong sighed.

Ji Yan looked at the thunder ball in the distance again, his eyes full of determination.

This revenge will not be rewarded, and the oath will not be a man.

But at this moment, Ji Yan’s gaze suddenly changed.

In his line of sight, the thunderball changed.

Gradually slowly rising, and Lu Shaoqing’s figure gradually appeared.

The black thunder ball rotated, like an obedient child, obediently levitating on Lu Shaoqing’s head.

This scene stunned everyone.

Even the Avatar monsters and those who were preparing to attack were shocked.

Fear, hesitation, curiosity, and other gazes all fell on Lu Shaoqing.

“This, this…” Shao

Cheng was undoubtedly the most surprised, but he was already so shocked that he couldn’t speak.

The power of the thunder ball is self-evident, but Lu Shaoqing was able to survive, which is too unexpected.

Ji Yan showed a smile, sure enough, it’s you, never disappoints.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the thunder ball on his head, and the thunder ball was already smaller than just now.

He can’t continue to get more out of Thunderball.

The Yuan Infant strengthened, the Honmei Saber reached level four, and also killed the evil consciousness.

The benefits are enough.

Then, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the Avatar Monster in the sky.

And the Avatar Monster saw that Lu Shaoqing was actually able to survive the attack of the thunder ball.

The eyes were filled with surprise.

But soon, the surprise in his eyes turned to determination.

Although I don’t know why, this son cannot be kept.

The Avatar Monster roared, disappeared, and took the lead in attacking Lu Shaoqing.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the monster came to the sky above Lu Shaoqing and swung its claws at Lu Shaoqing.

The huge palm shrouded Lu Shaoqing, and the breath of death descended.

However, Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry, and burst into a shout, “Find death.” ”

I haven’t even gone to you to settle the score, you actually dare to make a move on me first?

Killing the evil consciousness again, Lu Shaoqing could barely control the thunder ball.

With Lu Shaoqing’s violent drinking, the thunder ball dripping and spinning above his head suddenly rioted.

The spinning speed was faster, and the black lightning crackled, soaring into the sky, straight towards the Avatar Monster.

The huge palm that covered the sky was vulnerable in front of the thunder ball and was easily broken.

The Avatar Monster became frightened, his face was full of horror, and he turned around and fled.

It escaped quickly, appearing tens of thousands of meters away in just a few strokes, and it was almost one step into the crack.

However, it was such a step away, the Avatar Monster was chased by the thunder ball, and just like Lu Shaoqing at that time, it was shrouded and devoured by the thunder ball.


It struggled desperately, desperately resisted, to no avail, and soon, the sound of the monster stopped, the breath disappeared, and it completely disappeared into the thunderball.

The surface of the thunderball that devoured the monster suddenly cracked, black light lit up from the inside, and finally a violent explosion occurred…

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