Lu Shaoqing raised his head and followed the prestige.

Seeing Jin Hou wake up, he praised, “Yo, it’s good, I actually woke up so quickly.” ”

Being able to wake up so quickly is enough to see that Jin Hou’s strength is not blowing.

But even if Jin Hou woke up, he didn’t look much better.

A hint of pain flashed in his eyes from time to time, and he was not comfortable.

Now he can’t even move a finger.

Jin Hou ignored his injuries, but stared at the storage ring in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

It was his storage ring.

Damn guys.

It was the first time that Jin Hou had encountered such a shameless person.

Not talking about Wude, he snatched his storage ring while he was unconscious.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and said again, “My storage ring is a fourth-grade level, and forcibly opening it will only cause it to self-destruct, and you won’t get anything.” Lu

Shaoqing glanced at the ring, and the ring was indeed a good ring, with a very high grade.

The more advanced self-destruct function or something is not new.

Lu Shaoqing tilted his head, thought for a moment, raised the ring, and said to Jin Hou, “You help me open it.”

Jin Hou rushed to his throat in one breath, causing him to roll his eyes.


Can’t you hear people?

Let me help you open it, does my brain look like I have a disease?

Jin Hou was almost stunned by anger.

“You, dream.” After taking a breath, Jin Hou gritted his teeth and fiercely refused.


Lu Shaoqing frowned, not talking nonsense, his divine consciousness permeated and quietly wrapped the ring.

In the sense of divine consciousness, there was indeed an aura of destruction in the imprint contained in the ring.

Lu Shaoqing tried to touch it to see if he could crack it.

However, this was the first time, and without experience, it triggered the ring to self-destruct in a few strokes.

I saw that the ring in my hand flashed, shook slightly, and the surface quickly turned gray and tarnished.

Divine consciousness probed again, the storage space inside the ring disappeared, and the contents were devoured and destroyed by the void.


Jin Hou was furious, he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so decisive and not give him a chance.

He still had a lot to say.

A counter-devouring force struck, and Jin Hou angrily spewed a mouthful of blood and passed out again.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart hurts to death, how many good things are gone?

This is the thing of the master brother of the Star Sect, super big fat sheep, it hurts to think about it.

He cursed at Jin Hou, “Abominable fellow, what are you doing with such a high-grade ring?” ”

Pretending? Storage rings should be plain and low-key. ”

It’s so distressing, how many good things are gone.”

Xuan Yunxin looked helpless, this bastard, who else could cure him?

Even his own senior brother, the senior brother who no one dared to mess with in the Dian Star Sect, had to be deflated in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing Jin Hou’s miserable appearance, Xuanyun actually felt sympathy in his heart.

Even though Jin Hou planned to use her as a furnace ding, now like this, she couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy.

It’s really miserable.

I thought that after Jin Hou came, he would be able to make Lu Shaoqing suffer, but he was fed a large plate of bitterness by Lu Shaoqing.

Xuan Yunxin watched from the side for a while, and finally went to wake up a disciple of the Dian Xing Sect, handed her some pills, and said to her, “Take Senior Brother back.” As

for whether Lu Shaoqing would block it, Xuan Yunxin was not worried.


Lu Shao cursed, “Yun Xin and I are flying together here, and you don’t bother us with the Star Faction.”

“Take your master brother and roll, and don’t pee to see what you look like, and dare to come and rob women with me?” Find death. The

five Star Pointing Sect disciples were furious, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

The strength of this bastard in front of him is too strong, even the master brother on his side has lost, what else dare they say?

I was only able to run away with Jin Hou ashes.

When leaving, Jin Hou, who had been fed a lot of pills, stubbornly woke up.

His gaze stared at Lu Shaoqing resentfully.

It’s so distressing, I want to cry.

All these years of savings are gone.

All ruined by that bastard.

Jin Hou was so distressed that his face distorted.


He was slashed with a sword in the flesh and was seriously injured.

Now his spirit has also been struck, and his heart is painful.

It’s like being slashed again.

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It can even be said that Jin Hou would rather suffer one more sword than have his ring destroyed like this.

More than 20 years of savings, today it is back to before liberation.

Xuan Yunxin stood in front of Jin Hou, blocked his gaze, and looked at Jin Hou calmly.

Looking at Jin Hou’s distorted face, Xuan Yunxin could feel Jin Hou’s mood.

It does hurt so much that it is difficult to breathe, and she has had it.

She was so angry that she vomited blood.

But at this point, it’s too late to say anything.

The current Jin Hou is not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent, and if he provokes Lu Shaoqing again, Lu Shaoqing will not be polite with him.

