A brilliant sword took everyone’s sight, and a white light shrouded everyone.

The sword qi contained a violent and fiery sword intent, as tyrannical as the sun, and everyone’s scalp was numb.

It seems that a sword immortal was born, and they will be sacrificed to the sword.

The gray-robed man and the blue-robed man were even more frightened.

This sword was coming at them.

The two roared at almost the same time, and a magic weapon appeared in their hands, revealing their means, and the spiritual power in their bodies did not surge out like money.

Each of them uses their best tricks.

The gray-robed man held his own life long sword in his hand, rushed up, facing this terrifying

sword qi, the blue-robed man had a fierce face, controlled the copper bell in his hand, roared and injected spiritual power, and sent out sound waves that were almost substantial to the naked eye, cooperating with the gray-robed man to face this sword.

The two masters of the nine-layer realm of Jiedan joined forces, and the power they exuded shattered in the sky, and the peaks on both sides shattered and collapsed under this shock wave.

Countless stones tumbled down, and cracks appeared in the ground.

The terrifying power made Cai Kan’s face change greatly.

The combined attack of these two, with his strength, could not withstand many rounds.


The two elders of Guiyuan Pavilion joined forces, and in front of this sword, they could not play any role.

Ephemera shakes big trees, not measuring themselves.

Soon, the two were shrouded in sword light, and the screams suddenly became terrible.


“Save, save…” A

breath, the screams disappeared.

The two Gui Yuan Pavilion elders fell, and their souls were scattered.

A sword that fell from the sky was undiminished in power and fell to the ground.

There was a violent explosion, smoke and dust billowing out, more powerful than just now, shaking the ground like an earth dragon turned over.

After a while, the smoke cleared, and a huge crack appeared in the ground that was several miles long and bottomless.

Cai Kan’s face turned completely white, and he was not far from the crack, feeling the horror of that sword up close.

Cai Kan’s heart trembled, and his hands hidden under his sleeves couldn’t help but tremble.

He slowly raised his head, in the sky, a young man holding a long sword stood in the air, his eyes looking at this indifferently, the indifferent breath, like a ruthless immortal in the sky, looking down on the mortal ants.

The youth slowly descended and drifted out of the dust.

“Lu Shaoqing!?”

“Are you!?”

Almost in no particular order, Du Jing and Cangling’s exclamations sounded, and their tones were mixed with surprise, anger, fear, and so on.

The two did not expect Lu Shaoqing to appear here.

The sword just now almost made the two of them almost pee their pants.

And what scared the two even more was that the sword was split by Lu Shaoqing?

Du Jing and Cangling both had numb scalps, and seemed to have guessed something.

However, when they opened their mouths, they brought themselves the scourge of killing.

Without seeing Lu Shaoqing’s movements, the Mo Jun sword in his hand suddenly came off, as if he had consciousness.

Instantly disappear in place.

The sword light flashed, and just for a moment, Du Jing Cangling and the two were already in different places.

The sword qi entered the body, completely strangling the souls of the two, and making the two completely disappear into this world.

The eyes of the two were wide until they died, and neither of them reacted.

Du Jingcangling and the two did not expect that Lu Shaoqing would suddenly make a move.

Even if they were the personal disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion, the master or grandfather were all Yuan Infant powers, and they couldn’t react at all.

It can even be said that the two died without pain, because it was too fast, and the pain could not catch up with them.

Mo Jun’s sword buzzed, and thousands of sword qi burst out, and the bodies of Du Jing Cangling and the two disappeared into thousands of sword qi, turning into the most primitive state between heaven and earth.

Mo Junjian flew back slowly and landed on Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

The sword body is cold and shining, not stained with the slightest blood, like a work of art.

Anyone who sees it can’t imagine that this is a murderous sword.

From Du Jingcangling and the two exclaimed, to the disappearance of the body, the whole process did not take more than one breath.

