“Hey, you actually came with you? It’s really thick-skinned.

Lu Shaoqing squatted casually on a chair, knocked on the table, and said to Xuanyun with a cold face, “You have been in Tianyu Peak for so long, and the food fee is paid.” ”

If you don’t have a spirit stone, there is one for life, you take it.”

Xuan Yunxin froze, not wanting to look at Lu Shaoqing more.

She was afraid that she would not be able to help it.

“Don’t you dare?” Lu Shaoqing drank viciously, “Master is not here, it will be a matter of minutes for me to kill you.” ”

Come on.”

Xuan Yun was fearless.

At this point, she was not afraid, much less worried.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to kill her long ago, and he would not wait until now.

Xiao Yi hurriedly persuaded next to him, “Second Senior Brother, don’t be angry, I called Sister Yunxin to come.” After

getting along these days, Xiao Yi and Xuanyunxin’s relationship has gone further.

The relationship between the two became very good.

Of course, among them, Xiao Yi regarded Xuan Yunxin more as his second sister-in-law.

Lu Shaoqing usually shouts and kills Xuan Yunxin, and in Xiao Yi’s opinion, this is love.

Her own mother usually treats her old father like this.

Her father said the same to her, beating is pain, scolding is love.

There is a bit of noise between husband and wife, and fights are normal.

Lu Shaoqing had no intention of killing Xuan Yunxin in his heart.

First, the master does not allow it, and secondly, it is pointless to kill it.

The contradiction with the Dian Xing faction has been put on the table, and no matter how many people are killed, they can’t cover it up.

When he said this, he was just habitually angry and Xuanyunxin.

It didn’t kill you, you can always be angry.

Lu Shaoqing took the opportunity to educate his junior sister, “Be careful that some people take the opportunity to cheat and drink, don’t be fooled.”

“It’s better to let her hand over some spirit stones as food.”

Xuan Yunxin still said that sentence, “If there is no spirit stone, there is a life, you take it.” Seeing

that Lu Shaoqing was provoked again, Xiao Yi hurriedly said, “Second senior brother, don’t be angry, Sister Yunxin doesn’t have a spirit stone, let her pay for it when the time comes.”

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Yunxin stared at Xiao Yi.

Even if she could deliberately play coquettish in front of anyone before, being called a witch and calling her slutty.

But here, she actually blushed.

Seeing Xuan Yunxin’s blush, Xiao Yi smiled and said, “Sister Yunxin, what do you think?”

“How about what?”

Suddenly, Xiao Yi felt a murderous aura.

Turning around, he saw that the fingers of the second senior brother had already been killed.

“What the hell are you thinking in this pig brain?”

“Thinking about these dirty things all day, do you believe it or not?”

“Just thinking about this every day, is your brain pulp yellow?”

“I’ll cut it open now and take a look…”

Xiaohong fluttered with one wing, allowing herself to move away from Xiao Yi a little.

Really, I don’t know if this big demon king can’t be messed with?

I have been cleaned up so many times, and I still don’t have a long memory.

It wasn’t until the food was served that Lu Shaoqing let Xiao Yi go.

Xiao Yi topped his messy hair and hurriedly ran to the other side to stay away from Lu Shaoqing.

Xiaohong pointed at Xiao Yi and shouted twice, laughing at Xiao Yi’s death.

Xiao Yi peeled a spirit bean and stuffed it into Xiaohong’s mouth, remembering Xiaohong’s performance today, and raised the question in his heart, “Second senior brother, Xiaohong also understands sword intent?” Xiaohong’s

performance today can be described as startling Xiao Yi.

A bird also knows the sword intent.

This must not shock many people’s eyes.

Lu Shaoqing replied slowly, “What a fuss.” ”

Xiaohong lives with him, he usually cultivates inside the Time House, and he doesn’t practice much when he comes out.

Sometimes when he has nothing to do, he trains Xiaohong.

