Cui Shun suddenly felt a tightness in his chest.

It’s abominable.

He finally understood why he was in a bad mood after going to Cang Zhengchu and Zang Shao to attend the Lingxiao Sect Ceremony.

It seems that it is not only because of Ji Yan’s terrifying talent, but also because of the bastard in front of him.

Shameless, extremely bummer.

After living for so long, it was the first time I saw such a bastard guy.

Seeing his master covering his chest, Cha Liangjun stood up unshirkably.

As soon as he put the paper fan away, he pointed at Lu Shaoqing with the paper fan, and scolded loudly, “So many people are staring here, do you think you said yes?”

“That’s right,” Lu Shaoqing raised his head and said extremely arrogantly, “I said yes, who dares to say no?”

Someone next to Fang Lin immediately said loudly, “What I can prove is that you do it first.”

Lu Shaoqing looked down, and with a flash of murderous aura, the Mo Jun sword came out of his hand, streaked like lightning, leaving a phantom in everyone’s eyes.

By the time everyone reacted, the Mo Jun Sword had returned to Lu Shaoqing again.

Fang Lin next to him had not yet reacted to what had happened.

He felt a little wet on his face, reached out and wiped it, bright red color, pungent rust smell, and blood stains.

He turned his head.


A stream of blood sprayed straight down his face like a fountain.

The cultivator who spoke just now was also a helper invited by Fang Lin, and only he couldn’t prevent Lu Shaoqing during the foundation building period.

A shallow blood line first appeared on the neck, and then the blood line became larger and larger, and then suddenly a red liquid sprayed out, directly spraying Fang Lin.

The head slowly fell from his neck to the ground and rolled twice.

A pair of eyes were wide open, and his face was full of confusion.

He didn’t know how he died.

The blood that spurted out of his neck was hot and hot, and some of it sprayed into Fang Lin’s mouth, reminding Fang Lin of the hot soup he had drunk.

Fang Lin’s stomach suddenly seemed to turn over the river, and a Jiedan cultivator in the hall was in front of everyone’s eyes.

Spit up.


Lu Shaoqing was still standing with his hands in his hands, still floating out of the dust standing in the sky, and he glanced at the people around Fang Lin.

Let these people be silent, and the atmosphere does not dare to breathe more.


Even Fang Lin noticed Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, stopped vomiting, and stood up.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was already filled with deep awe.

Lu Shaoqing slowly spoke, “Let me ask again, does anyone dare to say no?” ”

Silence, no one spoke.

Everyone was stunned in their hearts, and just by saying a word, they were killed by Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

Who dares to talk nonsense now?

He didn’t even dare to gasp loudly, lest he be Lu Shaoqing’s next target.

Seeing that no one spoke, Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, and his gaze fell on Cha Liangjun, “Little white face, do you still have something to say?” Cha

Liangjun felt a chill in his heart, and being stared at by Lu Shaoqing made him feel as if he was being targeted by a fierce beast and would be devoured at any time.

Zha Liangjun wanted to say something, but being stared at by Lu Shaoqing like this, his mind was blank, and his body’s instincts could make him fearful, and he couldn’t say anything.


A cold snort made Zha Liangjun come back to his senses, it was Master Cui Lun who helped him dissolve the pressure that Lu Shaoqing gave him.

Cui Wei stared at Lu Shaoqing coldly, Lu Shaoqing did not show weakness, and looked directly at him, and the eyes of the two collided in mid-air like sharp swords, bursting out of Mars.

However, the sight of the two was quickly cut off, and Fang Taihe appeared in the sight of the two again.

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“Two of you, can you give me a face? This is the end of the matter? ”

Fang Taihe is both headache and depressed, and the identities of both sides are extraordinary, but the strength is extremely strong.

Cui Lu took a deep look at Lu Shaoqing again, put away the killing intent in his heart, his eyes flashed with cruelty, and Fang Taihe smiled, “Since it is the meaning of the Fang family master, I will naturally obey.”

“It’s up to him to give you face.”

Fang Taihe’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing returned to his rogue appearance again and said, “Give, why don’t you give?” ”

What the Fang family master says is what it is, this is the Fang family’s place, I am not as domineering as Gui Yuan Pavilion.”

Fang Tianhe complained in his heart, do you still know that I am the master?

Discerning people know that you are here to make trouble first.

If I were stronger, I would have to clean you up.

Now this situation, Fang Taihe didn’t want to pay attention to it, as long as it ended here, he didn’t bother to ask.


Fang Taihe’s gaze fell on Cui Lun and the other disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

This time, Guiyuan Pavilion is the force with the most people coming.

There are also more than ten people from the Yuan Infant Crushing Array, Jiedan and Zhuji, what do you want to do?

Planning to seize power by force?

It’s good to learn a little lesson.

Fang Taihe’s thoughts could not be concealed from those present.

He seems to be partial to the two, but in fact, he is helping Lu Shaoqing.

Cui Shun was very upset, “Hmph, let’s go!”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Cui Lun and scolded, “Goatee, you wait for me, it was my accidental mistake just now, and then I will let you know how good I am.” Remembering

what happened just now, Cui Lun’s mood improved a little.

There was also a little more sneer on his thin face, and he glanced back at Lu Shaoqing, “I’ll wait.” After

speaking, disappear here first.

And Cha Liangjun was still holding a folding fan and pointed at Lu Shaoqing remotely, “I also wrote down today’s events.” ”

He is a personal disciple of Guiyuan Pavilion, and he has never been treated like this, just staring at it makes his mind blank and unable to speak.

It’s a shame.

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, but said to Cha Liangjun, “You forgot one thing. Zha

Liangjun was stunned for a moment, what happened?

Then, he saw Lu Shaoqing disappear in the sky, and with a flower in front of him, Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of him with a smile.

“Your master is gone, and you still dare to be arrogant in front of me.”

Lu Shaoqing had a smile on his face, and his voice was extremely cold, which made Cha Liangjun chill again.

Only then did Zha Liangjun react.

He wanted to pull back sharply, but was slapped in the face by Lu Shaoqing.

The snap, crisp, shocked everyone.

Cha Liangjun was pumped away, and the folding fan in his hand also fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “I have long been very upset to see this little white face.” Then

fold it vigorously, fold this folding fan that is at least more than two products into two, and throw it aside.

Cha Liangjun stood up with half of his swollen face, and when he saw that he pretended to be destroyed, he roared angrily, “You damn it!” ”

The spiritual power in the body exploded, and he wanted to strike.

Lu Shaoqing threatened, “You dare to try? I’ll shoot you to death. Cui

Lun reappeared, stared at Lu Shaoqing fiercely, and then disappeared here with Cha Liangjun.

“Goatee, count you running fast, or I’ll beat you to death.”

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and turned to scare Fang Lin, “Don’t think about being the head of the family, you dare to be the head of the family, I will be the first to slaughter you…”

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