The next day, Lu Shaoqing was lying in a hammock.

The sun in the sky is covered by thin clouds, and a warm light falls on the world.

The warm rays of the sun passed over the leaves, through the branches, and fell on Lu Shaoqing.

The breeze blows gently, gentle and very comfortable.

For Lu Shaoqing, this time is an absolutely good time to sleep in.

Now today he is not sleepy, lying in a hammock, holding a map of animal skins in his hand and staring in a daze.

This animal skin map he got from Xiao Yi’s cousin Xiao Qun.

I didn’t care at the time and left it aside.

I didn’t even think about going over to explore, exploring treasures or something, troublesome and tiring, and possibly accompanied by danger.

It wasn’t until last night that it was discovered that the place drawn on this map was exactly where the token was projected.

Is it really a treasure map?

Have to go to Xiao’s house?

The animal skin map was obtained from Xiao Qun’s hand, and she should be able to know something.

Suddenly, he looked moving, put away the map, and lay down in the hammock again.

In the distance, Xiao Yi jumped and appeared.

The injured Xiaohong was held in her hands, and Xuan Yunxin followed slowly.

“Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother…..,” Xiao Yiren arrived first.

Xiao Yi, who ran over, had excitement on his face and shouted, “Second Senior Brother, I broke through.”

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and glanced at her obliquely, his breath was a little stronger than yesterday, and it seemed that he broke through last night.

“Good, qualified to go out with me to wave.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, Xiao Yi had entered the foundation building period for less than a year now, and he had broken through a small realm.

Talent far exceeds many.

“Hehe,” Xiao Yi, who was praised, became proud and bold, and she stretched out her hand to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, yesterday you caused me to help you settle the bill, so you have to give me a little spirit stone, right?” ”

It’s too infuriating to be pitted like this by the second senior brother.

“It’s noisy,” Lu Shaoqing’s face changed, and he drank, “Have you written your thoughts?” ”

It’s written.”

Xiao Yi obediently handed over the written thoughts.

In order not to be taken to Fang’s house by Lu Shaoqing to find an opportunity, after returning, she couldn’t care about the spirit stone that felt sorry for herself, and wrote her thoughts overnight for the first time.

I didn’t expect to have an epiphany in the process of writing my thoughts, and I broke through by mistake!

Xuan Yunxin also quietly came to the side, looking at the two senior brothers and sisters, her face with an expression of constipation.

It was so unexpected, she went to look for Xiao Yi last night, but saw that she just ran into this little freak to break through.

The water comes naturally, the slightest block, and the smoothness is like eating and drinking.

It was completely different from those cultivators who had prepared for a breakthrough,

and this was the first time he had seen this situation.

What made Xuanyun’s heart want to collapse was that Xiao Yi broke through, she didn’t know yet, and she continued to write her thoughts.

In her opinion, it was just Lu Shaoqing’s bad taste, and she deliberately punished Xiao Yi in this way.

And what she saw last night made her doubt life and had to face it again.

Maybe it’s really useful?

But no matter what, Xuanyun’s heart is 10,000 lying grooves, and he really wants to find someone to complain about.

Lu Shaoqing took the thought, glanced at it casually, and suddenly frowned.

“What’s going on? Not enough words.

Xiao Yi was shocked in her heart, and she hurriedly said, “It’s impossible, Second Senior Brother, I have carefully checked it, it is definitely enough for 10,000 words.”

“And there are two more words, a total of ten thousand and two words.”

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“If you don’t believe me, look again.”

How difficult this is, I wrote about it one night, and I deliberately counted it.

If it was because the number of words was not enough, Xiao Yi would cry on the spot.

Lu Shaoqing shook the paper in his hand and affirmed, “The number of words is not correct.”

“The praise content is not enough for three thousand words, and there are twelve words missing, what do you say.”

Xiao Yi reached out and grabbed the rope of the hammock, and her head was a little dizzy.

The second senior brother is too bad.

Xuanyun next to him really couldn’t help it, and his red lips clenched, “Bastard, is there a bully like you like this?”

Lu Shaoqing said seriously, “This is a serious mistake that cannot be made, and it must be taken seriously.” ”

Serious about a fart, slap you on the?

Xuan Yunxin really wanted to rush up to give Lu Shaoqing a look.

This bastard is so hateful.

Just watching from the sidelines I want to hit someone.

“Second Senior Brother, so be it.” Xiao Yi hurriedly begged for mercy, “It will definitely not be committed next time.” ”

Rewrite, she’ll go crazy.

“This kind of mistake must be corrected and made for you to write again, and not a single word can be the same,” Lu Shaoqing shoved the paper back into Xiao Yi’s hand, looking at Xiao Yi, who was shaky and about to cry, hehe Zhile, “However, for the sake of your willingness to treat you yesterday, I will not pursue it with you.”

Xiao Yi became happy, “Okay, okay, the second senior brother is so good.”

Xuanyun was not angry in her heart, but she understood, and she said to Xiao Yi, “Sister Xiaoyi, you look at him, deliberately, deliberately not letting you chase him back the spirit stone.” A

word woke up the dreamer, Xiao Yi woke up, don’t think about getting a spirit stone from the second senior brother.

She gave up on this unrealistic idea, as long as she didn’t rewrite her mind.

For the rest, let it be blocked by breaking the bank.


Xiao Yi shouted again, “Second Senior Brother, you said that you have to take me to Sister Xiao’s.” Xiao

Yi was refined in his heart.

Follow the second senior brother out, don’t stay here.

Otherwise, when the master brother is out of the gate, in case she has not broken through, it will be miserable.

Following the second senior brother, maybe the second senior brother can still let me break through, and then I can have an explanation to the senior brother.

“If you want to follow, follow along, if you stop by, do you want to go home and see?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Xiao Yi’s eyes brighter.

“Okay, okay?”

Although Xiao Yi has not been away from home for a year, he has only met his father a few months ago.

To say that she could go home, she couldn’t ask for it.

She is not bad for progress here, and it is good to go back to show off.

“Let’s drop by then.”

The Fang family and the Xiao family were in the same direction, and the Xiao family was closer to the Lingxiao faction.

Lu Shaoqing took this opportunity to go to Xiao’s house to see if he could learn some information about the animal skin map from Xiao Qun.

It would be nice to know exactly where it was.

Xiao Yi got what he wanted here, hehe Zhile.

She glanced at Xuan Yunxin before remembering the purpose of Xuan Yunxin following her here.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, Sister Yunxin has something to find you.” ”

Huh?” He glanced at Yun Xin,

“Have you figured it out?” Do you want to be a maid here at Tianyu Peak? ”

Bah, who wants to be a maid.

Xuan Yunxin took a deep breath, “Let me go…”

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