It took nearly a decade to have today’s foodie silly bird.

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Xiao Yi couldn’t help but praise Xiaohong, “Xiaohong is really powerful.”

Xiaohong proudly raised her little head.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Silly bird, what is there to be proud of?

“Being beaten like this, half of the hair is lost, bald bird.”

Thinking of his feathers falling a lot, Xiaohong’s head immediately drooped, sad.

This is all its newly replaced hair, which has been knocked off so much today.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was distressed, and hurriedly peeled the spirit beans to comfort him.

With food, Xiaohong quickly forgot about sadness and ate beautifully.

Speaking of sword intent, Xiao Yi thought of the sword that Lu Shaoqing used.

That sword looked majestic, domineering, and also had a sense of mystery, which really made Xiao Yi curious.

“Second Senior Brother, where did that sword you used just now come from?”

Xiao Yi muttered in his heart, should the second senior brother rob anyone again?

“Honmei Saber, haven’t you seen it?”

Xiao Yi shook his head and wrinkled his nose, expressing disbelief, “Liar, your original sword is not like this.”

“It’s not that I haven’t seen your original sword.”

Although it was a little unbearable, Xiao Yi felt that the sword that Lu Shaoqing used today was much better than Lu Shaoqing’s previous original sword.

For this point, Lu Shaoqing did not hide it, “At the time of the breakthrough, I forged it with my hand, upgraded it, and became like this. ”

At that time, in order not to waste and attract that evil consciousness to come out.

Lu Shaoqing forged and upgraded his own sword in the thunder ball.

After the forging, he was promoted to the fourth grade and also changed his appearance.

Xiao Yi’s eyes brightened.

The second senior brother really broke through to become a Yuan baby.

You can really go sideways later.

Xiao Yi smiled and leaned over again, “Second Senior Brother, can you let me see your sword?”

Lu Shaoqing threw it out without saying a word, and when he snorted, he threw it on the table at will.

Xiao Yi curiously wanted to reach out and touch it, but he hadn’t gotten closer, and a sharp aura filled the entire private room.

This sword was refusing to be touched by Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi’s face changed greatly.

The sword gave her the feeling as if it had come to life.

Xiao Yi asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, does this sword have a sword spirit?”

“What do you think, it’s far from it.” Lu Shaoqing slapped the long sword, and the sharp aura disappeared.

“Touch it if you want.”

Xiao Yi was interested and did not dare to touch it, and she also noticed that there was a lightning pattern on the hilt, which was lifelike.

There is a feeling that it will be split at any time.

“That’s awesome.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes flashed with amazement, is the second senior brother really powerful?

Xuan Yun’s eyes also flashed with surprise, this sword was full of spirituality, and he had that feeling of coming alive from far away.

Looking at this sword, Lu Shaoqing shook his head and sighed, “It’s a little worse.” ”

Bad?” Xiao Yi was strange, “What’s wrong?” I think it’s amazing.

“It’s not wide enough, it’s uncomfortable to lie down.”

Xiao Yi: ……

Xuan Yunxin simply didn’t look away, this sword was really wronged by following this guy.

Xiao Yi suppressed the urge to complain about the second senior brother, and asked with difficulty, “Second senior brother, what is the name of this sword?” ”

No,” Lu Shaoqing continued to eat, replying nonchalantly, “What name do you want?”

“If it doesn’t work, it’s called breaking the sword.”

Xiao Yi was speechless.

She glanced at Xiao Hong, before she came, Xiao Hong did not have an official name, and the second senior brother called it either a silly bird or a foodie.

Now it seems that this sword is also like this, and there is no intention to name it.

Xiao Yi disagreed with Lu Shaoqing’s approach, “Second Senior Brother, I think it’s better to have a name.” ”

It’s lazy, I can’t even bother to name it.

Xiao Yi said intimately, “Second Senior Brother, how about I help you choose a name?”

“What do you think of Blackie?”


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