Cui Zhun appeared on a mountain peak with Cha Liangjun, condescending, and could clearly see the large and small buildings in Laecheng, taking in the whole view of Laecheng.

Of course, it also includes Fang Lin’s residence, which was destroyed by the battle.

Looking at it here, the houses and buildings that Fang Lin had built at great cost were reduced to ruins during the battle, which was shocking.

Cui Huang and Cha Liangjun were even able to see Lu Shaoqing scaring Fang Lin.

After scaring Fang Lin, he swaggered away.

Arrogant, arrogant.

Cha Liangjun was trembling with anger, his hands were clenched, and his face was full of hatred.

Lu Shaoqing was the first person to do this to him.

The killing intent in his heart was sky-high, and he only hated that his strength was not enough, and he was not enough to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

“Damn it, damn it!”

Cha Liangjun’s teeth were almost crushed and crunching.

This encounter is a great shame, the first time he has encountered such a shame since he was born.

“Master, he humiliated me so much, even if it is a flesh-eating skin, he can’t solve the hatred in my heart.”

Cha Liangjun’s face was distorted, and he was full of hatred, “I will pull out his soul and light the sky lantern and burn it for a hundred years, a thousand years.” Cui

Hun was no better, and his heart was also full of killing intent.

I really want to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

Not only because of what Lu Shaoqing did, but also because of Lu Shaoqing’s talent.

With such strength at a young age, he will definitely not stop at becoming a god in the future, and he will be able to go further and higher.

What made Cui Shun feel even more uneasy.

Lu Shaoqing’s hostility towards Guiyuan Pavilion.

Even if it was Ji Yan, who had fought Zhang Conglong so many times, he did not have that chilling hostility.

Lu Shaoqing was hostile to Guiyuan Pavilion, although it was hidden and did not show it, but Cui Lun could feel it.

Cui Huang believed that once Lu Shaoqing had the opportunity, he would definitely kill His Excellency Guiyuan.

Young, talented, and strongly hostile to Guiyuan Pavilion, such a person must be stifled.

Otherwise, once it grows up completely, there will be no place for Gui Yuan Pavilion to die.

Looking at the direction where Lu Shaoqing disappeared, Cui Xun’s eyes were fierce, and he said his determination lightly, “This son, I will kill him.” ”

Take advantage of Lu Shaoqing’s not yet completely grown up, strangle the danger in the cradle.

When Cha Liangjun heard this, his spirit was shocked, and he felt that his face did not hurt anymore.

“Master, how do you say this?”

Cha Liangjun contained expectations, he wanted Lu Shaoqing to die too much.

However, it is not so easy to kill Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s strength is a yuan baby, and he is not so easy to kill.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing’s identity is also a little fearful.

If you kill him, you will offend the Lingxiao faction.

The Lingxiao faction retaliated, and few people could bear it.

Even Gui Yuan Pavilion did not dare to easily kill a personal disciple of the Lingxiao Sect in public.

Just like he wanted to kill Xiao Yi just now, he also instigated the scattered cultivators to do it.

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Cui Huang carried his hands on his back, facing the mountain breeze, showing a light breeze, from the side, but a little high-temperament, he slowly said, “It’s very simple, he will leave Lai sooner or later.”

“When he leaves, in a no-man’s land, just kill him.”

This approach is the safest, even if the Lingxiao faction suspects it, it is useless without evidence.

Cha Liangjun was overjoyed when he heard this, but he was worried, “Master, he is a Yuan baby, it is not so easy to kill, how about sending a letter back to the sect and letting the sect send another elder?” ”

Cha Liangjun, this is a perfect strategy, if there is another Yuan baby, Lu Shaoqing can’t escape.

Cui Wei did not agree with the apprentice’s method, and his tone was slightly dissatisfied.

“A hairy boy, why should you alarm the other elders?”

“I’m alone enough to deal with him.”

Yuan Ying has his own pride, ask someone to help join forces to deal with a hairy boy, does this face still want?

Master is so confident, as an apprentice, he should be very happy.

But Cha Liangjun felt that this was unreliable.

There was a fierceness on his handsome face, “Master, the apprentice thinks it is better to let the sect send another elder to suppress the formation, just in case.” ”

Cha Liangjun doesn’t want Lu Shaoqing to be able to escape, since he made a move, he will be completely destroyed, and his soul will be brought to light the sky lantern.

Although Cui Huang was a little unhappy in his heart, he finally adopted the meaning of the apprentice.

“According to what you said…”

Lu Shaoqing walked slowly on the streets of Laicheng, and the people around him were still talking about what had just happened.

They all speculated about what had just happened.

Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing and scolded Xiaohong viciously with his eyes.

The villain Xiaohong, who doesn’t talk about righteousness at all, helps the second senior brother pit me, it’s too hateful.

Xiaohong stood on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, blinked her eyes innocently, and spread her hands, saying that I can’t help it, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and dead Taoists are not dead and poor.

After following Lu Shaoqing for a long time, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but speak, and asked cautiously, “Second Senior Brother, where are we going now?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t turn his head back, and continued to walk forward, “Walk, walk, exercise.”

“You’re right, I can’t be lazy like a waste.”

Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb and his neck shrunk.

Xiao Yi wanted to cry without tears, he was too unlucky.

Isn’t it just two sentences to complain about the trend, but let the second senior brother hear it, it’s too miserable.

Is there anyone in the world who is less fortunate than me?

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing stopped talking again, Xiao Yi stiffened his head and said cautiously again, “Second Senior Brother, I, I was wrong.” ”

Wrong,” Lu Shaoqing glanced back at Xiao Yi, and when he turned around, his voice still didn’t change, “That’s right, you’re not wrong at all.”

“You’re right, I’m just a lazy person, a trash.”

It’s over, the second senior brother is really angry, and he is very angry.

Xiao Yi was already prepared in her heart, her eyes closed, and her tone was tragic, “Second Senior Brother, you say, how to punish me, I confess.” ”

Anyway, I have to come sooner or later, it’s better to do it simply, maybe it can make the second senior brother happy in his heart.”

Lu Shaoqing stopped, turned around, and stared at Xiao Yi, his calm gaze made Xiao Yi’s whole body chill, and he wanted to turn around and run.

After a while, Lu Shaoqing asked, “Really?” ”


Xiao Yi nodded seriously and let it out, “Even if the second senior brother wants me to kill, I will go.”

“Well, since you asked for it yourself, I can only grudgingly satisfy you…”

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