Lu Shaoqing, who returned to Tianyu Peak, couldn’t wait to enter the Ring Time House.

“Huh? What’s going on? ”

Lu Shaoqing hasn’t come in for many months, but now he comes in and sees that he has changed.

Lu Shaoqing looked left and right, and then knocked on the jade table, “Dead ghost, when did you decorate?” ”

No notification?”

First of all, the space is much larger, more than twice as large as before.

The white walls disappear and become transparent walls, like transparent glass, with white smoky at the back, and cannot be seen farther.

Surrounded by fairy mist, it seems to hide deeper secrets behind it, exuding an unknown aura.

Overhead, there is a black starry sky, on which there are occasional stars shining.

It looks like it’s close, it’s actually a distant starry sky, and it can’t be touched.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Shaoqing felt that there was a great change here, and it gave people a sense of mystery before.

Now it has an additional solemnity, full of supreme authority.

Lu Shaoqing is most concerned about whether the price will increase when the house opens.

Is it easy to earn some spirit stones? Raise the price casually, won’t your conscience hurt?

Lu Shaoqing knocked on the jade table again and asked, “Dead ghost, you spent so much on decoration, shouldn’t you think that wool will appear on the sheep and plan to slaughter me?”

Lu Shaoqing’s tone was not good, and he had the posture of lifting the table.

The jade table lit up with a faint white light, and after a while, some information appeared.

After reading it, Lu Shaoqing knew why.

The Time Ring is inseparable from him.

He broke through the Yuan Baby, and here it also upgraded.

As for the spirit stones needed, there are naturally more.

Otherwise, he can’t support this Yuan Infant to cultivate here.

Now it was 10,000 spirit stones, which could support Lu Shaoqing’s cultivation for two months.

After Lu Shaoqing finished reading it, his eyes rolled and his tone changed, and he said to Lingpai, “Little brother, your change like this makes it difficult for me to do it.”

“You don’t know that this world is difficult, and it’s not easy to earn some spirit stones.”

“It’s easy for you to open your mouth, it’s hard for me to earn spirit stones, Dao Mountain and Fire Sea Mile, Longtan Tiger’s Cave, nine dead to earn a little spirit stone.”

“Before, ten thousand spirit stones for six months, I recognized, now ten thousand spirit stones for two months, it is difficult for me to accept.”

The white light on the desktop dissipated, seemed to be silent, and seemed to be angry, not wanting to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing waited for a long time, and couldn’t help but knock on the table, “Hey, what are you going to do?”

“Give me this one?” Believe it or not, I dismantle your spirit card? There

was silence again, for a long time, “What do you want?” A few words appeared on the desktop.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly turned cloudy, and his eyebrows opened and smiled.

However, after laughing for a while, Lu Shaoqing was stunned.

He couldn’t think of what he wanted for a while.

There are already cultivation exercises, and there are also means of attack.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing felt that he would keep it first, and he said to the spirit card, “I’ll talk about it when I think about it.” The

light of the jade table disappeared, and it seemed that he was unwilling to say a word to Lu Shaoqing.

However, when Lu Shaoqing took out the things he got from Fang Xiao’s hands, the light of the jade table was magnificent, and such a light showed excitement.

Lu Shaoqing placed this item on the jade table, and the white light instantly enveloped it.

As before, make a sizzling sound.

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About half an hour later, the white light dissipated, revealing the true face of the thing.


was a token, and Lu Shaoqing looked at the jade table, where there was still a token.

The two tokens are identical, with a golden dragon carved on the front and a divine phoenix on the reverse.

However, the first token is half as large as the second, and the second token is only half a foot long.

The first token had two words that Lu Shaoqing did not recognize, and the second token did not.

I haven’t waited for Lu Shaoqing to study it.

The first token suddenly vibrates, as does the second token, and the frequency of the two tokens vibrates in unison.

There was a bang on the jade table, and the two tokens were slowly approaching, and in Lu Shaoqing’s surprised gaze, the two tokens fused together.

It is more about fusion than the first token devouring the second token.

The jade table lit up with a white glow again, and when the white light disappeared, only a token remained on the table.

Lu Shaoqing stepped forward curiously and reached out to pick up the token.

The first time, I couldn’t hold it, Lu Shaoqing was shocked, is it so heavy?

He exerted his strength again to be able to pick it up.

The first feeling the token gave him was heavy, heavy, as if holding a hill in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing estimated that it was at least over 10,000 catties.

Then stroked the token and said to himself, “This thing, plus its material, is directly smashed out, even the Yuan Baby has to be smashed to the head and bleed, right?” ”

If it’s the Jiedan period, you can smash it to death directly, right?”

Whether it is the jade table spirit card in front of you or the token in your hand, it is made of extraordinary materials.

Taking it out as a weapon is also leveraged.

Touching it, Lu Shaoqing simply knocked on the jade table with it, knocking on the jade table with a bang, he asked the spirit card, “Little brother, what is the use of this thing?” ”

There was no response.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Stingy.” Then

the token was thrown back on the table, and when it clicked, the token fell, and the surface lit up.

Like a projection, the light emitted from its surface is projected above, and a place appears above.

What is this place?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, and he hurriedly looked carefully.

Inside, Lu Shaoqing saw a scene of lush ancient trees and lush vegetation under the dim moonlight.

It should be a forest, as for where, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t judge for a while.

He firmly remembered everything inside, from ancient trees to weeds and stones, he remembered everything in his mind.

The place that can be projected, you can think about it with your ass, it is definitely a wonderful place.

Maybe there is a big treasure buried inside.

This projection is like real-time monitoring, and there are fierce beasts passing by from time to time in the dense jungle.

After a few breaths, the scene in the projection suddenly changed, suddenly pulled from the ground to the sky, and looked down from the sky.

A huge mountain is the first to come into view, towering into the clouds, snow-capped above, verdant and dense jungle at the foot of the mountain.

Then look at the rest, around this huge mountain, there are lakes, rivers, and in the distance there are rolling mountains, under the moonlight, like a sleeping beauty lying on her side.

After ten breaths, the projection disappeared and the token returned to calm.

Lu Shaoqing sat down and drew what he saw.

The more he painted, the more he felt that something was wrong.

After waiting for the painting, Lu Shaoqing looked at it, touched his chin, and said to himself, “Strange, I always feel a little familiar.” ”

After a moment of contemplation, a simple animal skin with a vintage appeared in his hand….

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