Shameless and abominable guy.

Xuan Yunxin looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was like a fan of wealth, and she didn’t know what to say except for scolding a few words in her heart.

Lu Shaoqing is strong, thick-skinned, and shameless, such a person is invincible in the world.

As Jingyang’s ring was opened, Lu Shaoqing didn’t have time to look at the good things inside.

Jing Yang woke up, he realized that his storage ring had been forcibly removed, and he screamed.

“You, what are you going to do?”

Jing Yang stood up tremblingly, and pointed at Lu Shaoqing tremblingly, “You, you return my storage ring to me.”

Jing Yang was shocked and angry, he had never encountered such a thing in Zhongzhou.

After beating people, it doesn’t count, but you actually have to rob.

Is there still a royal law?

Is there still heavenly reason?

He looked at Lu Shaoqing unmoved, and screamed anxiously again, like a eunuch, “What about the elders of your division?” What about the head of the Lingxiao faction?

“Let them come out and see me.”

This is his savings for twenty or thirty years, and he is all his wealth.

Looking at the appearance of the ring, it was forcibly opened, and there was a lot of damage inside, and it was distressed, extremely distressed.

Lu Shaoqing was unhappy, when he checked the fruits of victory, someone actually squeaked next to him and quarreled to death.

Lu Shaoqing glared at him, and Jing Yang spurted out a mouthful of blood, raised his head and fell, unable to breathe for a long time.

“Really, what a noise.”

Then he proudly asked Xuan Yunxin, “Yes, you haven’t been like him before.”

Xuan Yunxin grinded his teeth and wanted to pounce and bite this hateful bastard to death on the spot.

Lu Shaoqing swept into the ring, and his face showed joy.

Sure enough, it was a fat sheep from Zhongzhou.

The first is spirit stones, more than 70,000, nearly 80,000 spirit stones.

There are also pills, materials, etc., and they are mostly based on three products.

There are three magic weapons, two defensive weapons, one attack, and one three-rank spirit armor.


Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and unceremoniously pulled them all into his storage ring.

Finally, a palm-sized token appears in the hand.

After Jing Yang, who trembled and got up again, saw it, he hurriedly said, “You, don’t touch this thing, you dare to touch it, you are dead.”

“Isn’t it the interview admission certificate of Zhongzhou College?” What’s remarkable. ”

Lu Shaoqing doesn’t think so, I have six such things, am I arrogant?

The four words of Zhongzhou College shocked Jing Yang and also made Xiao Yi’s eyes light up.

“What? What the?

Xiao Yi was very anxious, pulling at Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and asking anxiously, “Second Senior Brother, what is it?” What is it? ”

Zhongzhou College, it sounds awesome.”

After Jing Yang was shocked, he reacted, “You, someone has looked for you?”

“Who is it?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “You don’t need to know who it is, anyway, I accepted this thing.” When

the news of Zhongzhou College spreads, he can imagine how sought after the entrance exemption token will be when the time comes.

When the time comes to take it to auction, the spirit stone will not come in a uproar?

Oh yes.


Jing Yang was so angry by Lu Shaoqing that he didn’t know what to say.

“What are you?”

Lu Shaoqing was in a good mood and glared at him, “You give me a stay to the side, and then compare, believe it or not, I will clean you up again?”

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Then reflexively gave Xiao Yi’s head a look, “Don’t pull it.”

Xiao Yi covered her head, although it hurt, but it couldn’t stop her roaring curiosity.

“Second Senior Brother, just talk to me.”

Lu Shaoqing pulled her aside, “Go aside, wait until I have time.” ”

I still have two rings here that I haven’t looked at, so how can I have time to talk nonsense with you here.”

Seeing this, Xiao Yi retreated to the side with a deflated mouth, watching the second senior brother of the wealth fan opening the next ring and making a pig barking laughter.

At a glance, you can tell that there are quite a few good things.

She huffed, “It’s abominable.

She suddenly noticed Jing Yang, rolled her eyes, and ran to find Jing Yang.

“Hey, can you tell me what Zhongzhou Academy is, and what is the same thing as the token that the second senior brother just got?”

Seeing that Xiao Yi actually ran to ask for an answer to himself, Jing Yang looked confused.

Looking at Xiao Yi, he couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

I’ll go.

Is this girl brainless, or what?

Jing Yang couldn’t help it and complained, “You ask me?

“You also don’t see what relationship we have now?”

Xiao Yi nodded, his face was still full of curiosity, and his eyes flashed, “You know, you can’t beat my second senior brother anyway, you might as well satisfy my curiosity.” ”

At that time, I will help you ask the second senior brother to let you leave.”

“Otherwise,” Xiao Yi threatened, “my second senior brother likes to cut grass and remove roots, and when the time comes, he will slap you to death.”

Xiao Yi’s words made Jing Yang feel stunned, now this situation, to say that he is not afraid is false.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about his identity, what came from the Zhongzhou big family was not worth mentioning in Lu Shaoqing’s eyes.

Lu Shaoqing is not like others who are respectful and polite to him, they hit when they should be hit, and they robbed when they should be robbed.

Now it seems that it is not impossible to slaughter him.

After weighing it in his heart, Jing Yang finally bowed his head.

The good man does not suffer the immediate loss, takes a step back and opens the sky, endures the calm for a while, and leaves the green mountains without worrying about burning firewood….

For a while, these famous philosophical sentences kept appearing in his mind.

Jing Yang obediently told Xiao Yi some things about Zhongzhou College.

After Xiao Yi listened, his face showed longing, and he seemed to be very energetic.

She asked Jingyang, “Can I go in?” ”

Jing Yang dislikes and despises in his heart, can you enter this kind of dish?


On the surface, he naturally opened his eyes and said ghost words, “Of course, Miss Xiao, if you can’t enter with such a talent, who can enter?”

Xiao Yi, who received the compliment, was very happy, “Hehe, count you have vision, well, wait for me to cover you.”

“Don’t worry.”

Wait, Jingyang was furious in his heart, you went to Zhongzhou, I let you know what regret is.

Xuan Yunxin was also listening beside her, and she couldn’t help but speak, “Zhongzhou Academy, when can I go?”

Xuan Yunxin thought a lot at this moment.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity for her.

“I don’t know, but I think it’s fast…”

On Lu Shaoqing’s side, he picked up the storage ring that belonged to Jin Hou.

Jin Hou’s storage ring has a dark gold edge with a faint dark light on it, and inadvertently a trace of halo flowing.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, and he knew that it was not an ordinary product.

“Are you going to get rich?”

Lu Shaoqing was excited.

Just as Lu Shaoqing was about to open the storage ring, Jin Hou’s voice came coldly.

“You’d better give me the ring back…”

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