The piece of material that Fang Xiao was holding in his hand could not be seen through, with rust on the surface, and when viewed from a distance, it was more like a stone wrapped in mud.

Lu Shaoqing received a familiar breath from above.

It was exactly the same as the breath of the token he had obtained from the Tang Family Commercial Company before, and it was exactly the same as the breath of the spirit card and jade table in the Time House.

Although it was very weak, Lu Shaoqing did not think that he felt wrong.


Lu Shaoqing’s gaze inadvertently swept over his hand.

The ring is giving off a burning sensation, just like before.

Fang Xiao looked at Lu Shaoqing’s serious expression, and she was a little nervous in her heart.

She heard from Bian Rourou about the reason for the dispute between Lu Shaoqing and her at the Tang Family Commercial Company, and knew that Lu Shaoqing was willing to spend three thousand spirit stones to buy a mysterious item.

She spent a lot of thought, paid a lot of price, borrowed the power of the family, and finally found this thing.

I don’t know if it works.

However, this was the best way Fang Xiao could think of to impress Lu Shaoqing.

The time she had been in contact with Lu Shaoqing was not long, nor was it short.

With her eyes that she had cultivated over the years, she knew that Lu Shaoqing was different from many people.

Being strong is one thing.

More important is his personality, which usually looks lazy and is not interested in anything.

In fact, it can be said that he has his own pride, and there are very few people who can enter his eyes, whether it is people or things.

This kind of person, it is difficult to get his help.

If she can get Lu Shaoqing’s approval, she only needs to open her mouth lightly and do nothing else to get Lu Shaoqing’s help.

It’s a pity that she is not Xiao Yi and does not have that kind of treatment.

So, she could only start in the other direction.

Find something that interests him.

While Fang Xiao was apprehensive, Lu Shaoqing slowly spoke, “Where did you find this thing?”

Fang Xiao was overjoyed in her heart, although Lu Shaoqing’s words were not sad or joyful, she knew that this thing was useful.

She said, “Young Master Lu, I also got this thing by accident, and I hope to use this thing to get a help from Young Master Lu.”

Fang Xiao said very easily, and Lu Shaoqing knew that Fang Xiao had paid a lot of price to obtain this thing.

He took it and agreed to Fang Xiao’s request, “Okay, I’ll help you.” ”

He is bound to get this thing, and for this thing, he can only go to Fang’s house once.

“But I can’t promise to help you become the head of the Fang family, I can only say do my best.”

Fang Xiao was overjoyed in his heart and stabilized.

She had seen Lu Shaoqing’s strength, and among the younger generation, except for Ji Yan, no one was his opponent.

She believes that the foreign aid she has hired is the strongest.

“With Lu Gongzi, your words are enough.”

Then Fang Xiao said the time, “If you can, Lu Gongzi, how about we leave in two days?” Lu

Shaoqing did not refuse, it didn’t matter when he left.

Fang Xiao, who was happy, immediately said that the meal was invited by her.

Lu Shaoqing refused, “Boss Fang, it’s already good that you give me a discount, I can’t take advantage of you anymore.”

Xiao Yi strongly agreed next to him, “That is, Sister Xiao, you don’t save spirit stones for the second senior brother, he has spirit stones.” ”

It’s time for the second senior brother to bleed once.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and nodded, indicating that Junior Sister was right, “That’s right, I have spirit stones.” This little meal money can still be afforded.

“By the way, Boss Fang, I still have something to ask you about this thing.”

“Let’s go out and talk about it.”

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Xiao Yi curiously wanted to follow out, but was glared at by Lu Shaoqing, “Adults say things, children are going, you are waiting here…”

Xiao Yi had to sit down helplessly, she was very curious, what kind of thing could actually make her second senior brother pay so much attention.

Facing this item, Lu Shaoqing’s dignified expression actually made her feel itchy in her heart, and she wanted to follow to see what it was.

Xuan Yunxin was also the first time to see Lu Shaoqing have such an expression.

Lu Shaoqing was not here, Xuan Yun’s heart was much more relaxed, and she asked Xiao Yi curiously, “Sister Xiaoyi, what was that just now?” ”

Since contacting Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing gave Xuan Yunxin the feeling that he was obsessed with spirit stones, not ordinary attachments.

Even if it was a fourth-grade spirit rune, it was the value of tens of thousands of spirit stones in his eyes.

It seemed that only the spirit stone was what he valued, and as for everything else, it was not put in his eyes.

Could it be that that thing is worth a lot? Worth hundreds of thousands of spirit stones?

Xuan Yun secretly guessed in his heart.

But that thing has an ordinary breath, nothing special.

Faced with Xuan Yunxin’s question, Xiao Yi also shook her head in distress, she didn’t know what it was, and she was curious to death.

“Abominable second senior brother, don’t tell me if there is something funny.”

Xiao Yi and Xuan Yunxin waited in the private room, half an hour passed, and they hadn’t seen Lu Shaoqing come back.

Xiao Yi muttered, poking his finger at the table boredly, “What are you talking about with Sister Xiao, I haven’t come back for so long.”

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door outside, “Senior Sister Xiao, can I come in?” The

next moment, Wang Yao came in from outside.

Xiao Yi held Xiaohong, stroked Xiaohong’s head, and looked at Wang Yao curiously, “Junior Brother Wang, is there something wrong with you?”

Wang Yao was a little embarrassed, and he said, “Senior Sister Xiao, it’s time to settle the bill.” ”

Checkout? Are you saying this? Xiao Yi pointed to the table in front of him and said, “Wait, Second Senior Brother hasn’t come back yet.”

Wang Yao glanced at Xiao Yi cautiously and said, “Senior Sister Xiao, Senior Brother Lu has already left, and he said that you will settle the bill.” ”


Xiao Yi froze, suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears and that he had heard wrong.

“What do you say? You say it again? Wang

Yao wanted to cry, Xiao Yi was a personal disciple after all, if Xiao Yi remembered it because of this, his life would be difficult.

But this is something that Lu Shaoqing explained, and he can’t help it.

“Senior Brother Lu, he said that there is a hurry to go back in advance, and you will settle the bill for this meal.”

“When did you leave?” Xiao Yi felt that his head was a little dizzy, like drinking fake wine.

Wang Yao noticed that Xiao Yi’s face was not good-looking, and he was about to cry, and continued to say carefully, “Half an hour the matter has left, he said that you haven’t eaten enough, let me come to you again in half an hour to settle the bill.” Xiao

Yi understood that the second senior brother escaped, and she was pitted.

I am still too naïve, too simple.

When will the spirit stone that was targeted by the second senior brother be able to run away?

Facing such a second senior brother, Xiao Yi burst into tears, “No, I’ll go find Sister Xiao and ask her to give me free.” Wang

Yao’s face was strange, Senior Brother Lu even expected this?

He truthfully said what Lu Shaoqing told him, “Senior Sister Xiao, Senior Brother Lu said, if you want to follow him to Fang’s house at that time, you will settle the bill yourself, and you are not allowed to go to the boss to get the bill free.” Xiao

Yi fell into Xuanyun’s heart, tears in his eyes, and he couldn’t escape.

I can’t keep my little spirit stone.

After half a ring, Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, “How many spirit stones?” Remember to discount.

“Erase the fraction, it’s 3,200 lower grade spirit stones.”

Xiao Yi was not convinced, and shouted, “I have calculated this meal, less than three thousand spirit stones, how come there are so many more?” ”

Open a black shop? Or do you want to pit me for not being able to count? I’m not illiterate.

“Senior Brother Lu packed….”

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