Lu Shaoqing made a move.

Standing in the sky, he only lightly struck and shattered the flying sword that locked Xiao Yi and was full of terrifying killing intent.

“Second Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi exclaimed in surprise.

Looking at the second senior brother who was hanging in the sky like an immortal, Xiao Yi’s frightened heart was once again calm.

The second senior brother made a move, and everything was fine.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t have the usual lazy look.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, Xiao Yi felt groove in his heart.

The second senior brother was angry.

Lu Shaoqing is indeed full of killing intent now.

He didn’t expect that someone would dare to take Xiao Yi’s life under the public.

For Lu Shaoqing, you can beat Xiao Yi or beat her half to death.

But to kill her is to look for death!

This is the bottom line, and it is also the reverse scale.

As his own junior sister, he is his own sister.

You can bully yourself, others, no!

Holding the Mo Jun sword, he swung it at the flying sword.

A sword shining brightly obscures the sun in the sky.

The furious sword intent filled time, surging, like a heavenly fairy fire falling into the mortal world, burning the sky and destroying the earth.

Countless sword qi filled and stirred, like an uncontrolled brute bull, rampaging.

In front of this sword, the buildings that Fang Lin had spent a huge price to build scattered and destroyed under the agitation of the sword qi.

One by one, formations and prohibitions emerged, and in front of this sword, they were like mantis as a car, not measuring their strength, and the explosion made people frightened and fearful.

“Be bold!”

With a loud drink, a blinding light lit up from the backyard.

Xiao Yi felt as if two suns had fallen to the ground, dazzling and dazzling.


A huge explosion sounded, the ground shook, and the explosion produced a huge shock wave that quickly spread out in all directions.

One after another spiritual power storms rage, and the onlookers hurriedly retreated one after another, and those who retreated a little later were affected, vomiting blood one after another, and their faces were bloodless with fear.

The surrounding houses exploded under the huge impact, leaving countless wreckage behind.

Lu Shaoqing stood in the sky, his gaze a little more solemn.


The Yuan Baby that can appear here can only be the Yuan Baby of Gui Yuan Pavilion, Fang Lin’s master Cui Lun.

Sure enough.

Wait until the explosions stop and the smoke clears.

A middle-aged man stood with his hands in his hands, his face was thin, his eyes were like vulture eyes, fierce, and he had a goatee, which gave him a little more bookishness.

His breath was as heavy as a mountain, protecting several people behind him.

After Lu Shaoqing glanced at Cui Lun, he ignored it, and his gaze fell on an old man behind Cui Lun.

The old man’s breath was obscure, like an old jackal, hiding in a corner, staring at the outside world fiercely.

He was the one who laid the death hand on Xiao Yi.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing slashed a sword at the old man.

Seeing this, Cui Huang’s eyes flashed with anger.

I am a Yuan Baby standing here, you a young little ghost is not afraid when he sees him, and if he doesn’t say hello, he actually dares to make a move.

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When I what?

When I don’t exist?

The sword just now, Lu Shaoqing did not exert his full strength, and Cui Wei could not detect Lu Shaoqing’s true strength.

In addition, Lu Shaoqing is too young, and the old fox who is a little old can smell the smell of Lu Shaoqing’s tender bones out of the water.

According to common sense, such a young little ghost, cultivating from the mother’s womb, could not become a yuan baby at this time.

“How daring!”

Cui Wei shouted, he didn’t take out any weapons, just waved his big hand, and the majestic spiritual power rushed up to the sky, blocking Lu Shaoqing’s sword for the old man.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was even more cold.

Is this guy looking for death?

After Cui Wei blocked this sword for the old man, he shouted sharply, “Lu Shaoqing, don’t think that you are a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, you can be presumptuous here. Lu

Shaoqing Mojunjian pointed at Cui Huang, and a louder voice than him sounded, “The people of Gui Yuan Pavilion made a sneak attack on my Lingxiao Sect’s personal disciples, is this to provoke a war between the two sects?” The

sound was like a flood of thunder, rolling over Lae.

Most of the people in Lae heard it.

Cui Hong’s face changed, he did not dare to bear this responsibility.

He couldn’t help but glance at the old man next to him.

The old man agreed, he smiled slightly, and said, “Elder Cui, I’ll solve this matter.” ”

It won’t affect Guiyuan Pavilion.”

“Elder Gou, if you go out like this, it won’t be fine, right?” Beside Cui Lun, a calm breath, holding a paper fan, a personable young man asked softly.

“Senior brother said, Lu Shaoqing’s strength should be in the late stage of Jiedan, the realm of the seventh or eighth layer.”

When the old man known as Gou Lao heard this, he was more confident, and said with a smile, “I am the ninth layer realm of Jiedan, and there is no need to worry about Zha Xian and nephew.”

Cui Lun also shook his head slightly, he did not put Lu Shaoqing in his eyes, and said with a smile, “Don’t worry, Gou Chen is a veteran Jiedan cultivator, even if he can’t beat Lu Shaoqing, he can still be invincible.” The

old man nodded, “That’s right, don’t worry, I’ll let him retreat.” The

young man, Cha Liangjun, gently shook the paper fan in his hand and said with a smile, “If Elder Gou can kill him, it would be best.”

Gou Chen glanced at Cui Lun, who did not have any expression on his face, and said lightly, “No matter what, when the time comes, the elders of the outer gate of the Guiyuan Pavilion will have a place for you.”

Gou Chen smiled, “He met me and found his own death.” ”

Gou Chen is not a person from the Yuan Pavilion, this is a sign of fame for him.

Gou Chen, who received the promise, was excited in his heart, and with a leap, he came to the front and said loudly, “Lu Gongzi, my name is…”

Lu Shaoqing is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, this person, he will kill.

He was not interested in knowing the name of the dead man.

The brilliant sword light fell, and Gou Chen’s face changed.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing attack without saying a word, Cha Liangjun put away the paper fan, very disdainful, “No wonder the junior disciples who went to the Lingxiao faction all said that Lu Shaoqing was an impudent guy.

“Now, it’s really annoying.”

“He knows that he can’t beat Gou Lao, so he plans to start first?”


However, Cui Lun’s face was a little more solemn.

When he saw Gou Chen splashing with blood in the sword light, embarrassed, and then carefully feeling the terrifying aura that flashed by, Cui Lun couldn’t help but exclaim, “Yuan, Yuan baby?

Cui Hong’s words shocked everyone.

Lu Shaoqing is also a baby of the Yuan?

Cha Liangjun opened his mouth wide, without any grace, and his face was full of shock.

And Gou Chen was even more frightened, he personally experienced it, and he could feel Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying strength more clearly than anyone.

Like a sword swung by a sword fairy, he couldn’t resist it at all.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing swing his sword again, Gou Chen cried out in horror, “Elder Cui, help…”

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