Jin Hou’s identity is not simple, and Lu Shaoqing will not easily kill him here to bring trouble to the Lingxiao faction.

But it doesn’t mean that Lu Shaoqing doesn’t dare.

Annoying the bastard, he didn’t care about three seven twenty-one.

Xuan Yunxin said to Jin Hou, “Senior brother, go back.” That’s the end of today’s business. ”

Count it as my reward.

Xuanyun sighed secretly in his heart.

The star party is good for her, although it has a purpose, but it is her master.

Jin Hou looked at Xuan Yunxin and gradually calmed down.

His eyes were fierce, and there was no hidden killing intent that made people shudder.

For a long time, he slowly spoke, “Junior sister, aren’t you going back?”

Xuan Yunxin had already considered where to go next, but she was not afraid of Jin Hou.

She said lightly, “Senior brother, you tell Master, I won’t return to the Dian Xing Sect for the time being, I’m going to Zhongzhou.” ”


Jin Hou’s eyes became sharper, and he didn’t say anything more, but laughed, “Okay, we’ll see you in Zhongzhou then.”

Jin Hou’s tone was filled with strong confidence, and he was not angry that Xuan Yunxin was going to Zhongzhou.

In his tone, Xuan Yunxin seemed to be unable to escape his palm.

In this regard, the declaration did not get angry or panic.

There was no wave in her heart, and her eyes were still calm, which added a few different kinds of attraction to her, who was already beautiful.

A flash of fire flashed in Jin Hou’s eyes, this was the woman he identified.

However, Xuan Yun’s calm heart made him a little uneasy.

Previously in the Dian Xing Faction, Xuan Yunxin would involuntarily show fear when he saw him.

Even if he tried his best to hide it, Jin Hou could smell it.

But now, he found that Xuanyun’s heart was really calm.

Jin Hou thought for a moment and understood.

He laughed, “You think you can get rid of me if you go to Zhongzhou?” You are my woman after all.

Lu Shaoqing rushed over and cursed, “Are you looking for death? Dare to tease my woman? Believe it or not, I’ll kill you right now.

Lu Shaoqing was still very upset in his heart, and there was no way to get benefits from Jin Hou’s ring.

Xuan Yunxin’s expression did not change at all, and he even looked at Jin Hou’s gaze with a bit of pity.

I used to think you were the best person.

But when I met this bastard, I learned that you are not terrible.

You are far worse than him.

Besides, if you mess with him and meet him again in the future, do you think you can turn it around?

This was one of the reasons why Xuan Yunxin was no longer afraid of Jin Hou.

Compared with Lu Shaoqing, Jin Hou was far behind.

Moreover, Xuanyun was confident that after going to Zhongzhou, as long as she could enter Zhongzhou Academy, she would definitely be able to do better than in the Dian Xing Pai.

Xuan Yunxin suddenly smiled, seducing all living beings, she deliberately approached Lu Shaoqing a few steps, like delicate flowers in spring, extremely attractive.

She said to Jin Hou, “Senior brother, he will also go to Zhongzhou when the time comes.”

“That’s right,” Lu Shaoqing’s side was actually very cooperative, pointing at Jin Hou and saying, “Tell you, you obediently nest in the Dian Xing Sect to be your mountain king, you dare to go to Zhongzhou to disturb our life, I will kill you.”

“For Yunxin’s sake, you will roll me right away.”

Looking at Jin Hou gritting his teeth with a slightly hideous expression.

I hate in my heart and want to destroy the world.

Xuanyun secretly shook his head again, there is still a difference between you and him.

You don’t understand what it means.

Jin Hou faced Lu Shaoqing on this side, and he hated it to death.

He pointed at Jing Yang and Gongsun Su, gritting his teeth and saying, “I’m going to take the two of them away together.” ”

Jing Yang and Gongsun Su came to him to give him a token for entrance without examination, but this token has been damaged with the destruction of the storage ring.

He had to get a new one from Jingyang and them.

Lu Shaoqing did not refuse, it is not easy to kill anyway, just clean up.

Lu Shaoqing asked Xiao Yi, “Do you want to teach those three eight one lessons again?”

Xiao Yi looked at Gongsun Su, who had not come to his senses until now, and looked very miserable.

Facing such Gongsun Su, Xiao Yi lost his anger and shook his head.

However, the little red in her hand screamed twice.

Xiao Yi understood, holding Xiaohong to Gongsun Su, Xiaohong lay on Xiao Yi’s hand, moved his body with difficulty, and poked his butt out.

In the eyes of everyone, a bubble of white with a little dark gray bird poop fell on Gongsun Su’s face….

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