Although Gou Chen is the ninth layer of Jiedan, it has been stuck in the nine-layer realm for nearly a hundred years, and he can’t lock the door and enter.

There has been no way to step into the Yuan Infant realm.

As a scattered cultivator, being able to cultivate to the ninth layer of Jiedan is already remarkable.

This time, Gou Chen was invited by Gui Yuan Pavilion to come here to help Fang Lin.

Gui Yuan Pavilion promised him that by helping Fang Lin become the head of the Fang family, he would be able to become the outer gate elder of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

Gui Yuan Pavilion will help him step into the Yuan Infant realm.

In the past hundred years, he couldn’t knock on the door of the Yuan baby, Gou Chen gave up his self-respect, lowered his head, and was ready to become a dog in the Yuan Pavilion.

Xiao Yi broke in, and under Cui Lun’s signal, he shot at Xiao Yi and laid a dead hand.

Although he knew that he might be abandoned, he wanted to gamble and take the head of the Lingxiao faction to pay for the name.

In his opinion, both Xiao Yi and Lu Shaoqing were too young.

The combined age of the two is not one-third of his age, how powerful can such a young guy be?

What he never expected was that Lu Shaoqing was actually a Yuan baby.

A baby who was so young frightened him.

The first sword had already made him almost wasted, the spiritual power in his body was exhausted, and the surface of Neidan was covered with countless cracks, which would fall apart with a slight touch.

Gou Chen did not dare to fight, he rushed towards Cui Huang, shouting for help, hoping that Cui Chen could help him.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword light filled him with despair, and what made him even more desperate was that Cui Huang’s expression was cold and desperate, and he actually floated back with his apprentice, indicating his attitude.

Gou Chen was extremely remorseful in his heart, he had lived for so long, but in the end, he was blind and mistrusted Gui Yuange.

It’s too late to say anything.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword light came, like a ghost god asking for his life, devouring him and reaping his life.


Gou Chen screamed, turning into dust under Lu Shaoqing’s sword light, and even his soul was wiped out in the sword light.

Lu Shaoqing collected his sword and stood with his hands in his hands, like a master in the world.

It seems that just now it was not killing, but shooting a mosquito to death.

Lu Shaoqing was condescending, looking at Cui Lun and the few people behind him, these were the elite disciples of the Guiyuan Pavilion.

Cui Lun was like a great enemy, and at the same time, his killing intent soared.

What he never expected was that Ji Yan broke through the Yuan baby, and Ji Yan’s junior brother Lu Shaoqing also broke through the Yuan baby.

Horror, so terrifying.

Ji Yan is more powerful than Zhang Conglong, and Lu Shaoqing is also stronger than Zhang Conglong.

Zhang Conglong is still in retreat in Guiyuan Pavilion, and he has not broken through to Yuan Baby until now.

The Lingxiao faction had a plan that had already made Guiyuan Pavilion sleepless.

Now there is another Lu Shaoqing, is it true that Gui Yuan Pavilion has to change the name to Gui Yue Pavilion according to what Xiao Yi said?

Thinking of this, Cui Hun’s killing intent was even higher.

Yuan Ying’s killing intent was undisguised, and the killing intent spread out, making the surroundings seem to be covered with a layer of frost.

Lu Shaoqing sensed Cui Lun’s killing intent, and his eyes were cold.

He was also thinking about the gains and losses of killing Cui Huang here.

Kill Cui Lun here, and then the world will know that he killed the elder of Gui Yuan Pavilion, and there is no way to get it clean.

But if you don’t kill, you always feel unhappy in your heart.

To say that the old man just now attacked Xiao Yi, without Cui Xun’s instructions, he didn’t believe it.

At this moment, the breath of the Fangtai River appeared in the distance.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, his eyes rolled and he had an idea.

Without saying a word, he slapped Cui Huang fiercely.

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The majestic spiritual power turned into a big palm that covered the sky, and it rumbled down, as if it wanted to destroy the world and kill everything.

Fang Lin and Zha Liangjun’s faces turned extremely pale, even if the two of them were in the Jiedan period, in front of this palm, they could not give birth to the slightest resistance.

In front of this palm, they only felt like an ant, unable to resist the killing from above.

Only Cui Huang did not panic, and his face showed anger.

I didn’t make a move yet, but you shot first?

Strength aside, I am also an elder.

Cui Lu shouted angrily, “Dare to strike at the elders, die!”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from the sky, “You are a fart elder, with an elder like you, I committed suicide.”

“Less to give me a relationship there, I don’t have an elder like you, I can’t afford to lose people.”


Cui Shun was said to be even angrier, sharp-toothed, and even more damned.

He also slammed out a palm, and the furious spiritual power also turned into a big palm.

This has nothing to do with moves, just a battle of realm strength between the two sides.

The two huge palms collided in mid-air, and a huge energy swept in all directions in the shape of a shock wave.

Everywhere we went, there was a huge explosion, the ground cracked, and the earth trembled.

The remaining houses around were shattered again in this shockwave. It was razed to the ground in an instant.

Everywhere the shockwave went, it was a mess, flying sand and rocks, like the end of the world.

The big palms of the two collided with a huge impact, and Cui Lun was like a reef in the stormy waves, standing still.

In Cui Lun’s line of sight, Lu Shaoqing in the sky seemed to be a little busy, dodging again and again to defuse this impact.

“Damn it!”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, took out his long sword, and roared angrily at Cui Lun, “I don’t believe you will be better than me.



Choi laughed, he thought he had seen everything clearly.

The heart is extremely calm, what about a young man, even if it is a yuan baby?

The foundation is unstable, and the spiritual power is empty.

Cui Shun was relieved.

And at this time, Fang Taihe also dragged his fat body here.

Seeing the embarrassment below like a hurricane passing through, and then looking at Lu Shaoqing and Cui Lun, I couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

One is a personal disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, and the other is an elder of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

Both were helpers hired by their children.

It’s hard to do.

The Fang family really can’t delay any longer, and if it goes on like this, maybe Lai City will be destroyed by them at that time.

Fang Taihe hurriedly stopped the two, “Two, stop, this is Laicheng, and I hope that the two noble hands will be raised, let Laicheng go, and let the Fang family go.” At

the same time, he inserted himself between the two, revealing his own powerful aura and a resolute attitude.

The two of them are absolutely not allowed to do it again.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Cui Lun and complained to Fang Taihe, “Patriarch Fang, the dog thing in Gui Yuange relies on the old and sells the old to bully the two of us.

Lu Shaoqing looked aggrieved, as if he had been bullied.

Fang Lin below was even more aggrieved, he wanted to vomit blood, who bullied whom?

You destroyed my house, are you still calling it here?

Cui Wei said coldly, “Who starts first, everyone knows very well.”

“That’s right, you did it first.” Lu Shaoqing immediately shouted loudly….

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