A spaceship and a flying boat streaked across the sky one after the other, flying towards the direction of Thousand Bandit City at full speed.

Cai Mei stood at the bow of the boat, constantly injecting spiritual power, driving the flying boat to accelerate.

She wished the ship would teleport and reach her father’s place immediately.

Gu Junhao’s face turned pale, and he was stared at by Lu Shaoqing, and the fear in his heart had not disappeared, and after a while, he let out a long breath and comforted, “Junior sister, don’t worry, Master will be fine.”

“The strength of the senior is amazing, with his shot, the master will not have an accident.”

Gu Junhao would no longer dare to say bad things about Lu Shaoqing.

Now is the time to say good things when you get the chance.

I wish these words reached Lu Shaoqing’s ears.

Having said that, Cai Mei has her worries.

“Senior is not a good person to talk to, I am worried that my father will offend the senior.”

Gu Junhao did not have this worry, he waved his hand and continued to say Lu Shaoqing’s good words, “Don’t worry, seniors are not unreasonable people. Cai

Mei complained in her heart, you actually think that he is a reasonable person now?

Cai Mei glanced at the spaceship in front, thought about it, and with a stroke of her right hand, a barrier rose.

Now speak without worrying about being overheard by others.

Cai Mei expressed the worry in her heart, looking worried, “Senior is not a good person to talk to.

“My father has a tough personality, is strong and unyielding, and is not afraid of power, even in the face of Fan He, he never bowed his head.”

“I’m afraid that the senior and my father will make a fight, and when the time comes, if I anger the senior, my father will be in danger.”

Gu Junhao opened his mouth, but there was nothing to say.

Cai Mei was right, his master was indeed that kind of person.

Fan He never let him bow his head.

Lu Shaoqing is not so good at talking, and he kills people without saying a word, and even Fan He was killed by him.

He just talked about it, and he was blackmailed for a million spirit stones.

If his master offended Lu Shaoqing, it would definitely be a matter of a sword.

With Cai Mei’s concern, she came to where her father was.

After coming, he saw his father standing respectfully in front of Lu Shaoqing, with a slight bow and a smile on his face.

No matter how you look at it, it smells a little dogleg.

“Father, you, are you all right?”

Cai Mei couldn’t wait to jump off the flying boat and asked her father nervously.

She knew that her father, if not unable to solve it, would never ask her daughter for help.

Cai Kan saw his daughter’s arrival, his body quietly straightened, and he looked upright, and he smiled kindly, “It’s okay, it’s okay, the little thief can’t help me.”

“Who is it?”

Cai Mei was furious, the anger between her eyebrows reunited, and the whole person’s temperament changed, “Who dares to attack my father?”

Cai Kan glanced at Lu Shaoqing, smiled again, or said with a kind smile, “Little thief, don’t care, it has been solved by me.”

Cai Mei thanked Lu Shaoqing, “Thank you seniors for rescue.”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, slightly displeased, “What’s going on?”

“Your father said that he solved the thief, and it has nothing to do with me.”

“As a daughter, how can you not trust your father?”

Cai Mei was stunned, what about you and my three-year-old child?

Or when I am blind and can’t see that crack not far away, I can’t see the traces of the battle around me?

My father didn’t have that strength.

Cai Kan secretly cursed in his heart, and hurriedly said, “Mei’er, I said it all, I solved it.”

“Don’t you even believe your father’s words?”

Cai Mei was even more puzzled, which one are you two playing?

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Cai Kan then apologized to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi is angry, the little girl is not sensible, and I hope that Gongzi is not strange.”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, jumped on the spaceship, and his voice came from the air, “Don’t be so angry with children, okay, I should go.”

“Yes, Gongzi go slowly.”

Watching Lu Shaoqing’s spaceship disappear into the sky, Cai Kan relaxed.

The invisible pressure on his body disappeared, and he let out a long breath.

Looking at the direction Lu Shaoqing left, Cai Kan said to himself, “It’s too difficult.” ”

There was an urge to cry.

Cai Mei couldn’t bear it anymore at this time, she had long seen her father’s abnormality.

“Father, what’s going on?”

“Who is going to deal with you?”

“Is it really you who killed the person who dealt with you?”

Cai Kan didn’t look back, jumped on the flying boat, and said in a hurried tone, “Go, hurry up, let’s talk on the way back.” The

flying boat soared into the air, and Cai Kanpan sat on the flying boat with a tangled expression on his face.

I don’t know whether to say it or not.

Finally, he let out a long sigh and said to his daughter and apprentice, “Do you know who that person was just now?” ”


Cai Mei and Gu Junhao pricked up their ears.

For Lu Shaoqing’s identity, the two of them were very curious.

The origin of such a young baby must be very amazing.

“His name is Lu Shaoqing.”

Cai Kan also heard Du Jing shout just now, otherwise he would not know Lu Shaoqing’s name, let alone Lu Shaoqing’s identity.

Lu Shaoqing? Cai Mei and Gu Junhao looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in each other’s eyes.

Although Lu Shaoqing has been a lot high-profile these days, and even appeared in the sect’s ceremony, he is still not famous.

Cai Kan paused, sighed again, and added Lu Shaoqing’s identity, “He is Ji Yan’s junior brother. ”

Junior Brother Ji Yan, someone from the Lingxiao faction.

Cai Mei and Gu Junhao suddenly turned out to be disciples of the Great School, no wonder they were so powerful.

Cai Mei was a little excited, “Is he the junior brother of Ji Yan Gongzi?” ”

Ji Yan is the dream lover of thousands of girls in Qizhou, and Cai Mei is also one of them.

The junior brother who can meet the idol, the junior brother is so powerful, her idol will only become more powerful.

Cai Mei’s eyes were fascinated, and there was a little less anger between her eyebrows, and she said excitedly, “If only I could see Ji Yan Gongzi.”

Gu Junhao also muttered, “It turned out to be Ji Yan’s junior brother, it’s really powerful…”

The two brothers are so young and powerful, and they still don’t let people live?

Cai Kan saw that his daughter and apprentice were calmed, shook his head secretly, and sighed quietly again.

He said to the two with some bitterness, “Don’t say anything about today’s affairs, including the identity of Lu Gongzi, we haven’t seen him.” ”

Why?” Cai Mei was puzzled, “He killed Fan He and helped us.”

“Do you know whose person Fan He is?”


“Guiyuan Pavilion!”


Cai Mei and Gu Junhao were shocked and unbelievable, “Really, really? ”

The person who ambushed me halfway was also the person from Gui Yuan Pavilion, and he was all killed by Lu Gongzi, two elders and two personal disciples.”

Hearing this, Cai Mei and Gu Junhao’s jaws almost fell on the deck.

“But, why did my father say that you killed them just now?”


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