With one breath, the two big living people were gone in front of their eyes, and there was not even the kind of dregs left.

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After reacting, Cai Kan looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror and swallowed his spit with difficulty.

Cai Kan felt that his guts should be frightened, otherwise why was even the spit bitter?

Lu Shaoqing did not look at Cai Kan, but showed a depressed expression on his face.

It was actually Guiyuan Pavilion who was making trouble behind his back.

If he knew that it was Gui Yuan Pavilion, he should have disguised himself before doing it.

Let Guiyuange suffer a loss, and I don’t know who to look for.

What are the grandsons of Guiyuan Pavilion suddenly attacking the Thousand Bandit City?

If you haven’t done it for thousands of years, why did you suddenly do it?

Is the head of Guiyuan Pavilion sick or stimulated?

The location of the Thousand Bandit City is very important, and it is occupied by the Guiyuan Pavilion, and the hand of the Guiyuan Pavilion can reach into the northern part of Qizhou.

This would threaten the interests of the Lingxiao faction.

If the Lingxiao faction does not expand, it does not mean that those places can be occupied by the Yuan Pavilion.

It’s a truth that I can without, but others can’t.

Where the Lingxiao faction does not want, it does not mean that others can point fingers.

Lu Shaoqing did not regret making a move.

His original purpose was to ensure the independence of the Thousand Bandit City and not to become a pawn of one side in case it dealt with the Lingxiao faction.

Now it seems that he did it right.

“Well, the head can’t say that he won’t reward me with 80,000 spirit stones.”

For killing Du Jing and Cangling, Lu Shaoqing had no regrets.

Du Jing bullied his junior sister, Cangling’s grandfather bullied his senior brother, and if he didn’t kill when he encountered, did he let his conscience be condemned?

However, it seems that when I started it just now, it was heavier, and the ring was also cut into slag.

And Fan He, the old goods baby, too.

Ah, distressed.

Lu Shaoqing raised his head and sighed, “This bad habit has to be changed.”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly spoke, Cai Kan was startled, he would become a bird of fright.

“Senior, senior…”

exclaimed Cai Kan hesitantly.

You haven’t spoken for so long, I’m so hard.

Lu Shaoqing collected his mood, stared at Cai Kan, glanced at him a few times, and asked, “City Lord of Thousand Bandits City, Cai Mei’s father, Master Gu Junhao?”

Cai Kan nodded, not daring to hide it, “Exactly.”

“Did you bring something?”

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, “Hand it over.”

Cai Kan’s face showed embarrassment, “Senior, I didn’t bring enough.

“Not enough? How much is it? Lu Shaoqing’s face was not good.

“Only 300,000, in order to resist the Fan River, it took a lot…” It

shrank by more than half, and my heart hurt even more.

Lu Shaoqing showed a look of flesh pain, silent for a long time, just when Cai Kan was apprehensive, he suddenly shouted, “Bold bandit, who are you?” Why did you kill many Daoists in Guiyuan Pavilion? ”

On your knees.

Cai Kan knelt in front of Lu Shaoqing with his feet limp.


, you, you…” If it weren’t for his own courage being frightened, Cai Kan would have sprayed two sentences of Lu Shaoqing.

Why did it change its face?

He meowed, did you slaughter others yourself, are you trying to blame me?

I Cai Kan also has a backbone, I recognized what I did, I didn’t do it, and I didn’t recognize it when I beat it to death.

Hey, why can’t this leg be forced?

“Huh?” This guy is not on the road, Lu Shaoqing simply took out the Mojun sword, pointed at Cai Kan and asked, “What do you want to say?” Want to admit it?

“Give you another chance, do you recognize it?”

Mo Jun’s sword buzzed, and the black sword ridge emitted a gloomy and cold aura, making Cai Kan’s soul tremble.

Cai Kan felt that the black was black from hell, a darkness that people could never live over.

“Recognized, recognized…”

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