It hurts, this is the only feeling Jin Hou feels when he passes out.

The terrifying sword broke Jin Hou’s two defenses in a row, and the remaining power still made him suffer.

Although people do not die, they are similar to death.

Blood was dripping and his body was covered with wounds of various sizes.

It was like being stabbed by countless swords.

A white coat turned into a red coat.

The body is even more miserable.

Dantian and Zhihai were hit hard.

Even with the best elixir, it will take a year and a half to recover.

If Jin Hou just laid down a defense, he would definitely not be able to bear this terrifying power.

The wooden sword was handed over to Lu Shaoqing by Ji Yan, and Lu Shaoqing in the Jiedan period was used as a hole card.

The power is equivalent to Ji Yan personally visiting a sword.

The lethality of Ji Yan is inferior even to Kehong.

In the same realm, Ji Yan’s lethality is the strongest, and no one can compare with him.

In Lu Shaoqing’s words in his previous life, the upgrade points of Ji Yan were all added to the attack power, and there was also the kind of increase.

Xuan Yunxin looked at Jin Hou’s miserable appearance, his expression was complicated, and he didn’t know whether to sigh or be happy for a while.

Even if Jin Hou came in person, he couldn’t take any advantage in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Jin Hou couldn’t take advantage, which meant that she wouldn’t be able to return to the Dian Xing Sect so quickly.

That’s not a bad thing for her.

Jin Hou is like this, not to mention the impact of the Yuan baby, he can heal the injury without leaving sequelae, it is considered his luck.

She Xuanyunxin still had a little time because of this.

Faced with such an outcome, she did not know whether to be happy or sad.

After Xiao Yi finished cleaning up Jin Hou here, he hurriedly ran back to find Lu Shaoqing.

“Second Senior Brother, is there anything else?”

“Give me a few more.”

Xiao Yi was excited, waving his small fist, if he had a few such wooden swords in his hand, Yuan Ying could not come out, who was her opponent?

At that time, who dares to provoke her, a sword will be chopped, and there will be no slag left.

“No,” Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “Get out!” Seeing

Xiao Yi’s excited look, Lu Shaoqing poured a basin of cold water on her in time.

“Did you learn anything from the battle just now?”

“Go back and remember a piece of experience, more than 10,000 words.”

Xiao Yi closed himself on the spot, tears in his eyes, snatched Xiaohong back from his hand, and pressed it on his head.

“Second Senior Brother, you are so hateful.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily, “In order to make you progress, I handed over the wooden sword of my senior brother to you, something I can’t bear to use, you are good, and now you actually call me hateful?” ”

Compensate me.”

Facing the angry second senior brother, Xiao Yi immediately smiled.

Pulling at Lu Shaoqing’s sleeves, he said, “I know, the second senior brother is the best for me.” ”

Roll, there is another clamp in the throat, I’ll pump you…” Looking

at Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi, Xuan Yunxin couldn’t help but feel a trace of envy.

Although Lu Shaoqing is very hateful, he usually looks like he is bullying Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi also complained about Lu Shaoqing’s hatefulness in front of her, and threatened to beat Lu Shaoqing one day sooner or later.

It seems that there is a deep hatred.

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But she knows that the relationship between the two is very good, even if they are brothers and sisters.

This kind of feeling, this kind of relationship, she does not have and has never had.

Her senior brother has only selfish intentions for her, and her junior brother has only bad doubts about her.

After Lu Shaoqing scolded Xiao Yi a few words, he said to Xiao Yi, “Go, bring me their storage rings.” Xiao

Yi was very happy to fart.

Jing Yang and Gongsun Su were very relaxed, the two of them passed out, removed their storage rings, and did not encounter any obstacles.

But when he went to get Jin Hou, he was blocked by the disciples of the Dian Xing Sect.

The five disciples of the Dian Xing Sect turned pale and drummed in their hearts, but they had to bite the bullet to protect Jin Hou.

“What for?”

When the second senior brother returned, Xiao Yi spoke a lot louder, and she pointed to the five disciples of the Star Pointing Sect and said, “Do you also want to suffer?”

“If you don’t want to, get out of the way.”

“Hugh, Hugh.” The male disciples of the Dian Xing Sect led by him forced down the panic in their hearts and resolutely shook their heads and refused to let go.

They watched here as Jin Hou was taken away by Xiao Yi with the storage ring, and they didn’t have to return to the Star Pie.

Jin Hou is their master brother, but he is not a good talking master brother.

“If you want to embarrass Senior Brother, you must step over our corpse…” Before

the words fell, the disciple who spoke passed out, startling the others.

Before they could react, Lu Shaoqing waved his hand again, and several other people screamed as if they had been hit hard, and they all passed out.

“Hurry, don’t grind.”

Xiao Yi happily ripped off the storage rings of Jin Hou and the five disciples of the Star Pointing Sect, and then ran back to hand it to Lu Shaoqing.

Xuan Yunxin, who was next to him, couldn’t bear to look directly, Xiao Yi looked like an obedient puppy, wagging his tail and farting around.

Sister Xiaoyi, you are also from a big family, can you have a little backbone?

If you participate in this kind of robbery, it will ruin your lady image.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, and the divine thoughts swept away, and the storage rings of the five disciples of the Star Pointing Sect were opened, and the contents were counted.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but frown and asked Xuan Yunxin, “Why are your disciples of the Star Sect so poor?” ”

The five storage rings have obtained less than 10,000 spirit stones, but there are quite a lot of elixirs.

Xuan Yunxin glanced at it and understood that he could probably guess what was going on.

The five Dian Xing Sect disciples came here one step ahead, and just in case, they bought a lot of elixirs, and the spirit stones were spent.

It’s not bad to have that bit.

She snorted coldly, not planning to tell Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing put away the spirit stone and glanced at the rest of the things.

Some materials, elixirs, magic tools and other miscellaneous things.

They are mostly one product and two products, and there are few third products.

It actually adds up to only 20,000 spirit stones.

It was troublesome to deal with it by himself, and the middleman ate more, so Lu Shaoqing glanced at Xiao Yi next to him.

Forget it, give the points to the junior sister, so as not to call me stingy.

Lu Shaoqing simply threw them all to Xiao Yi, “Take it.” ”

Xiao Yi is flattered, is the second senior brother so generous when he comes back from a trip?

The storage rings of the five Star Pointing Sect disciples were just appetizers, followed by the main meal.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the three storage rings.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing picked up the storage ring that belonged to Jingyang.

See what surprises the fat sheep from Midstate have.

Violent disassembly, Xuan Yunxin saw this, his face was ugly, obviously remembering an unpleasant experience….

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