“What kind of gaze is this?” Ji Yan snorted softly, allowing Xiao Yi to come back to his senses.

Quietly wiped his saliva, feeling proud.

You can’t hide anything from me anymore.

Lu Shaoqing could guess what Xiao Yi’s head was thinking without asking.

He said to Ji Yan, “Your junior sister’s brain pulp is now yellow, do you want to open it for you to see?” ”

It’s still the second senior brother who understands me.

Xiao Yi hurriedly denied it, “Second Senior Brother, don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t have it.” ”

Nothing?” Lu Shaoqing dug his ears and smiled contemptuously, “Believe it or not, I’ll cut open your head now and see what your pig brain is thinking?” ”

Help, Senior Brother.

Xiao Yi looked at Ji Yan, pitiful.

Ji Yan didn’t care about this pitiful look, and he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Give her a sword intent, and start honing her sword intent from today.” ”

Well, it doesn’t sound like there’s anything wrong with that.

Xiao Yi muttered in his heart.

If she just continued to comprehend the sword intent and cultivate, it would not be a punishment.

“By what? You think you can order me if you are a senior brother? Lu Shaoqing was unwilling, straightened his chest, and the spirit of justice moved the heavens and earth, “I care for my junior sister the most, I can’t do such a heart-wrenching thing.”

Xiao Yi didn’t believe it, and the words of the second senior brother could not be believed.

One set on the surface, another set behind it.

Remembered Lu Shaoqing’s usual behavior.

Xiao Yi felt that it was better to let the master brother do it himself.

Let the second senior brother come, she doesn’t even know how to die.

Xiao Yi timidly raised his little hand, like an honest elementary school student, “Senior brother, why don’t you come?”


Lu Shaoqing laughed, bent over and laughed, and patted his thighs vigorously.

“Look, how good this realization is.”

Ji Yan also showed a hint of a smile.

Xiao Yi also smiled, right, I have a good understanding, so that the two senior brothers are satisfied?

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, “I’ll come?” ”

Nonsense, junior sister has spoken, if you don’t give strength, you will only live up to the feelings of junior sister.”


Xiao Yi despised Lu Shaoqing in his heart, Second Senior Brother, you say that my brain is yellow all day, I see Second Senior Brother, your brain is yellow.

Ji Yan no longer talked nonsense, put two fingers together, and pointed at Xiao Yi.

A sharp and pure sword intent submerged into Xiao Yi’s body.

Xiao Yi’s body froze, and his smile froze.

She felt this terrifying sword intent turn into a ball of light and enter her body, hiding in the deepest part of her body.

The ball of light was like the sun emitting light, erupting with terrifying sword intent all the time.

The sword intent is like a pack of evil wolves, trying to shred her flesh and blood, crush her bones, and devour her soul.


This is Xiao Yi’s only feeling now.

This pain is indescribable, the pain that penetrates the bone marrow, the pain that penetrates deep into the soul.

She had to use her strength to resist, to stop.

Xiao Yi believed that if she didn’t stop her, she would be killed by this sword intent.

Using sword intent against sword intent is the best way.

However, this was the first time Xiao Yi had directly faced the sword intent of the sword intent.

Xiao Yi invoked his sword intent to intercept, and as soon as they met, they collapsed.

Moreover, it seemed that this angered Ji Yan’s sword intent, and Ji Yan’s sword intent immediately exploded.

Xiao Yi’s tears flowed out of his eyes.

“Does it hurt?” What’s more, Lu Shaoqing also came to Xiao Yi and asked with a smile

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, Xiao Yi is now in pain that she can’t speak, and she still has to focus half of her attention on fighting against that sword intent.

There is the sword intent of the senior brother inside, and the intention of the second senior brother outside, and the inside should be combined, and the flesh and spirit are doubled.

Xiao Yi’s tears flowed and almost became a river.

I already knew that the comprehension sword intent was comprehended like this, it was better to let the second senior brother come.

At least the sword intent of the second senior brother was not as terrifying as that of the senior brother.

Woo, it turns out that the second senior brother is telling the truth this time.

Why should I commit slut? Let the master brother do it?

Lu Shaoqing was very considerate to help Xiao Yi wipe away her tears, and sighed, “It hurts, right?” Stop crying.

Xiao Yi was moved in his heart.

But after sighing, Lu Shaoqing showed a mean smile again, “More pain is still behind, don’t rush to cry tears, leave some for the back.”


tears burst into tears.

Compared to the sword intent of the senior brother, the second senior brother’s mean intention is the most terrifying.

“It’s right to cry,” Lu Shaoqing pointed to Ji Yan, “Remember him and seek revenge on him in the future.” Cai

Mei, who was autistic, saw this scene and closed herself again.

It’s terrible.

It seems that he broke his fortune before.

Ji Yan said to Xiao Yi, “One month, dissolve the sword intent in the body, otherwise it will explode.”

Xiao Yi’s face turned pale.

A sword intent explodes in the body, what are the consequences?

There are still a whole corpse left in a thousand holes, and the most afraid is that there are no bones left, and there is no slag left.

“Cultivate well.”

Ji Yan glanced at Cai Mei again and said to Lu Shaoqing, “The people you brought, you arrange by yourself.”

Lu Shaoqing turned around and left, without turning his head, and the voice came from afar, “You let me come, do you believe I arranged to live next door to you?” ”

Cai Mei’s face is red, and her heart is full of resentment, you yourself said that I would live with Ji Yan Gongzi.

Bring me here now and leave it alone?

Cai Mei’s eyebrows showed anger again, and she couldn’t wait to backstab Lu Shaoqing.

Words don’t count.

Ji Yan also turned around and left, and the voice entered Xiao Yi’s ears.

“You settle in well.”

Xiao Yi looked at the two senior brothers who were throwing away their hands, and tears flowed continuously.

Xiao Yi also wanted to say that there was still a sword intent in his body, and he had difficulty moving.

It’s a pity that it’s hard for her to even shout now, and the two senior brothers have disappeared.

No way, Xiao Yi could only reluctantly beckon to Cai Mei, ready to take Cai Mei to find a place to live.

Since the second senior brother said that he wanted her to live in the Heavenly Royal Peak, then just find a place.

Cai Mei saw Xiao Yi moving slowly and wanted to help her.

As soon as her hand touched Xiao Yi, she exclaimed and hurriedly withdrew her hand.

She looked down at her hand, which showed tiny scars and blood.

“Don’t, don’t…”

Xiao Yi said with difficulty, signaling Cai Mei not to touch herself.

The sword intent of the senior brother is in the body, and it will only explode more powerful when encountering an external force.

Watching Xiao Yi walk slowly, Cai Mei understood a little in her heart why Xiao Yi was so powerful.

It turned out that Ji Yan Gongzi urged his junior sister to cultivate so harshly.

It’s really worthy of my idol.

Cai Mei, who thought so, suddenly dissipated her resentment that she wanted to be a hostage here.

However, Cai Mei looked at Xiao Hong on Xiao Yi’s head, Xiaohong had been lying on her stomach and hadn’t moved, she wanted to ask, why is it okay?

But think about it, this is a monster nest, maybe this bird is also a monster, or ask less, so as not to hit yourself ….

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