“Fool, silly bird…”

Jin Hou and they left, but Lu Shaoqing’s scolding was still flowing endlessly, and it came continuously.

“in public, what do you think? Don’t say it’s with me in the future, I can’t afford to lose that person.

“You’re following this idiot junior sister.”

“Silly bird, big silly bird, why didn’t that Sanba slap you to death just now?”

“When will your careful eye be changed?”

When Jin Hou heard this, he couldn’t help but sneer, and said coldly, “Do you still know that you are embarrassed?”

Jing Yang’s face was ugly, “Rude person, he also has shame? ”

Gongsun Su was pulled a bubble of bird poop on his face.

As a companion, he felt that bubble bird poop was also pulled on his face.


The next moment, Lu Shaoqing’s words continued to come, “You won’t, won’t you pull her mouth?” ”

If you want to pull it, it will be rain and dew, Jin Hou and that Jingyang, why don’t you pull it?”

“They will definitely say that I am stingy, and I can’t afford to lose that person…”

When Jin Hou and Jing Yang heard this, they looked at each other, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

If you are on the head by a bird, you will not be able to lift your head in this life.

Jin Hou couldn’t even help but urge, “Hurry up…”

Xuan Yunxin’s hand covered his forehead, not knowing what to say.

The owner is careful with his eyes, and even the pets he keeps are also careful with his eyes.

You are still embarrassed to scold the bird, why don’t you find the reason from yourself?

Look at this bastard owner again, scolding and smiling.

Where is the anger that did not reap the benefits of Jin Hou for half a minute?

Xuan Yunxin knew that Lu Shaoqing was deliberately disgusting Jin Hou who did not go far.

Xiao Yi was also very happy.

Xuan Yunxin looked at Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi with almost the same expression and the same smile.

She had to wonder if Xiao Yi was Lu Shaoqing’s long-lost sister.

The main thing is that this bastard brought the little sister bad.

Xuan Yunxin gritted his teeth and stared at Lu Shaoqing very resentfully.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Xuan Yunxin’s gaze and smiled badly, “How?”

“Are you going to taste the silly bird’s for your senior brother?”

Disgusting, vulgar.

Xuan Yunxin stood a few steps away and hurried away from Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi’s side had already held back a stomach question, “Second Senior Brother, what about Master and Senior Brother?”

“Are they back?”

Shao Cheng and Ji Yan had already returned with him, and Ancestor Ke Hong was still in it for a while, once again confirming that there was no problem before coming out.

Lu Shaoqing did not hide it, “Come back and go to recuperate.” ”

Both Shao Cheng and Ji Yan were injured, and they couldn’t get better in a few months.

Xiao Yi tensed up, “They’re all right, right?” ”

It’s not strange that Master is injured, but Senior Brother is injured, and the battle must be fierce.

If Shao Cheng knew Xiao Yi’s thoughts, he would definitely cry.

Could it be that my master is not as good as an apprentice?

“Idiot, if they die, I will still come here to care about your life or death?”

Xiao Yi, who was scolded, was not only not angry, but very happy.

The second senior brother was still able to do the same as before, which showed that the master and the senior brother did not have too many problems.

“Second Senior Brother, what did you go for?”

“Master, the senior brother is injured, what about my uncle? What about the boss?

Xiao Yi asked again.

If Xiao broke into here, he would definitely burst into tears.

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Finally cared about him.

Xuan Yunxin also pricked up his ears.

It’s curious where exactly they went.

Shao Cheng, Ji Yan and other Yuan Infant masters were also injured, could it be whose lair was it over?

The things inside the cave heaven and earth could not be said, so as not to frighten many disciples and cause panic.

Lu Shaoqing would not be vague in this kind of thing, and knocked Xiao Yi, “Why do you ask so much?”

“How can you help with this strength?”

“In other words, the time is almost up, what strength do you have now?”

To change the topic, Tianyu Peak special skills.

As soon as he said this, Xiao Yi’s head suddenly grew big.

During this time, she was not lazy, but seriously cultivated.

It’s just that the seriousness has not been rewarded, she has not broken through, and there is a feeling that she wants to break through.

And even if she breaks through, she is only building the second layer of the foundation, and she is still one layer away from the goal given by the senior brother.

Thinking that the senior brother calmly said that there would be punishment, Xiao Yi’s careful liver couldn’t help but jump.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing pitifully, “Second Senior Brother, what should I do?” I haven’t broken through yet.

Lu Shaoqing disgusted the little hand that wanted to pull the clothes, “Why is it so spicy chicken?”

“Three or four months, oh, how many people did Dian Xing send?”

“Today is the first batch.” Xiao Yi hurriedly replied, “No one came before, and I couldn’t find it if I wanted to find a sparring partner.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Xuan Yunxin next to him and said in surprise, “No, the Dian Xing Sect really doesn’t want you?” Should I do Dian Xing Pai a lot so that Dian Xing Pai can get rid of your burden? ”

Calm down, calm down, don’t get acquainted with this bastard.

Xuan Yunxin gritted his teeth in his heart and calmed himself down.

Can’t beat, scold, or endure.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and groaned.

Before, he had planned to use Xuanyunxin as bait here to lure the people of the Dian Xing faction to come.

First, you can teach the guys of the Dian Xing Sect a lesson and earn some spirit stones, and the other is to be a sparring partner for Xiao Yi.

In battle, people will improve, Xiao Yi’s talent is acceptable, and after a battle, even if he does not meet the requirements of Ji Yan, it is almost the same.

But now there is an accident, the gang of bastards of the Dian Xing Sect can actually endure for months, and only these people came today.

It could not achieve the expected effect in Lu Shaoqing’s heart.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing nervously, “Second Senior Brother, I’m not lazy, can you help me say something good then?” Xiao

Yi knew Lu Shaoqing’s purpose in letting the people sent by Dian Xing come here, but helplessly only a few people came.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he lowered his hand, “What kind words can I say for you?” You yourself are stupid, you can’t break through, when the time comes, go and explain it to the senior brother yourself.

“I’m too lazy to care about you.”

“Oh, by the way, what about the spirit stone?”

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand.

“What spirit stone?”

Xiao Yi did not react.

“Challenge the deposit, don’t tell me, you confiscate?”

Xiao Yi understood, she snorted, and also stretched out her hand to ask back, “I will also divide what you just now.”

From Lu Shaoqing’s laughter like a pig barking just now, Xiao Yi knew that his second senior brother had received huge benefits.

“Reverse you, don’t give it, right?”

Xiao Yi shook his head and took the opportunity to put forward conditions, “Unless Second Senior Brother, you help me intercede with Senior Brother at that time.”

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, staring straight at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was stared at and felt hairy in his heart.

“Second, second senior brother, you, you will help, as long as you promise, I will give you these three thousand spirit stones…”

Lu Shaoqing turned and left.

“Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi hurriedly shouted, “You, where are you going?”

“Go to eat, I haven’t eaten in months, and a little red fades out of my mouth.”

As soon as he heard that there was food, the little red who was disabled Zhijian fluttered with one wing and flew towards Lu Shaoqing….

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